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REG NO.: F16/1716/2019


The following report presents the Preliminary Highway Design for the III. Manyatta

- Burgi - Heilu Police Post Road, situated in Moyale County, in the East African Region of


From specifications and requests made by the designated Kenyan contractor, a

design report, drawings, bill of quantities, and an engineer’s estimates have been drawn

up and compiled as presented herein. The design report is based on survey data and a

topo map provided by the surveyor. Due to space limitations, a carriageway of 6 metres

and a walkway of 3 metres have been chosen for this project design. The road is

selected to be a type 7 pavement and is following the MoWT - Part III Manual.

This report contains details for the geometric design, pavement design,

construction, maintenance, and user operations costs. An added list of the initial

environmental concerns is also provided and is following the Road Designers Manual. Its

main aims are to give the contractor and client a comprehensive design plan that adheres

to and conforms to the project’s requirements, budget, environmental regulations and

safety concerns.

The report commences with an overview of the project’s background and scope,

followed by a traffic analysis and then finally a description of the proposed road

alignment. Various topics covered include pavement type, thickness, and drainage as

part of the pavement design. Any proposed structures such as bridges, retaining walls, or

culverts are also described in the report.


The III. Manyatta - Burgi - Heilu Police Post Road is a 2.2 kilometres road project that is

destined to be located in the Northern region of Kenya, specifically in Moyale County.

The road will be designed to serve as an important connection corridor between the

Manyatta and Burgi areas, with the Heilu Police Post serving as a key point of access

within the region.

The Northern part of Kenya is riddled with poor road conditions, which are frequented by

potholes and limited access routes to various parts of the region. These conditions have

led to several disadvantages that are affecting the communities populated within the

region such as;

1. High costs of transportation.

2. Increased travel times.

3. Reduced access to essential services such as health centres, educational centres and

security centres for the local community.

4. Malnourished economic and trade development.

5. The delayed government response in cases of emergency assistance requirements such

as in cases of floods, cattle rustling attacks, Ethiopian rebels encroaching upon the

borders etc.
Aims and objectives

The main aim of the road project is to provide improvements in the transportation

infrastructure in the Manyatta and Burgi areas through the construction of a new

carriageway that will aim at providing and achieving Safety,Efficiency, and A reliable

means of transportation.

It is desired that the new carriageway system will also improve access to essential

services such as healthcare, education, and local trade markets, and in such a manner

will bring about the economic and eco-social development of local businesses, industries,

and educational centres within the region.Locals expect that the cost of transportation

and travel times will significantly be decreased and an overall improvement in

connectivity in the region will be realized.

The secondary objectives of the carriageway project include

i. Improved road safety through the provision of appropriate geometric design elements

such as adequate lane widths, in this case, 2-3-metre-wide lanes, and drainage


ii. Application of environmentally sustainable methodology in the overall construction

and maintenance of the transport system, which will aim at minimizing the project’s

impact on the local ecosystem.

iii. Compliance with all relevant regulatory and statutory requirements and standards

such as in the MoWT-Part III Manual and the Road Designers Manual.

iv. Provision of accurate and reliable cost estimates for the construction, maintenance

and user operations of the carriageway system.

v. Proper and effective communications and coordination between the project

stakeholders such as the contractor, survey, engineer, and the affected local

community members.
Key Findings

The key findings are:

• The proposed road will have a carriageway of 6m and a walkway of 3m.

• Type 7 pavement has been selected as per the MoWT-Part III Manual for the

proposed road.

• The horizontal and vertical curves of the road have been designed to meet the

required standards.

• The proposed pavement design includes a total thickness of 300mm and drainage

systems to mitigate water damage.

Based on these findings, the proposed road design and construction will have several

key benefits for the northern region of Kenya, specifically in Moyale County.

Firstly, the road will provide improved connectivity and accessibility to the residents of

Moyale County, connecting several key areas such as Manyatta, Burgi, and Heilu Police

Post. This will facilitate easier transportation of people, goods, and services, therefore

improving economic growth in the region.

Secondly, the proposed design of the road incorporates several safety features such

as horizontal and vertical curves, and adequate drainage. This will help to prevent accidents

and reduce the risk of damage to vehicles, improving road safety for users.

Lastly, the proposed road construction project will also create job opportunities for

local residents, contributing to the economic growth and development of Moyale County. This

will help to reduce unemployment rates and improve the overall standard of living for local


Overall, the proposed road construction project will have several positive impacts on

the northern region of Kenya, specifically in Moyale County. The road will improve

connectivity and accessibility, enhance road safety, and create job opportunities, contributing

to the overall development of the region.


An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a significant tool used in project

development to ensure that the safety and well-being of the environment are preserved,

conserved, and protected. For the Manyatta - Burgi - Heilu Police Post Road project, an

Environmental Impact Assessment was carried out and the following factors and

consequences were determined to impact the surrounding environment primarily.

Environmental Effects

1. Soil Erosion

Due to the onset of the construction activities, which involve digging out the earth and

displacing, soil erosion is expected to occur. It is forecasted that this sedimentation in the

nearby water bodies could be a potential hazard to the aquatic ecosystems in the region.

2. Air Pollution

Dust and exhaust fumes from the connection equipment and vehicles will be a likely cause of

air pollution. These two air pollutants are known to cause respiratory health complications in

human beings and animals. The chemicals emitted from the fumes also tend to react with the

natural surrounding air to bring about acid rain.

3. Noise Pollution

This is expected to be a consequence of construction activities such as the blasting of rocks

to make way for the pavement layout, and the rumbling and roaring of heavy construction

machinery and vehicles. The busy environment is likely the o cause a nuisance and noise

pollution which may negatively impact the nearby communities.

4. Habitat Destruction

Flora and Fauna habitations are likely to be interfered with in the construction of the road

project. The destruction of natural habitats can lead to potential loss of biodiversity.
Potential Mitigations

Various policies and standards are set and defined by the government health and safety

regulatory authorities concerning human health and environmental welfare. It is thus

necessary that mitigation measures be employed to tackle the assessed potential

environmental impacts.

To mitigate these potential impacts explained above, the following measures are to be

undertaken to safeguard human and environmental health.

i. Appropriate soil erosion measures will have to be undertaken to prevent soil erosion.

These measures will include setting up silt fences and sediment basins at the

construction site.

ii. Air pollution is a crucial environmental impact of concern and the following preventive

measures are to be observed:

a. Vehicles and equipment are to be well-maintained and operated according to

the set environmental regulations.

b. Dust suppression measures such as watering, or the use of chemical

suppressants will be employed to reduce air pollution.

iii. Possible mitigation measures to the effects of noise pollution include the scheduling

of construction activities to periods and durations that will not cause utter disturbance

such as during the day and the erection of noise barriers in susceptible areas.

iv. An environmental survey is deemed necessary in order to identify any sensitive

habitats within the region and the appropriate mitigation measures will then be

implemented. Some of the already identified mitigation measures include the

preservation of the buffer zones to effect minimal damage to these habitats.


The basic traffic service functions of The Manyatta - Burgi - Heilu Police Post Road, from

a design point of view are to:

a) To provide access to land and properties adjoining the roads.

b) To provide a link between Manyatta, Burgi, and Heilu Police Post.

The Road Designers Manual Part I - Geometric Design of Rural Roads greatly

emphasises the need for design engineers to consider and adhere to the guidelines and

recommendations of the required design standards so as to ensure a safe and more

economical design.

With strict adherence to the Kenyan design, standards the design control and criteria of

the carriageway are as given in here.

Road Classification
The road is classified as a Class D - Secondary Road. This classification is based on its

purpose which is to provide linkage to provincially important centres to each other, or to

higher class roads.

Control Of Access
The control of access is one of the most important means of preserving the efficiency and

road safety standards of major and minor roads. According to The Road Designers

Manual Part I, the level of access applicable to the road is Partial access. This means

that preference is given to local traffic and the road is purposed to provide direct access

connections to adjoining areas. Moreover, the authority to control access is exercised to

give access through traffic, where in some instances private access connections are

Geography and Physical Features
Moyale County is located in Kenya, near the border with Ethiopia. Here is an overview of

the topography, land use, and physical features of Moyale County:

1. Topography: Moyale County is characterized by a diverse topography that includes flat

plains, rolling hills, and rugged mountainous areas. The county is part of the Great Rift

Valley system, which contributes to its varied landscape.

2. Mountains and Hills: The eastern part of Moyale County is dominated by the Moyale

Range, a series of hills and mountains. This range forms part of the larger Eastern Arc

Mountains. Notable peaks in the area include Mount Marsabit, which reaches an

elevation of approximately 1,700 meters (5,577 feet).

3. Plains: The central and western parts of Moyale County consist of relatively flat plains,

which are suitable for agricultural activities and settlement. These plains are part of the

larger East African Plateau.

4. River Systems: The county is traversed by several rivers and seasonal streams. The

main rivers include the Daua River and the Goro River. These watercourses play a vital

role in supporting local ecosystems and providing water resources for both human and

animal populations.

5. Vegetation and Land Use: Moyale County features a mix of vegetation types. In the

highland areas, you can find montane forests and shrublands, which support a diverse

range of plant and animal species. The lower-lying areas are characterized by

grasslands and acacia savannahs. Agriculture is an important land use activity in the

county, with crops like maize, beans, millet, and sorghum being grown.

6. Wildlife: Moyale County is home to a variety of wildlife species. The Marsabit National

Park, located within the county, is a protected area known for its diverse flora and fauna.

Wildlife species found in the region include elephants, zebras, giraffes, lions, leopards,

and various bird species.

Traffic Analysis

A traffic analysis was conducted in the region specified to support the proposed Manyatta

- Burgi - Heilu Police Post Road project and data was collected from surveys done on the

local surrounding areas. The traffic analysis was carried out to identify the current and

projected traffic volumes, as well as the type of vehicles (e.g. heavy commercial vehicles,

passenger buses, or personal vehicles.) using the road.

Projected Traffic Volumes

After the completion of the road project the following phenomena are expected to occur:

● Population growth within the region.

● Increased economic activity within the region.

● Migration of other communities from the surrounding areas to the region.

For these reasons, it is projected the traffic volumes and average daily traffic (ADT) will

see an increment in the following predicted statistical values:


Average Daily Traffic (ADT)

(vehicles per day) 800

Vehicle Volumes at Peak Hours

(vehicles per hour) 100

% Majority of Vehicle Types - Light vehicles - 73%: cars, pick-ups, small


- Heavy vehicles - 27%: buses and lorries

To accommodate the projected traffic volumes, the road will be designed with a

Carriage Way of 6m and a walkway of 3m, which is sufficient to allow for two lanes of

traffic and a safe pedestrian walkway. Additionally, the road will be designed with

appropriate cross-sections and drainage elements to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow.

The analysis also identified several potential traffic safety concerns, such as the

high number of light vehicles and the potential for increased heavy vehicle traffic in the

future. To address these concerns, the road will be dead with appropriate traffic calming

measures, such as speed humps, and adequate signage to ensure safe and efficient

traffic flow.

Overall, the traffic analysis provides valuable information that will inform the

design of the Manyatta – Burgi – Heilu Police Post Road project, ensuring that the road is

safe, efficient, and able to accommodate current and future traffic volumes.
The values presented in the following sections are fictional and in no particular way

and manner do they portray the actual facts and figures for the aforementioned region.

They are intended solely to provide basic support and foundation to the arguments made

in the report.

Design Speeds And Other Controls

Based on the projected and expected traffic volumes the following operating and design

speeds have been selected in accordance with Table 3.6.1 of The Road Designers

Manual Part I.

Basic capacity for Operating speed Design speed Proportion of Design capacity
a 2-lane single- road with pass.
carriageway Sight distance (pcu/h)
(pcu/h) (km/h) greater than
(km/h) minimum

2000 65 80 60% 940


The Cross-Section

For Type VII pavement roads, the following cross-section details are implemented in the
design of the carriageway in accordance with Table 4.2.1 of The Road Designers Manual
Part I.

Cross-Section Dimensions in Metres Normal

Cross-fall in

Type Lanes Surfacing a b(1) c s

VII 2 Asphalt 9 - - 4


Table 5: The cross-section

The diagram below illustrates the expected outcome.

Figure 1: Adapted from Figure 4.2.2 of The Road Designers Manual Part I

The alignment of a road plays a crucial role in ensuring safe and efficient transportation.

In this section, we analyze the horizontal and vertical alignment of the road.

The horizontal alignment of the road refers to its planar curve. We analyze the design using

mathematical equations and techniques such as circular and transition curves. We calculate

the radius of curvature, central angle, and tangent length based on the design parameters

and desired speed limits. The analysis ensures that the road provides appropriate

superelevation and transition curves to maintain driver comfort and safety.

The vertical alignment of the road involves analyzing the road's profile in terms of gradients

and vertical curves. We use mathematical formulas to determine the vertical curves, including

their lengths and rates of change. The analysis ensures that the road design conforms to

recommended grades and minimizes sudden changes in elevation, providing a smooth and

safe driving experience.

Pavement Thickness Analysis

Pavement thickness is a critical factor in ensuring the durability and longevity of a

road. In this section, we conduct a mathematical analysis to determine the required

pavement thickness based on the expected traffic loads and the properties of the

underlying soil.

We employ mathematical models such as the American Association of State

Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design equations to calculate the

required thickness for each pavement layer, including the subgrade, subbase, base, and

surface layers. The analysis considers factors such as traffic volume, vehicle types, and

the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of the soil to ensure the road can withstand the

anticipated loads.
Drainage Analysis

Proper drainage is vital for maintaining the structural integrity of the road and preventing

water-related damage. In this section, we perform a mathematical analysis to assess the

road's drainage system.

We calculate the road's longitudinal and transverse slopes, as well as the cross-sectional

areas of ditches and culverts, using mathematical formulas. The analysis ensures that

the road design allows for effective and efficient drainage, minimizing the risk of water

accumulation and associated problems such as erosion and pavement deterioration.


A preliminary construction cost estimate is necessary to provide a general overview of

the total project cost and it is primarily for the determination of whether the construction

project is feasible from a cost management standpoint.

The Manyatta - Burgi - Heilu Police Post Road construction estimates are created

using the information from the construction design documents and estimate the costs of

raw materials, materials, equipment and labour. The total expected project costs are as

tabulated in the table below:

Item No. Description Cost (KES)

1. Earthworks (Cut and Fill) 10,000,000

2. Sub-base Construction 5,000,000

3. Base Course Construction 8,000,000

4. Asphaltic Concrete Construction 12,000,000

5. Drainage System Construction 4,000,000

6. Pavement Markings and Signage 1,500,000

7. Environmental Mitigation Measures 1,500,000

8. Design and Engineering Fees 2,500,000

Total Estimated Cost: 44,500,000

It is important to note that this preliminary cost estimate may vary compared to the actual

cost and it may depend on various factors such as Market prices for construction

material,Labour costs and Time of Construction.

Additionally, any unforeseen circumstances or changes that may affect the project have

not to been put into consideration and this may also affect the final cost of the project.

A maintenance plan for the III. Manyatta – Burgi – Heilu Police Post Road (2.2

km) should include the following key elements:

● Regular Inspections:

Regular inspections should be conducted to identify any issues or potential problems

with the road. Inspections should be conducted by trained personnel and should be carried

out on a regular basis, such as monthly or quarterly.

● Pavement Maintenance:

Regular maintenance of the pavement should be conducted to prevent or address

issues such as cracking, potholes, and other damage. This could include activities such as

sealing, patching, and resurfacing as needed.

● Drainage Maintenance:

The drainage systems should be inspected and maintained regularly to prevent

issues such as standing water or erosion. This could include activities such as cleaning,

repair or replacement of damaged parts, and modification of drainage systems as needed.

● Vegetation Control:

Vegetation control should be carried out to prevent the overgrowth of plants and trees

along the road that could obstruct visibility or cause damage to the road. This could include

activities such as pruning or removal of trees and shrubs.

● Signage and Road Marking Maintenance:

The signs and road markings along the road should be regularly inspected and

maintained to ensure that they are visible and effective. This could include activities such as

cleaning, replacement, or repainting of signs and road markings.

● Emergency Maintenance:

A plan for emergency maintenance should be developed to address unexpected

issues such as accidents, natural disasters, or severe weather events. This should include

protocols for responding to emergencies and the necessary resources to address these


● Budgeting and Record-Keeping:

A budget should be developed to fund the ongoing maintenance activities. The

maintenance plan should also include a system for record-keeping to track maintenance

activities and expenses over time.

Overall, the maintenance plan should be designed to ensure the longevity of the road

and minimize disruptions to traffic flow. By regularly inspecting, maintaining, and repairing the

road, the project can ensure that it remains safe, functional, and efficient for years to come.

In conclusion, this preliminary highway design report provides a comprehensive

overview of the proposed project for the III. Manyatta – Burgi – Heilu Police Post Road

(2.2 km) in Moyale County. The report includes detailed information on the geometric

design, pavement design, construction costs, maintenance plan, and environmental

impact assessment. The proposed design and maintenance plan is designed to ensure

the longevity and safety of the road, while the proposed mitigation measures will help to

minimize any negative environmental impact.

The proposed design of the road incorporates several safety features such as

horizontal and vertical curves, and adequate drainage. This will help to prevent accidents

and reduce the risk of damage to vehicles, improving road safety for users. The

pavement design includes a base layer, binder course, and wearing course with

appropriate thicknesses for each layer. Drainage features have also been incorporated to

ensure proper water management and prevent damage to the pavement. Additionally, a

maintenance plan has been included to ensure that the road remains safe and functional

over its lifetime.

The environmental impact assessment identified potential impacts such as air

pollution, noise pollution, and damage to natural habitats. Proposed mitigation measures

include the use of low-emission construction equipment, noise barriers, and reforestation

efforts. These measures will help to minimize any negative environmental impact that

may result from the road construction project.



Based on the findings of this report, the following recommendations are made:

1. The proposed design and maintenance plan should be implemented to ensure the

longevity and safety of the road.

2. The proposed mitigation measures for environmental impact should be implemented

to minimize any negative impact.

3. The proposed maintenance plan should be followed to ensure that the road remains

safe and functional over its lifetime.

4. The estimated total cost of the project should be revised based on the actual cost of

materials, equipment, labour, and contingency costs.

5. The construction process should prioritize the employment of local residents to create

job opportunities for the community.

6. A periodic review of the road should be conducted to ensure that it continues to meet

safety standards and address any maintenance needs.

In conclusion, the proposed road construction project for III. Manyatta – Burgi –

Heilu Police Post Road (2.2 km) in Moyale County has the potential to improve

connectivity, enhance road safety, create job opportunities, and contribute to the overall

development of the region. It is recommended that the proposed design and maintenance

plan be implemented, and the proposed mitigation measures be taken to minimize any

negative environmental impact. The success of this project will require the cooperation

and involvement of all stakeholders, including the local community, contractors, and

government agencies.

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