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Explore 1 : Private home, public place

DOCUMENT 1 – Inside the White House


Watch, listen and find:

- the name of the person speaking and her ‘job’ : The speaker is Mrs. Obama and she is the First Lady of


more than 200 years

- the age of the White House: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

- its other name: “The People’s House”


This building has served as a presidential residence

- what the White House has served as for years : ……………………….…………………………………………………………………

and office but it’s also a symbol of America to the rest of the world.

- the different guests the speaker invited: The speaker invited young people, military families, and

Americans of all ages.


- what you can do during the visit:

During the visit we can go through the different rooms, contemplate the works of art with notably the
portraits of the great presidents of the United States such as Washington, Lincoln and Kennedy. Thus, we
can imagine all the history that happened in this White House.

Give the objective of the video:

The purpose of this video is to promote the White House website which allows you to visit it without
leaving home.

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