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My 10 Mind Setting 1.

Growth mindset: Believe that your abilities and intelligence can be developed
through hard work and dedication. 2. Abundance mindset: Believe that there is enough success, wealth,
and happiness to go around for everyone. 3. Gratitude mindset: Focus on being thankful for what you
have, rather than what you lack. 4. Resilience mindset: Embrace challenges and setbacks as
opportunities to learn and grow. 5. Open-minded mindset: Be receptive to new ideas and perspectives,
and willing to consider alternative viewpoints. 6. Ownership mindset: Take responsibility for your
actions and outcomes, rather than blaming external factors. 7. Service mindset: Seek to help others and
make a positive impact on the world. 8. Present-moment mindset: Live in the present moment, rather
than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. 9. Learning mindset: Approach every situation as
a chance to learn something new. 10.Positive mindset: Focus on the good in every situation, and look for
opportunities to create positive outcomes.

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