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he Kingdom of Olde Agatha

Many winters ago, the first stones were laid and the
Kingdom was founded, the cornerstone of civilization was the
Kingdom’s gem, Lionspire. Lionspire whom still stands bold is
our mighty capital city, in which Castle of Agatha. The first
King whose name is not remembered is said to have built  
throne with his trusted sword inside, encased under stone. This,
our first King was the one who created   lion banner and sayd:
“blue, as in the sky and water which giveth life and white as in  
light that burns within our hearts”
Within one day distance of Lionspire, stands upon the first
pillars of existence, the holy city of Galencourt, in which His
Holiness, the Pope has been given this Holy task under the guide
of God in the year of our Lord 1320. It’s sayd as well that he
gained his holy powers during a dream in which   Lord
bestowed upon him his task.
In the year of our Lord 1334, the heathens attempted to raze
the holy city to its foundation, but the first King fought them off,
amidst the battle, it’s sayd the King had a vision of a lion
keeping his cubs safe from another lion, who had black eyes that
see deep into the soul. Upon realization of what he saw, he
decided to make our proud flag the white lion upon the blue. It’s
also told in folk tales that when the King saw the lion, he
became enraged and slaughtered all of the heathens, who fell :
“like wheat before a good sickle”.

- Our proud flag

The first knights who served under the first King, created
the houses which still stand today :
1. The Lion’s house, who still stands as ruling house with his
third generation decedent, King Dragoch.
2. The Golden Land’s house, who is mostly focused on
providing for the Kingdom the fruits of the Land and their
labour, as the name suggests it’s renowned for its wine.
3. The house of the Gifted One, the most mysterious of the
four, keeping extreme secrecy about their practices.
4. The Holy Church, it follows into the service of the Lord
and bestows upon the worthy blessings.
The house of the Gifted One

One of the most, if not the most, private group in all of the
kingdom, a group which most people haven’t even heard about,
the only one to know exact details about them is the king, others
hearing only whispers about them.
It all began in the year of our Lord 1335, it was a snowy day in
Rakkat, the capital of the heathens, the emperor Atlas the great
was preparing for his speech in the front of the whole nation
about the peace-deal he negotiated with Agatha, a peace-deal
which most considered unfair and made their great empire seem
like nothing more than a mere kingdom. Unbeknownst to the
Emperor a meeting was held between four individuals, Rurik the
Bloody, lord of the border regions with Agatha and biggest
funder of the war, Anthony the Faithfull, one of the wealthiest
Agathans in the Heathen Empire, he owned more than half of
the businesses in their Empire, Arkanus, the most powerful
bureaucrat in the Empire, having most of the Counsellors at his
hand, and last but not least, Raksir, the most wanted man in our
In that day, the fate of the Emperor and his Empire was
decided, the three managed to convince Raksir not to oppose
them in their plan. The Emperor was on the stage, he started
talking about the treaty and its sanctions, the Empire lost
everything overseas, it had to rebuild everything destroyed and
let Agathan garrisons in every major city. Soon you could hear
Boos in the crowd, the crowd was booing their Emperor. This
was unexpected, as it started the Emperor’s guards began
closing in on the protesters, suddenly a rock was thrown at the
Emperor and chaos ensued, the guards charged.
Most civilians fled but some remained and armed themselves
with whatever they found, two lines were formed, the situation
was very hot but the guards pulled back to reorganize, making at
least two meters of space between the two lines. It all went south
when the Guards fired a volley of 40 arrows into the crowd,
seeing this even more people joined the protesters, the Guards
were getting slaughtered, the line stood enough time for the
Emperor to escape to the inner keep.
Every man in the inner keep was praying and fortifying the
location, when the protesters arrived they started throwing
things on the walls and lighting things on fire, cleading big
smoke clouds. In secrecy the professional army of Rurik the
Bloody entered the city and started arming old veterans and even
civilians, Anthony the Faithful sent letters in every domain of
his, ordering the assassination of every government official
stated on the list attached to the letter, finally Arkanus made
most of the lords take up arms, raising their levies, and join the
professional army of Rurik. Raksir was looking at this plot
disgusted by what was happening but kept praying in silence,
not talking to anybody.
It was time, the insurgent army arrived at the keep, amassing
four times the amount of professional soldiers the Emperor’s
Guards had. The Emperor saw Rurik and finally realized what
was happening, it was a civil war for the throne, with Rurik as
the pretender. Seeing this he made a decision which nobody
even dared to think about doing before,he declared Raksir
enemy of the state, ordering the burning of all his domains and
books, the Emperor managed to send a messenger through the
secret exit, the bells in the keep were rung and the Emperor
shouted this decree as loud as he could, everybody heard him, a
light closed in on him, the Emperor knew there was no way to
evade it so he complied with his faith, he was touched by the
light and in less than a second he collapsed to the floor and
started burning.
Seeing this the Guards opened the gates and welcomed the
new king, but he had other plans, Rurik gathered everybody in
the throne room, he held a feast, unfortunately for the Kings
Guard and the old statesmen they did not notice everybody else
leaving and neither that the doors were locked. Rurik lit a fire so
big the whole keep burned down, destroying everything and
everyone left from the old regime.
During this time a horseman was seen on the Agathan border,
he rode in the destroyed towns, he somehow managed to slip
through all the guards and soldiers, reaching the king. It was
none other than Idrisir, founder of the house of the Holy One,
though at this time he was just a stranger who approached the
king with news that would shake the whole nation. The old
Emperor of the heathens was no more and the new one declared
the peace null and void.
Idrisir was imprisoned for a whole month, the guards were
surprised to see that he had the resolve to endure the conditions
of the Agathan prisons without having any breakdown, though
after the three months he was released, the nations biggest fears
were coming through as real, multiple spied confirmed the
information to the King of Agatha, Idrisir was released and to
this day is a very trusted confidential to the king, though nobody
knows why he is so close to the kings of the realm, and yes,
kings of the realm, it is a wonder how he managed to survive
this long and not age even a bit. Every king seems to like his
abilities whatever they be, it is rumored that he has devilish
powers and has made a deal with the devil, gaining his powers
and immortality by sacrificing souls of dead people, but these
are all lies told by the church to make the people go against
him…… at least this is what the kings say, and they wouldn’t lie
to the people…….right………or maybe this story has more
under it than you can see with the naked eye, who knows…..

The Lion’s House

At the birth of Olde Agatha, the first High King whomst
name is not remembered by history, gave forth an order to his
men:”go forth bring glory, land and honor” to our Throne. The
country grew strong and well regarded by many. The church
grew to be a powerful institute in the realm, whom preached of
the Lord, and gave people hope in the dark times.
One such dark time was the heathen wars, during which
tales of many were written and legends rose, and many joined
the High King’s court, such as Sir Bedivere, remembered in The
Tales at Lionspire. During the wars, the church sent forth a task:
“fair servants under our Lord, go forth protect that which is
rightfully Holy and slay that which is wicked for thy reward
great is in Heaven”. The High King took up arms and ahead
with his men, fought off the horde of heathens. Many great men
fell, but and the end, Agatha stood tall with its swords bloodied
and its men exhausted, yet they still drew breath, and as such the
Land pulled through and thrived in the days of peace. Amidst
the blood of the war, a strange man, whom is reminded in
rumors at Taverns is sayd to have entered Agatha. Idrisir is his
name and of his craft he’s believed to be a wizard, who casted
many spells, bad and good. When he first came to Lionspire to
give the word that the heathen’s emperor had perished, none
believed him, and as such he was imprisoned. The conditions
and guards were harsh he did not falter nor did the flinch. At this
time The Holy Church grew offended at his practices and gazeth
upon him as an untrustworthy man, of whose craft is to be
considered as dangerous. The Kingdom being in its third
generation of Kings, had King Dragoch the Wise at its Throne.
He also noticed the character of this man, but seeing as he is an
asset who can help and secure the Kingdom, decided to keep
him around. The wise King who saw with his own eyes the light
of our Lord during battle, knew he was stepping on the church’s
tail but at that time he did not think of his faith as much as his
people. The High King Dragoch, took upon The Lord to grant
him a right judgement in the matter implying the magician, who
began calling himself “The gifted one”. The Church even though
it did not accept the decision implying the wizard at first, began
to grow restless of Idrisir the Wizard’s practices, with rumors
implying heretic rituals, and so called “deals with the devils”. As
of now, the wizard lives far off from Lionspire and Galencourt.
None but his apprentices dare go close to his books and heretic
ritualistic “glyphs”.
I hadde talked enough of the church, now I shall speak of
the Throne. The throne was first seated by the first High King,
whose name is not remembered by history, this father of Agatha
was a man of honor and glory, taking many days to ensure his
people’s wellbeing. This King, is also believed to have made his
sword part of his Throne.
The second High King, was a man of faith and many crafts,
under him, the Kingdom grew as a flower would: beautiful and
peaceful. Arts became of great importance and there was none to
not have a craft. This King is believed to have been the first in
the realm to establish good trade, using the ships built by the
new carpenters.
The third High King, King Dragoch the Wise. Had steered
the Land through its darkest time during the Heathen Wars. He
also established and gave the power that the church now has. As
of now, there is glory awaiting for every man in the Kingdom.
Although dark times are to come, the light of hope and faith
shall shine through the clouds, and the worthy will prevail.

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