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Exercise 1

1. Relevance - The RRL/RRS must be relevant to the topic and the

study that will be conducting

2. Reliability - The RRL/RRS must be reliable in order to give factual

and correct data for the study

3. Connected - The RRL/RRS must be connected to the study that

will be conducted

4. Adaption - The RRL/RRS must adapted to the study the will be

conducted for it will serve as a supporting study to make the study

5. Paraphrasing - The RRL/RRS must be paraphrased so that

plagiarism would not be implied on the study

6. Objective - The RRL/RRS must be base on facts and statistics

evidences and not by personal opinion

7. Organization - The RRL/RRS must be organized in order the study

to be coherent and easily be comprehend

8. Publisher - The RRL/RRS must be obtained and published by a

credible publisher for it will affect the credibility of the study

9. Content - The RRL/RRS must be content wise for the content is

the main proponent why study is obtained.

10. Language - The RRL/RRS must have appropriate language in order

to the readers to understand the details of the study

Exercise 2

Consonance - compatibility between opinions or actions.

Neuroscience - the study of the nervous system – from structure to

function, development to degeneration, in health and in disease.
Acquisition - asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or

Voluminous - very lengthy and full

Kinesthetic -  person's awareness of the position and movement of the

parts of the body by means of sensory organs 

Auditory – relating to the sense of hearing

Affirmative - agreeing with or consenting to a statement or request.

Conventional - standards


a.) Recency – The excerpt provided wide range of time periods that
varies from 2010-2014 which means that it provided complete
picture of the time of the related topics

b.) Objectivity – The objective of the excerpt is to know the factors and
sustainability of language in teaching and learning process. What
languages are potent enough so that both teachers and students
could be able to perform their tasks.

c.) Relevance – The excerpt is relatively relevant for all the related lit.
are in line with the topic the researcher/s wants to study. Also,
the knowledges are connected with the given topic

d.) Conciseness – The excerpt provided clear and straight to the point
ideas that leads to concieseness, it was able to make the ideas
clear and what are the factors of language in teacher and learning

As a grade 12 learner in order I can ethically select resources that
are relevant to my research work by three rules the first is to go to sites
that are credited by education system like there is “.edu” in the website
and also through books that are published. Second is to never plagiarize
rather paraphrase the related literature in a manner the it will not
deform the idea of the study. And lastly, cite where did you get the
related lit. for intellectual ownership rights.

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