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Having cleaned the data , The next step is to code it.

Briefly discuss the process of

coding for:
1) Closed Question
2} open ended questions with numerical responses.
3) open ended question with descriptive responses.

Coding is the process of assigning numerical codes or labels to responses obtained

from survey or research data. The coding process helps in the analysis and
interpretation of data.

1) Closed Question:
Closed-ended questions have pre-determined answer options, and the response
options are usually fixed and limited. The coding process for closed-ended questions
involves assigning a numerical code to each answer option. For example, if the
question is "What is your gender?" with answer options being "Male" and "Female,"
then the numerical code assigned to Male could be 1 and to Female could be 2.

2) Open-ended questions with numerical responses:

Open-ended questions with numerical responses require the researcher to assign a
numerical code to each response based on the value provided. For example, if the
question is "What is your age?" and the response is "30 years," the numerical code
assigned to this response would be 30.

3) Open-ended questions with descriptive responses:

Open-ended questions with descriptive responses require the researcher to read
through the responses and assign codes to different categories or themes that
emerge from the responses. The researcher can create a codebook that lists the
different categories or themes and the corresponding codes. For example, if the
question is "What are the reasons for your job dissatisfaction?" and the responses
are "Poor working conditions," "Low pay," and "Lack of career growth opportunities,"
the researcher can assign the codes 1, 2, and 3 to each respective response.

In summary, coding is an important step in the data analysis process that involves
assigning numerical codes or labels to survey or research data. The coding process
differs based on the type of question asked and the type of response received.

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