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STUDENT ID : B22020030
Exercise 1:

1. Cord 18.Iron
2. Ceiling 19.Scrollwork
3. Electric bulb 20.Loops
4. Adult 21.Rosettes
5. Switch 22.Paint
6. Chair 23.White
7. Instruction 24.Creak
8. Mother 25.Bounce
9. Lightning
10. Room
11. Bedsprings
12. Bed
13. Balance
14. Stocking feet
15. Mattress
16. Headboard
17. Footboard
Exercise 2:
1. The horse galloped by on her saddle.
2. Ten of her fingers waved their blue handkerchiefs.
3. The other members of her entourage cheered.
4. Her yellow scarf blew off her head.

5. The wind made her hair fly wildly.

6. Three miniature dogs sat on the couch.
7. Their tails were brushing their legs.
8. The woman and her child approached the park.
9. They walked their dogs and held their hands.
10. Everyone gathered around the tiny fountain.
Exercise 3:
1. Victories 11. Businesses
2. Moose 12. Batches
3. Lunches 13. Galaxies
4. Boxes 14.Radios
5. Mice 15.Lenses
6. Videos 16.Chiefs
7. Men 17.Feet
8. Halves 18.Deer
9. Geese 19.Children
10. Valleys 20.People
Exercise 4:
1. The city’s of Heidelberg, Germany, is neither very large nor strategicallyimportant.
2. However, the people who live there boast of its beautiful scenery.
3. Among the city's industries are textiles, leather goods, and precisioninstruments.
4. A wide river flows through the city.
5. Even the gabled houses are an impressive sight.
6. The city is blessed with fertile lands and a mild climate.
7. In the nineteenth century, the population of the Heidelberg tripled.
8. Many modern buildings were constructed next to historic sites.
9. New homes and businesses dotted the city’s.
10. Nevertheless, the people remain committed to preserving their heritage.
Exercise 5:
1. The cat's food
2. The wagon's wheels
3. The mice's cage
4. The parent's advice
5. The child's toy
6. The axe's horns
7. The book's cover
8. The family's car

9. The trolley's whistles

10. The boy's homework
11. The city's facilities
12. The state's rights
13. The mattress's springs
14. The people's choice
15. The wife's party
16. The church's steeples
17. The deer's food
18. The region's climate
19. The fox's den
20. The factory's
21. smokestacks
Exercise 7:
1. Abstract
2. Concrete
3. Concrete
4. Abstract
5. Abstract
6. Concrete
7. Concrete
8. Concrete
9. Abstract
10. Concrete
Exercise 10:
1. Middle Ages - Era
2. Romeo and Juliet - Play
3. Cuba - Country
4. The Wizard of Oz - Motion Picture
5. Renoir - Painter
6. Rocky Mountains - Mountains
7. Chicago Cubs - Team
8. San Francisco - City
9. Nile River - River
10. Houston Space Centre - Building Complex

Exercise 12:

Porgy and Bess

1. Chorus
2. Cast
3. Orchestra
4. Ensemble
Population Animal life in Africa
1. Team
2. Family
3. Herd
4. Flock
5. Collection
The Power of the Press

1. Press
2. Television news programs, newspapers, and periodicals
3. Audience
4. Journalist
5. Team of reporters
Exercise 13:
1. Common
2. Proper
3. Common
4. Proper
5. Proper
6. Common
7. Common
8. Common
9. Proper
10. Collective
11. Proper
12. Proper
13. Common
14. Common
15. Proper

16. CommonCommon
17. Proper
18. Common
19. Common
Exercise 16:

Isamu Noguchi is famous for (1)he striking abstract sculptures.(2)They can be seen in
museums everywhere.Noguchi's father was a japanese poet,and (3)his mother was
an American writer.As a young man in Paris,Noguchi studied with sculptor Constantin
Brancusi,who encouraged (4)himself to work in abstract forms.In the 1930's Noguchi's
settled in New York.(5)His spare and elegant sculptures were being exhibited,and
many people went to see (6)them.One admirer Martha Graham,invited (7)him to
create sets for (8)her dance company.(9)He also designed sculpture gardens,as well
as furniture and lamps.Noguchi's later interest in architectural forms and design is
reflected in the monumental red cube (1968).(10)It stands outside the Marine Midland
Building in New York.
Exercise 18:

1. himself
2. themselves
3. himself
4. itself
5. ourselves
6. ourselves
7. It
8. Themselves
9. Ourselves
10. Them
Exercise 22:
1. include
2. change
3. attract
4. offer
5. provide

Exercise 25:

1. wrote
2. attended
3. tells
4. hired
5. sank
6. wrote
7. reflected
8. used
9. praised
10. befriended

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