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THE READING From The concept of "quiet quitting" is quietly spreading around offices, factories and workplaces worldwide. This is when workers stop doing things that are not in their contract. says quiet quitting is going to work "to achieve the minimum requirements of your role in the time that you're there, then leaving". It added that workers do not offer to do overtime, do not do duties not in their contract, and do not go "the extra mile". Quiet quitting became popular because of the pandemic. People want a better work-life balance. They do not want to get burnt out at work. Workers are not doing things they once did voluntarily. They are doing the bare minimum and leaving exactly on time. Bosses are responding with "quiet firing" to get workers to leave. They are not raising salaries and are ignoring workers' ideas. A poll found that 48 per cent of workers have seen quiet firing in their workplace. ‘ ' Level -4 ‘Quiet quitting’ becoming common in workplaces fober, 2022 Klorce-heres-how- THE READING From,htm! Millions of people in the U.K. cannot buy essential hygiene products because of the rising cost of living. The charity Hygiene Bank states that up to 3.2 million adults are living in “hygiene poverty". They cannot afford basic goods such as soap, deodorant, toothpaste, shaving products, toilet paper and sanitary products. They have to choose between eating or buying hygiene products. Hygiene Bank called it a "hidden crisis" that "impacted the most vulnerable". Hygiene poverty is devastating. People are too ashamed to leave their house because they are worried about smelling bad. Hygiene Bank gave examples of the effects it has on people. It said: "We have mums telling us...that they want to be last on the nursery drop-off because they're too embarrassed and ashamed to see other parents." Many people with acne are seeing their condition worsen because they cannot afford soap. Sources: https: ‘ nttps: Level -4 Hygiene poverty on the rise in the U.K. THE ARTICLE From html People around the world are trying to get hold of clothes worn by characters in the hugely popular South Korean TV series "Squid Game". In particular, the "Made in Korea" green tracksuits and pink jumpsuits from the show are in huge demand as a Halloween costume. Internet stores worldwide have been flooded with orders. Garment factories in South Korea are struggling to make enough of the clothes to keep up with demand, Clothes factory owner Kim Jin-ja from Seoul said: "October is usually a slow month for the sewing industry, but thanks to Squid Game and Halloween, we are scrambling to sew enough clothes." She added: "We are now sewing 6,000 green tracksuits for toddlers and children." Squid Game is a survival drama series created by Hwang Dong-hyuk. It was first broadcast on Netflix on September the 17th. It has since become a global hit and is Netflix's most watched series ever. It reached number one in 90 countries, including the United States. Netflix estimated that over 142 million people watched Squid Game in the 28 days following its release. The series is about a contest between 456 players who are in a lot of debt. They all play children's games to try to win a $40 million prize to get out of debt. However, the simple games could result in their death. Squid Game is another example of South Korean culture becoming popular around the world, following K-pop and K-dramas. ‘ources: _ https://www. Independent.le/irish-news/squid-game-costum tal htps://en. Level 3 Squid Game clothes in high demand worldwide More free lessons at - Copyright Sean

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