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Livestock Seed Product Certification Scheme

1 Scope
This document applies as a reference for the implementation of livestock breeding product certification
with product scope:
a) Indonesian Brahman beef cattle breeds
b) Madura beef cattle breeds
c) Acehnese beef cattle
d) Bali beef cattle breeds
e) Ongole breed of beef cattle
f) Coastal beef cattle breeds
g) Sumba Ongole beef cattle
h) Dairy cows
i) Bornean buffalo breeds
j) Pampangan buffalo seeds
k) Sumbawa buffalo breeds
l) Toraya buffalo seeds
m) Sheep breed
n) Etawah Peranakan goat breeds
o) Peanut goat seeds
p) Landrace pig breeds
q) Yorkshire hog breeds
r) Duroc pig breeds
s) Hampshire hog breeds
t) Day old chicks (parent stock) of type broiler chickens
u) Day old chicks (day old chick) Laying type broiler chickens
v) Parent stock of young Alabio ducks
w) Parent stock of Alabio meri ducks
x) Parent stock of Mojosari meri ducks
y) Parent stock of young Mojosari ducks
z) Day-old chicks/kuri KUB-1
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aa) Day old chick (day old chick) .

bb) Day old chicks ( parent stock) laying hens
cc) Parent stock of young Alabio ducks
dd) Parent stock of Alabio meri ducks
ee) Parent stock of Mojosari meri ducks
ff) Parent stock of young Mojosari ducks
gg) Commercial seeds (final stock) day old/kuri (day old chick). Broiler type broiler chickens
hh) Commercial seeds (final stock) day old/kuri (day old chick) Laying type broiler chickens
ii) Commercial seeds (final stock) of one day old Mojoseri ducks
jj) Commercial seeds (final stock) Alabio meri ducks are one day old
kk) Commercial seeds (final stock) of Mojoseri dara ducks

2 Certification requirements
Certification requirements include:
a) SNI 7651.1, Beef cattle breed - Part 1: Brahman Indonesia
b) SNI 7651.2, Beef cattle breed - Part 2: Madura
c) SNI 7651.3, Beef cattle breed - Part 3 : Aceh
d) SNI 7651.4, Beef cattle breeds - Part 4 : Bali
e) SNI 7651.5, Beef cattle breeds - Part 5: Ongole breeds
f) SNI 7651.6, Beef Cattle Breeds - Section 6: Coastal Areas
g) SNI 7651.7, Beef cattle breeds - Section 7 : Sumba ongole
h) SNI 7855.1, Pig breed - Part 1 : Landrace
i) SNI 7855.2, Pig breed - Part 2 : Yorkshire
j) SNI 7855.3, Pig breed - Part 3 : Duroc
k) SNI 7855.4, Pig breed - Part 4 : Hampshire
l) SNI 7532.1, Sheep Seed - Part 1 : Garut
m) SNI 7532.2, Sheep breed – Part 2: Sapudi
n) SNI 2735, Indonesian holstein dairy cattle breeds
o) SNI 7352.1, Goat breed - Part 1 : Etawah breed
p) SNI 7352.2, Goat seeds- Part 2: Beans
q) SNI 7352.3, Goat seeds – Part 3: Senduro
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r) SNI 7353.1, Day old chick (parent stock) - Section

1: Broiler type broiler
s) SNI 7353.2, Day old chick (parent stock) - Section
2: Laying type broiler chickens

t) SNI 7556, Parent stock of young Alabio ducks

u) SNI 7557, Parent stock of Alabio meri ducks
v) SNI 7558, Parent stock of Mojosari meri ducks
w) SNI 7559, Parent stock of young Mojosari ducks
x) SNI 4868.1, Day old chick (day old chick) commercial seeds (final stock) - Part
1: Broiler type broiler
y) SNI 4868.2, Commercial seeds (final stock) day old chicks (day old chick) - Part
2: Laying type broiler chickens

z) SNI 7357, Commercial seeds (final stock) of Mojoseri meri ducks, one day old
aa) SNI 7358, Commercial seeds (final stock) of Alabio meri ducks, one day old
bb) SNI 7359, Commercial seeds (final stock) of Mojoseri dara ducks
cc) SNI 7360, Commercial seeds (final stock) of Alabio dara ducks
dd) SNI 8292.1, Buffalo seeds - Part 1 : Kalimantan
ee) SNI 8292.2, Buffalo seeds - Part 2 : Pampangan
ff) SNI 8292.3, Buffalo seeds - Part 3 : Sumbawa
gg) SNI 8292.4, Buffalo seeds - Part 4 : Toraya
hh) SNI 8405-1, Day old chicks/kuri - Part 1: KUB-1
ii) Application of SNI ISO 9001 quality management system or management system
production for livestock breeding products issued by the Ministry of Agriculture;
jj) Other regulations related to livestock breeding products.

3 Conformity Assessment Agency Requirements

Certification of livestock breeding products is carried out by the Conformity Assessment Agency (LPK)
which has been accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) based on SNI
ISO/IEC 17065, Conformity Assessment – Requirements for Certification Bodies
Products, Processes, and Services, to the appropriate scope.
In the case that there is no LPK accredited by KAN to carry out activities
certification with the scope of livestock breeding products, BSN can appoint LPK
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with a similar scope in accordance with the provisions of the law


4 Stages of initial certification

4.1 Submission of applications for certification
The Product Certification Agency (LSPro) must prepare a certification application format
for business actors to obtain all the information as stipulated in article

4.1.2 Submission of applications for certification is carried out by business actors. Criteria
business actors who can apply for certification in accordance with the Regulation of the Head of BSN which

regulates the procedures for the use of SNI markings and conformity-based markings

4.1.1 The application for certification must be accompanied by:

a) Applicant's information:
1) name of the Petitioner, address of the Petitioner, and name and position or position
personnel responsible for filing applications for certification,
2) legality and proof of fulfillment of business license requirements based on provisions
3) fulfillment of requirements based on statutory provisions
invitation regarding registration and ownership rights over the mark
issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (if relevant),
4) if the Applicant manufactures products with the brand he owns
by other parties, including evidence of a legally binding agreement
to make products for other parties,
5) if the Applicant acts as the subcontracting brand owner
production process to other parties, including proof of brand ownership
and production execution sub-contract agreements with other parties,
6) if the Applicant acts as an official representative of the trademark owner
legally domiciled abroad, including evidence of a valid agreement
legally binding on the appointment as the official representative of the owner
trademarks in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia,

7) a statement that the applicant is fully responsible for

fulfillment of SNI requirements and fulfillment of certification process requirements
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and willing to provide access to the location and/or information

required by LSPro in carrying out certification activities,
b) product information:
1) product brand submitted for certification (if relevant),
2) the type/type/variant of the product submitted for certification,
3) SNI which is used as the basis for filing an application for certification,
c) production process information:
1) name and address of the place of production,
2) organizational structure, name and position of the person in charge of the process
3) information about the origin of the product to be certified,
4) the scope of the production system, the procedures for production activities include:
recording body measurements, handling animal diseases, feeding,
production records, marriage records, and selection (entered at critical point)
5) information on production data,
6) quality management system documents related to the proposed product,
7) when available, include a Certificate of Implementation of the Quality Management System
based on SNI ISO 9001 from a Certification Body accredited by KAN
or by a signatory accreditation body IAF/APAC MLA with space
equivalent scope.

4.2 Selection

4.2.1 Review of the application for certification The Product Certification Agency must ensure that the information
obtained from the complete application for certification submitted by the Applicant
and meet the requirements, and can ensure the ability of the Institution
Product Certification to follow up on certification applications. The review of the certification application must be carried out by qualified personnel
have competence in accordance with the scope of the certification application.
4.2.2 Signing of the certification agreement
After the application for certification is declared complete and meets the requirements as well
The applicant agrees to the certification requirements and procedures set by
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Product Certification Agency, signed the certification agreement by

Applicants and Product Certification Institutions.
4.2.3 Preparation of an evaluation plan Based on the information obtained from the application requirements
certification submitted by the Applicant, LSPro establishes an evaluation plan
which include:
a) purpose, time, duration, implementation location, team, method, and evaluation agenda
production processes and quality management systems relevant to implementation
the production process of the product submitted for certification;
b) SNI information used as the basis for certification based on the application
filed by the Petitioner;
c) product inspection plan according to SNI
d) special sampling plan for certification of poultry commodities
e) the time required for the implementation of tests based on reference standards
required test method.
f) Every time there is a product compliance claim against SNI, LSPro must re-examine
production process related to the requested seeds and testing the suitability of all seeds
with SNI requirements. The evaluation plan shall take into account the appropriateness of the production
carried out by the factory in accordance with the scope of the proposed product for certification. Implementation of the evaluation must be carried out by the audit personnel or team
has the following competency criteria:
1. Knowledge of livestock breeding business management practices;
2. Knowledge of audit principles, practices and techniques;
3. Knowledge of SNI for livestock seed products;
4. Knowledge of livestock breeding quality management systems
5. Knowledge of the certification process and procedures established by
certification body;
6. Knowledge of the livestock breeding business sector; And
7. Knowledge of the applicant's product, process and organization.

4.3 Determination

4.3.1 Implementation of evaluation stage 1 (one)

Machine Translated by Google The implementation of phase 1 (one) evaluation includes an initial inspection

on the suitability of product information and production processes submitted

The applicant in article 4.1.3 regarding the scope of products specified in SNI and

related regulations. If the results of the evaluation of stage 1 (one) show a discrepancy

against the SNI requirements, the Applicant must be given the opportunity to do so

corrective actions within a certain period of time in accordance with LSPro policy.

4.3.2 Evaluation of stage 2 (two) Evaluation of stage 2 (two) is carried out through an audit of the production process and
livestock seed quality management system. Audit of the production process and quality management system of livestock breeds

based on SNI requirements carried out under certain conditions carried out through

simulation of the production process of products submitted for certification. The audit is carried out using an audit method which is a combination of
audit of documents and records, interviews, observations, demonstrations, or methods

other audits. Audits are carried out on:

a) responsibility and commitment of personnel in charge of the factory to

consistency of product fulfillment;

b) availability and control of procedural information and control records

quality, including routine testing;

c) facilities, location, design and layout, buildings, equipment sanitation, sanitation

process room, and personal hygiene in accordance with applicable regulations

about good seeding methods;

d) critical stages of the production process, starting from raw materials to the final product

at least at the stage as described in attachment A;

e) completeness and function of production equipment including control equipment


f) evidence of verification based on calibration results or results of equipment verification

production evidence that the equipment complies with requirements

production can be demonstrated by the procedures necessary to achieve

stipulated conditions or requirements;

g) control and handling of nonconforming products; And

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h) packaging, handling and storage of products, including in the final warehouse

products ready for distribution. If the factory has implemented and obtained a system certificate
livestock semen quality management from a certification body accredited by KAN
or by a signatory accreditation body IAF/APAC MLA by scope
appropriate, then an audit or assessment of the production process is carried out on
implementation of the management system related to product quality and article
letter d to letter h. Tests are carried out on product samples based on requirements
in SNI by taking samples by competent personnel
in LSPro assigned sampling. Product samples are taken from the line
production or product storage warehouse. The test is carried out in a laboratory that has implemented ISO/IEC
17025 for the scope of products submitted for certification. Implementation of ISO/IEC
17025 can be proven through:
1) Accreditation by KAN, or
2) Accreditation by a mutual recognition signing body in the Asia Pacific forum
Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) and International Laboratory Accreditation
Cooperation (ILAC), or
3) an assessment made by LSPro of the laboratory. If the test is carried out in the Applicant's laboratory, then LSPro
shall ensure appropriate competence and impartiality of the testing process
This can be done, for example through witnessing the testing process. Certification applicant laboratory used for testing
the product that is certified must meet the requirements of point 1 or 2 in article If based on the evaluation results of stage 2 (two), it is found
discrepancy, the Applicant must be given the opportunity to take action
repairs within a certain period of time in accordance with LSPro policy
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4.4 Review and Decision

4.4.1 Review (review) A review of the results of the evaluation is carried out on the full compliance
certification requirements and suitability of the certification process, starting from submission
application for certification, implementation of stage 1 (one) evaluation and stage 2 evaluation
(two). The review of the evaluation results is stated in the form of written recommendations
regarding the fulfillment of SNI submitted by the Applicant for the proposed product
to be certified.

4.4.2 Determination of certification decisions Certification decisions are made based on recommendations
resulting from the review process. Determination of certification decisions must be made by one person or
a group of people who are not involved in the evaluation process. Determination of certification decisions can be made by one person or
the same group of people who did the review . Recommendations for certification decisions based on the results of the review
must be documented, unless a certification review and decision is finalized
simultaneously by the same person or group of people. LSPro must notify in writing to the certification applicant
related to delaying or not giving a decision on certification, and must
state the reasons for the decision. If the applicant for certification indicates a desire to
continue the certification process after LSPro decides not to grant
certification, the Applicant can submit an application to continue the process
certification. An application to continue the certification process must be submitted by
Applicant to LSPro in writing no later than 1 (one) month after
notice of decision not to grant certification issued by LSPro.
The certification process can be restarted from evaluation stage 2 (two).
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4.5 Issuance of certificate of conformity

4.5.1 LSPro issues certificates of conformity to applicants who have

meet certification requirements. Certificate of conformity is valid for 3 (three)
year after publication.

4.5.2 Examination of the next product that will be affixed with the SNI mark is carried out
by the LSPro auditors limited to physical inspection of non-poultry livestock breeds as well
records of production and history of non-poultry livestock breeds.
4.5.3 The certificate of conformity to the requirements of SNI must contain at least:
1) certificate number or other unique identification;
2) number or other identification of the certification scheme;
3) name and address of the Product Certification Agency;
4) name and address of the applicant (certificate holder);
5) number or other identification that refers to the certification agreement;
6) a statement of conformity that includes:
ÿ name, brand, and product specifications that are declared to meet the requirements;
ÿ SNI which is the basis for certification; And
ÿ name and address of production location
7) accreditation status or recognition of the Product Certification Agency;
8) certificate issuance date and validity period, as well as certificate history;
9) legally binding signature of the acting personnel
the name of the Product Certification Agency in accordance with regulatory provisions

5 Certification maintenance
5.1 Surveillance

5.1.1 LSPro must carry out surveillance visits at least 2 (two) times
within the certification period, with no more than 12 months between evaluations.
Surveillance visits are carried out through evaluation activities in the form of audits and
5.1.2 LSPro must carry out sampling and testing of all products that
within the scope of certification.
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5.2 Recertification
5.2.1 LSPro must carry out recertification no later than 6 (six)
months before the validity period of the certificate expires.

5.2.2 Re-certification is carried out in accordance with the stages in

initial certification.

5.2.3 If there are no significant changes related to products and processes

production according to the results of the last audit, then LSPro may not perform
evaluation stage 1 (one).
5.2.4 If based on the results of recertification, non-compliance is found
The applicant must be given the opportunity to take remedial action in
certain period of time in accordance with LSPro policy.

6 Special evaluation

LSPro can carry out special evaluations in the context of scope expansion audits
as well as follow-up (investigation) on complaints or existing information. Evaluation
specifically in the context of investigating complaints or information that is carried out by
auditors who have the competence to conduct investigations and are limited to
existing problems, as well as done in a short time from
receiving complaints or information.
Special evaluation stages in the context of scope expansion are carried out in accordance with
initial certification stage, but limited to expanding the proposed scope.
Evaluation of the expansion of the scope of certification can be carried out separately or separately
along with surveillance.

7 Provisions for reduction, suspension and revocation of certification

7.1 Reduction of the scope of certification
Applicants may apply for a reduction in the scope of certification during the period

7.2 Freezing and revocation of certification

7.2.1 LSPro can freeze certification if a business actor:
a) unable to correct non-conformances issued by LSPro on
during surveillance and/or during special evaluations; or
b) submit a request for certification suspension to LSPro.
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7.2.2 LSPro must limit the certification freezing period to a maximum of 6 (six)

7.2.3 LSPro can revoke certification if the business actor:

a. unable to correct the non-conformance that resulted in the freeze
certification exceeds the specified time limit; or
b. submit a request for revocation of certification to LSPro.
LSPro may consider suspension or revocation of certification, or
other actions caused by other factors taking into account
risks found.

8 Complaints and appeals

LSPro should develop rules for handling complaints and appeals
considering the competence and impartiality of handling implementation
complaints and appeals.

9 Public information
LSPro must publish information to the public according to ISO/IEC requirements
17065 includes certified, frozen and revoked customer information.
Public information related to customer information that is certified, frozen and
the revocation must also be submitted through the SNI Goods Application

10 Special conditions

In the event that a situation is found that does not allow the application of the requirements
certain in this certification, the BSN policy will be determined with
considering input from KAN and other stakeholders.

11 Use of SNI mark

11.1 The use of the SNI mark is carried out after obtaining approval
the use of the SNI mark through a letter of approval for the use of the SNI mark (SPPT SNI)
issued by BSN in accordance with the provisions in the BSN Regulations
regulates the procedures for the use of SNI markings and conformity-based markings
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11.2 Application for approval for the use of SNI marks is submitted to BSN
accompanied by the required documents stipulated in the BSN Regulations regarding procedures
how to use SNI mark and conformity mark based on SNI.
11.3 The SNI mark as proof of the conformity of a product that has complied with the SNI is
as follows:

With the size:

y = 11x
r = 0.5x
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Appendix A

Critical stages of the production process of livestock seed products

critical stage
No Explanation of critical stages
production process

1 Production plan (production
target per year)

2 Settings a. use of males (duration of use of males and ratio of males: females); b. breed or

Marriage family setting (rebreeding or

crossbreeding); c. mating system (natural mating or AI); and D. embryo
transfer. a.
Ruminant seeds a) Birth: date, birth weight, sex, suitability of body
color family; b) Weaning
3 Analyzing seed recording age: date, body weight and
data, so that the sex; and c) Age 12, 18, and 24 months: body weight, body length,
seeds are produced gumba height, chest circumference, sex, scrotal
according to the circumference and volume.
following standards:

b. Poultry Breeds 1)
DOC/DOD/DOQ Weight; 2) Growth;
3) Egg production and
weight; 4) Age of first laying eggs; 5)
Fertility and egg mortality; 6) Feed
efficiency; and 7) Type of vaccine given.

4 System Maintenance system, assessment is carried out on the suitability of Good

Maintenance Breeding Practices (GBP).

B Assessment
Harvesting Seeds
Implementation In carrying out the harvesting of seeds adapted to the fixed procedures.


Evaluation of seed criteria

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based on SNI
Packaging and

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Critical Stages Livestock breeds

Critical stages of the process

No Explanation of critical stages

Suitability of males (healthy, good performance,

1 good libido), pedigree, lab test results, competency
Male Selection
seed supervisor, work environment.
2 Production record data Conformity of cement quality and quantity data

3 Production (collection Stud suitability, officer competence, process

suitability, work environment, work equipment
4 Semen evaluation (test Officer competence, process suitability, work environment,
work equipment, measuring instruments, tool calibration
5 Material selection and Officer competence, suitability of growing media
materials, process suitability, work environment, work
dilution process

6 Packaging Conformity of packaging, conformity of labeling,

suitability of processes, work environment, work equipment
7 Storage Conformity identification of product/type, work environment,
work equipment
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Livestock Embryo Critical Stages

Critical stages of the process

No Explanation of critical stages

Female suitability (healthy, good performance),

1 Donor Selection pedigree, lab test results, officer competency,
work environment.
2 Production record data Conformity of embryo quality and quantity data

3 Production (collection Donor suitability, officer competence, process suitability, work

environment, work equipment
4 Embryo evaluation (test Officer competence, process suitability, work environment,
work equipment, measuring instruments, tool calibration
5 Media material selection Officer competence, suitability of growing media
growing embryo materials, process suitability, work environment, work
6 Packaging Conformity of packaging, conformity of labeling,
suitability of processes, work environment, work equipment
7 Storage Conformity identification of product/type, work environment,
work equipment
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Critical Stages of Ruminant Livestock Seeds

Critical stages of the process

No Explanation of critical stages

Selection of sires according to the requirements, pedigree,

1 Parent Selection competence of officers, work environment, control
reproduction distance/frequency.
2 Male Selection or Selection of stud / cement according to the requirements,
pedigree of stud/semen, competence of election officers
stud/cement, cement handling conditions,
work environment.
3 Parent Marriage Appropriateness of time of marriage, competence of officers,
work equipment, work environment.
4 Time control Appropriateness of animal feed, working
environment, brood health, officer competence
5 Birth Identification, officer competence, work equipment, work
6 Seedling enlargement Identification, animal feed suitability, work environment,
health and disease management, officer
competency, performance test.
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Critical Stages of Parent Stock Poultry Seeds

Critical stages of the process

No Explanation of critical stages

Selection of GPS according to requirements, origin of GPS,

1 Grand Parent Selection
competence of officers, work environment, health and
Stocks (GPS)
disease treatment
2 Grand Marriage Officer competency, process suitability, work equipment,
Parent Stock (GPS)
work environment, health and disease management
3 Selection of prospective PS eggs Selection of egg providers, selection of eggs

4 Egg Control Staff competency, work equipment, work environment, health

and disease management Officer
5 Egg Hatching competency, work equipment, work environment, hatchery
monitoring Work
6 DOC control environment, work equipment, officer competence, health and
disease management Identification, officer
7 Packaging competency, work equipment, work environment.

8 Storage Identification, work environment, officer competence

9 Transportation Work environment, work equipment, officer competence
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Critical Stages of Final Stock Poultry Seeds

Critical stages of the process

No Explanation of critical stages

Selection of PS according to requirements, origin of PS,

1 Parent Stock Selection competence of officers, work environment, health and

disease treatment
2 Parental Marriage Officer competency, process suitability, work equipment,
Stock (PS)
work environment, health and disease management
3 Selection of candidate eggs Selection of egg providers, selection of eggs
Final Stocks
4 Egg Control Staff competency, work equipment, work environment, health
and disease management Officer
5 Egg Hatching competency, work equipment, work environment, hatchery
monitoring Work
6 DOC control environment, work equipment, officer competence, health and
disease management Identification, officer
7 Packaging competency, work equipment, work environment.

8 Storage Identification, work environment, officer competence

9 Transportation Work environment, work equipment, officer competence
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