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Presented by 29PA - 2023

Adapted by Teacher Bruna Andujar


1. Aladdin
2. Jasmine
3. Sultan
4. Jafar
5. Iago
6. Genie
7. Razoul [Chefe dos guardas]
8. Guardas
9. Prince Abdullah
10. Omar [Amigo de Aladdin]
11. Babkak [Amigo de Aladdin]
12. Kassim [ Amigo de Aladdin]
13. Isir [Amiga de Jasmine]
14. Rajah [Amiga de Jasmine]
15. Manal [Amiga de Jasmine]
16. Show owner
17. Attendant 1
18. Attendant 2

GENIE: Salaam and good evening to you. Welcome to the city of Agrabah!

[As luzes se acendem e revelam todos os vendedores com suas barracas vendendo produtos
típicos das arábias: especiarias, frutas, ouro]

SHOP OWNER: Dates, Dates and Figs! All fresh in the market!

ATTENDANT 1: Flower vases, beautiful hand painted ones! Buy here!

ATTENDANT 2: Jewelry and jewelry boxes, present who you love.

GENIE: Now, you know what Agrabah is famous for, right? The lamp…

[Ele tira a lâmpada do bolso, os vendedores todos se aproximam como se estivessem

hipnotizados pela lâmpada]

GENIE: Don’t be fooled by its appearance. Like so many things, it is not what is outside that
counts, but what’s INSIDE!

GENIE: You see, Agrabah is a city where a “nobody”…

[Aladdin aparece e “congela”]

GENIE: can turn into a noble somebody!

[Jasmine e Sultan aparecem e “congelam”]

GENIE: Agrabah is a place where a princess would give up her crown for true love.

[Jafar e Iago aparecem e “congelam”]

GENIE: Here is a wise step to watch, Agrabah is a place for danger around every corner. But most
important. Agrabah is a place where everybody sings!

Arabian nights, like Arabian days

More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

Arabian nights, beneath Arabian moons

A fool off his guard
Could fall and fall hard
Out there on the dunes


[O mercado está funcionando, todos estão vendendo seus produtos]

[Aladdin e seus amigos Babkak, Omar e Kassim estão tentando roubar]

SHOP OWNER: If I catch you trying to steal from my shop again, you will pay with your life!

ALADDIN: If this is how you treat your clients, I’ll take my business elsewhere!

SHOP OWNER: Ha! You’re nothing but a thief! A street rat!

[Ele se afasta de Aladdin]

SHOP OWNER: Dates, Dates as Figs!! All fresh here!

KASSIM: So, what did you steal this time?

ALADDIN: Steal? I don’t know what you’re talking about Kassim.

BABKAK: Come on, Aladdin.

OMAR: You are the best thief this side of the River Jordan!

ALADDIN: That’s all behind me now, Omar. I promised I would never steal again.

KASSIM: So what’s this?

[Ele tira um pedaço de pão das mãos de Aladdin]

ALADDIN: Food doesn’t count! A human has to eat.

OMAR: The way I see it, we’re just stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. It just so happens
that we are poor.

ALADDIN: I don’t know, Omar. When people see me, I don’t want them to think I’m a thief.

KASSIM: People don’t think that!

[O Shop Owner leva Razoul até Aladdin e os meninos e aponta para eles]


KASSIM: Of course I could be wrong [Olhando para Aladdin]. TIME TO RUN!

Song: One Jump Ahead

[Enquanto a música toca, o mercado vira uma confusão. Razoul e os guardas tentam pegar
Aladdin e os meninos]

[Eles conseguem fugir]

RAZOUL: Don’t let him get away!

[Eles saem, os meninos voltam]

ALADDIN: Sometimes it’s just way too easy.

OMAR: For you, maybe. I gotta work on my cardio!

KASSIM: So how about sharing the wealth?

ALADDIN: The what?

BABKAK: The bread.


[Eles começam a comer o pão, quando uma música começa a tocar e o mercado começa a se

ATTENDANT 1: Out of the way! Prince Abdullah is coming!

[Os meninos se aproximam para ver]

ATTENDANT 2: Excuse me and step aside, if you value your life!

PRINCE ABDULLAH: Leave him be. He’s too insignificant to kill. On to the palace!

ATTENDANT 1: You better watch yourself, street rat.

Riffraff, street rat

I don't buy that
If only they'd look closer
Would they see a poor boy? No, siree
They'd find out
There's so much more to me

ALADDIN: I’m gonna become somebody. I don’t know how exactly, but I will.



[Iago and Jafar estão em direções opostas]

IAGO: We have problems, sir! Big problems!

JAFAR: Have you forgotten how to talk to me, Iago?

IAGO: Oh, Wonderful One! Oh, Fantastic and Powerful One!

JAFAR: Better. Now, what were you squeaking about?

IAGO: Princess Jasmine has been talking with Prince Abdullah for more than an hour!

JAFAR: But she can’t! If she chooses him, how can I become the Sultan?

IAGO: That’s why I said we have problems!

[O Sultan entra]

SULTAN: Jafar, my most trusted advisor, there you are! Any word on how’s it going?

[Jafar se curva]

JAFAR: Nothing yet, your Majesty.

SULTAN: I hope this prince is a winner. We are running out of suitors.

[O Prince Abdullah entra decepcionado]

SULTAN: Prince Abdullah!!

PRINCE ABDULLAH: I’ve never met such a stubborn girl all my life!

SULTAN: What did she do?

PRINCE ABDULLAH: I was told she was very charming!

SULTAN: She is charming!

PRINCE ABDULLAH: I was told she is obedient!

SULTAN: She is obedient!

PRINCE ABDULLAH: Good day sir!

[Ele sai do palácio]

JAFAR: Oh dear. What will you do, sir?

JASMINE: Father?

SULTAN: Yes, pumpkin?

[Ele muda o tom]

SULTAN: What did you say to the poor prince?

JASMINE: The truth! That if he marries me, he will get an equal partner with equal say.
SULTAN: Jasmine, you are a princess. The law says you have to marry a prince by the next moon.

JASMINE: If I have to marry someone I don’t love, then maybe I don’t want to be a princess

SULTAN: It’s not just the law my dear. I’ll not be around forever.

JASMINE: I can take care of myself, thank you!

[Ela sai de cena]

SULTAN: Jasmine! If you don’t choose a husband tomorrow, I will choose one for you!

[Ele também sai]

IAGO: Time for a backup plan!

[Iago e Jafar saem de um lado. Jasmine e suas criadas entram pelo outro]

ISIR: What did the Sultan say?

JASMINE: That if I don’t pick a suitor, he will choose a husband for me.

ISIR: Wow.

MANAL: Yeah… I don’t see that going well.

JASMINE: It’s like I’m a prisoner.

MANAL: In a really, really nice prison, Jasmine.

JASMINE: Having riches doesn’t mean you have happiness. I want to see the world… find love…
live my life…

RAJAH: I think a little excursion would do her some good.

ISIR: You do?

RAJAH: Sure! A Taste of what’s beyond these palace walls could be just what a princess needs.

[As meninas saem e voltam com uma capa para Jasmine, elas saem de cena.]

[Iago e Jafar volta. Ele está com um livro de feitiços]

IAGO: What’s in the book?

JAFAR: The key to a lamp that contains a powerful genie! One I have it in my power, worries about
the Princess’s suitors will be a distant memory. I’ll have the entire kingdom at my mercy!

IAGO: How do we get our hands on this lamp?

JAFAR: The lamp waits in the Cave of Wonders, and we need a boy to get in and get it for us.

IAGO: Once you get the lamp, you will finally be the Sultan of Agrabah!



[Jasmine está olhando as barraquinhas]

ALADDIN: First time in the marketplace, right?

JASMINE: What makes you think it’s my first time here?

ALADDIN: Solid-gold earrings, fancy cloak…

JASMINE: I guess it’s kind of obvious..

ALADDIN: Lucky for you, I know this place like the back of my hand. Let me show you around.

[Jasmine vê a barraquinha de jóias]


ALADDIN: Beautiful, Huh? Egyptian Jade.

[Jasmine se vira e pega uma fruta da barraca de frutas]

SHOP OWNER: You’d better be able to pay for that!

JASMINE: Ahh… sorry, I left in a hurry, I forgot to get any money, but If you just let me…

[O Shop Owner pega o braço dela]

SHOP OWNER: We don’t accept thieves here!

ALADDIN: Wait! My sister didn’t mean any harm! She’s… she’s… a bit…crazy…

[Jasmine entra no personagem]

JASMINE: Why is this camel talking to me?


JASMINE: Thank you, my lord Camel.

ALADDIN: I’d better take her to the doctor..and hey! Here is your fruit!
[Aladdin pega Jasmine vai saindo, quando Razoul e os guardas voltam]

RAZOUL: Street rat!

GUARD: Get them!

[Eles começam a ir atrás dos dois, e conseguem fugir]

JASMINE: Do you think we lost them?

ALADDIN: I think so. So… where are you from? You are definitely not a local girl…

JASMINE: I’m just… running away from my life. My father wants me to marry a person I don’t love.

ALADDIN: You should be free to make your choices, right?

JASMINE: Right. Sometimes you feel so…

ALADDIN: You’re just…


[Eles se olham e sorriem um para o outro]

[Os guardam interrompem]

GUARD 2: This way!

ALADDIN / JASMINE: They are after me! They are after you?

ALADDIN: Do you trust me?


ALADDIN: Do you trust me?

JASMINE: I’m not sure why…but yes!

[Ela dá a mão pra ele, e eles saem correndo]

ALADDIN: Then, come on!

[Razoul entra pelo lado oposto e pega Jasmine]

RAZOUL: I see you have a new partner in crime, street rat.

ALADDIN: let her go!

RAZOUL: Silence! Or I’ll kill her right now!

JASMINE: Wait! I command you to stop!

GUARD: Ha Ha, who do you think you are?

[Ela tira o capuz e revela seu rosto]

GUARD 2: Princess Jasmine?

[Eles se curvam]

ALADDIN: Princess? You are the princess?

[Iago e Jafar aparecem no canto]

IAGO: That’s the boy!

JAFAR: The Diamond in the Rough.

JASMINE: You will release Aladdin immediately.

RAZOUL: We all due respect my princess, my orders come from Jafar.

JASMINE: Everything is going to be alright. I will tell my father.

RAZOUL: Guards, escort the princess back to the palace.

[Os guardas e a princesa vão embora]

JAFAR: Hey.. I’ll have him!

[Ele joga uma moeda de ouro para Razoul]

ALADDIN: Who are you? Why did you help me?

JAFAR: Follow me, and you will see.



JAFAR: I need your help boy, and I know you have special talents…

ALADDIN: What kind of help?

JAFAR: There is a magical cave that contains many wonders.

IAGO: We call it “The Cave of Wonders”

JAFAR: But there’s just one thing inside the cave I really want! The magical lamp.

ALADDIN: What do you want with the lamp?

JAFAR: None of your business…

ALADDIN: But..why me?

JAFAR: Prove you’re not a thief, a street rat. Prove your value!

IAGO: We are here.


ALADDIN: Huh.. It’s me, Aladdin.


JAFAR: Now enter! And remember! Don’t touch anything!



[Dentro da caverna, Aladdin está impressionado com tanto ouro e jóias preciosas. A lâmpada está
lá dentre os tesouros]

ALADDIN: Where could it be?

[Ele procura]

ALADDIN: Ow! I think that’s it.

[Ele grita para Jafar]

ALADDIN: I found it!

JAFAR: Bring it to me!

[Quando ele está saindo ele vê um lindo colar]

ALADDIN: What a beautiful necklace.. I think the princess would love it.

[Quando ele pega o colar a caverna começa a se destruir]


ALADDIN: I wasn’t going to take it!


JAFAR: Nooooo!


ALADDIN: Hello??? Hello!!!

[Ele chuta a lâmpada… e logo vai buscá-la]

ALADDIN: What’s so great about this thing anyway? Hey.. there’s something here…

[Ele esfrega a lâmpada e o gênio aparece]

GENIE: HELLLOOOOO! Did you miss me? (Para o público)

ALADDIN: Who are you?

GENIE: Who am I? Who am I? Isn’t it obvious? The Genie is here!

ALADDIN: So you are from inside the lamp?

GENIE: Of course! And you are the master of the lamp, so you get three wishes!

ALADDIN: You mean… I can wish for anything I want?

GENIE: You gotta a name, kid?

ALADDIN: Aladdin.

GENIE: Mind If I call you Al…Al? Let me tell you how it works.

Song: A friend like me

GENIE: Thank you! Thank you very much! Thank you! [Para o público]

ALADDIN: [Pensando]: So I have three wishes…uh..

GENIE: That’s right! But with the lamp comes great responsibility! So let’s go over the rulebook,
shall we? Rule number one: I can’t kill anybody!. Rule number two: I can’t bring anyone back from
the dead. Rule number three: I can’t make anybody fall in love with you. Get it?

ALADDIN: Got it. So you are a powerful Genie… but you probably couldn’t get us out of this cave.

GENIE: What?????????? Watch this!



ALADDIN: Thank you, Genie! You are the best! Now… about my three wishes…

GENIE: Hold it, pal! Three??? Don’t you mean: TWO?

ALADDIN: No.. I didn’t officially ask to leave the cave. You did that on your own!

GENIE: [Olhando para o público]: He tricked the Genie!

ALADDIN: What would you wish for?

GENIE: Hum… no one has ever asked me that…. I think… freedom.

ALADDIN: Freedom? I’ll do it! It will be my wish number 3!

GENIE: Really?

ALADDIN: I promise, Genie.

GENIE: Wow… [Ele fica sem graça e feliz

ALADDIN: Now… there is this girl…and…

GENIE: [Ele faz um som de buzina]: WRONG! I can’t make she loves you.

ALADDIN: I know! But, she’s so smart, and beautiful, inside and out! The problem is: She is a
princess. I need to be a… prince! Hey, Genie! Can you make me a prince?

GENIE: Make it official!

ALADDIN: Genie! I wish for you to make me a prince!



JASMINE: Father, do you have any idea of how people are living on the streets?

SULTAN: Jasmine, you shouldn’t have been to the marketplace!

[Jafar aparece]
SULTAN: AH, Jafar! There you are. About the boy you arrested at the marketplace…

JAFAR: I’m afraid the boy has already been sentenced.


JAFAR: He’s already dead, princess.

JASMINE: How could you? He didn’t do anything wrong!

SULTAN: Jafar, this is horrible! From now on, you will discuss all sentences with me.

JASMINE: When I am queen, I will have the power to get rid of YOU!

[Ela sai brava]

IAGO [Imitando Jasmine]: When I am queen, I will get rid of you!

JAFAR: Stop it!

[Som ao fundo]

SULTAN: What’s that? Can you hear it? Let’s go and see.



[Todos veneram o Prince Ali, que é Aladdin disfarçado]




ALADDIN: Your Majesty, it’s a great pleasure to be here. I am Prince Ali of Ababwa!

JAFAR: Yeah.. we heard the song.

SULTAN: Well, this is good news! I’m happy to meet you, my boy.

JAFAR: Let me tell you prince Aboobooo –

ALADDIN: Ababwa.
[Jasmine entra]

JASMINE: Ow, another one here! How dare you! All of you, standing around and deciding my

[Ela sai de novo]

SULTAN: She will calm down.

[Todos saem, Aladdin fica]

ALADDIN: Genie? Genie!

GENIE: So how is it going, “Prince Ali”?

ALADDIN: Terrible, Genie. I have to try harder to impress the princess.

GENIE: Just…be yourself!

ALADDIN: That’s the last thing I wanna be. If Jasmine found out, she would laugh in my face!


MANAL: But Jasmine, you can’t just leave!

RAJAH: Remember what happened the last time…

ISIR: Where will you go?

JASMINE: It doesn’t matter. I will not be here with these show-offs!

[Aladdin entra]

ALADDIN: I hope you’re talking about other show-offs. Because if it’s about me… this is

RAJAH: So, what are your intentions with the princess?

JASMINE: It’s alright. I can handle him

[Elas saem de cena]

ALADDIN: Wow.. alone at last.

JASMINE: Save your time, Prince Ali.

ALADDIN: Princess, it was not my intention to offend you, I’m sorry.

[Ele remove o turbante e se curva à ela]

JASMINE: Wait a moment… Have we met before?

ALADDIN: Uh… That’s impossible.

JASMINE: You remind me of someone I met in the marketplace.

ALADDIN: Hey, I came here to ask you something…


ALADDIN: How would you like to go on a tour on a magic carpet?

JASMINE: I didn’t know they really existed! Where did you find it?

ALADDIN: I know a guy…hummm

[Ele olha pro Genie disfarçadamente, ele está no canto]

ALADDIN: Anyway.. we could get out of the palace…see the world.

JASMINE: Will it be safe?

ALADDIN: Do you trust me?

JASMINE: What did you say?

[Ele pega na mão dela]

ALADDIN: Do you trust me?

JASMINE: I’m not sure why, but yes.

Song: A whole new world

I can show you the world

Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world

A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us, "No"
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming

A whole new world

A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you

Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky

A whole new world (don't you dare close your eyes)

A hundred thousand things to see (hold your breath, it gets better)
I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be
A whole new world
With new horizons to pursue
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you

A whole new world (a whole new world)

A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us, "No"
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
A whole new world (every turn, a surprise)
With new horizons to pursue (every moment, red-letter)
I'll chase them anywhere, there's time to spare
And then we're home (there's time to spare)
Let me share this whole new world with you

A whole new world (a whole new world)

That's where we'll be (that's where we'll be)
A thrilling chase (a wondrous place)
For you and me


ALADDIN: There you are. Back, safe and sound

JASMINE: Thank you, Aladdin.

ALADDIN: You’re welcome princ—--- What?

JASMINE: Did you think I would go on a magic carpet with a complete stranger? Why did you lie to
me? Tell me the truth!

ALADDIN: The truth….The truth is… I AM a prince, but sometimes I like to go to the marketplace
to experience life as a real person, you know?

JASMINE: Fine…Now you are the perfect husband for me, aren’t you? I will talk to my father!

[Ela sai de cena]

ALADDIN: I can’t believe it! She actually likes me! Nothing can go wrong now!

[Jafar entra, acompanhado de Razoul, Iago e dos guardas]

JAFAR: I believe this is where I enter…

[Ele olha para os guardas]


ALADDIN: Wait! What?

JAFAR: It is against the law for a suitor to enter the Princess’s private chambers.

IAGO: Section 4, paragraph 12. BUSTED!

GUARD: Let’s take him away!

[Enquanto os guardas levam Aladdin, Omar entra e vê tudo]



BABKAK: Turbans! Get your turbans here!!!

OMAR: Kassim! Babkak! Help!

KASSIM: What’s wrong?

OMAR: Aladdin! Trouble! Arrested! Palace!

BABKAK: We have to do something!

KASSIM: Let’s go to the Palace and get our friend back!



RAZOUL: Trying to beat the guard, hu? Street rats!

GUARD 2: Now you will make some company to your friend!

[Eles jogam os amigos no chão]

ALADDIN: What are you guys doing here?

OMAR: Rescuing you, can’t you see?

BABKAK: Trying to rescue, you mean…

ALADDIN: I’m sorry, guys. If we get out of here, I will tell Jasmine the truth.

OMAR: What are you going to do with us?

RAZOUL: That’s up to Jafar! But I think your days are over.

ALADDIN: I have to do something… Genie? Genie?

[Ele esfrega a lâmpada e o Gênio aparece]

GENIE: You rang?

ALADDIN: Genie, I’m sorry. I need your help now, I wish for you to set us free.

GENIE: That’s your second wish, you know?

ALADDIN: I know! That means the next one is all yours!

GENIE: All mine? I like the sound of that!

[Ele solta os meninos e eles comemoram]

ALADDIN: Thank you, Genie! Now, I have to go and talk to Jasmine!



SULTAN: I can’t tell you how happy I am, Jasmine.

JASMINE: I know! It’s like I have known him forever, dad.

ALADDIN: Your Majesty, Princess Jasmine - There’s something you need to know.

SULTAN: Oh, she has already told me! Looks like we have a wedding to prepare!

[O Sultão sai]

JASMINE: Something wrong, Ali?

[Aladdin fica pensando e não consegue falar]

MANAL: Come on, Princess.

ISIR: We have a lot of things to do for the wedding.

[Elas saem]

[O Gênio entra]

GENIE: I’m ready! So, did you tell her?

ALADDIN: I couldn’t do it. She wants to marry Ali. Genie, I’m sorry, I can’t set you free. I think I will
need this wish in the future.

[Jafar e Iago iam entrando e param quando veem os dois]

IAGO: How did prince Aboobooo escape the guards?

JAFAR: Quiet!

GENIE: Ok, I understand. Hey, afterall you have lied to everyone else. Now, If you excuse me. I’ll
be in my prison… I mean, in my lamp.

ALADDIN: Genie, wait! I’m sorry!

JAFAR: Of course! He’s not a prince at all! He’s the boy who entered the cave!

IAGO: He got the lamp!


ALADDIN: [Falando com ele mesmo]: Tell the truth, lose the princess. Keep the princess, live a lie.

[Ele sai de cena e deixa a lâmpada lá]

IAGO: Ooooh, look what he forgot.

JAFAR: At last!

SULTAN: My royal subjects, we are gathered here today to wed our beloved Princess Jasmine to
the noble Prince Ali of Ababwa.

PEOPLE: Hooray!

ALADDIN: Wait! I’m sorry, but there’s something I have to tell Jasmine…

JAFAR: Maybe I can help break the good news!

[O Gênio entra com Jasmine suas amigas acorrentadas]

SULTAN: Jafar! What is the meaning of this?

IAGO: All will be revealed your Majesty.

ALADDIN: Genie! What are you doing?

GENIE: I’ve got no choice! I am no longer your genie! Ugly bad dude got the lamp. He is my
master now!

ALADDIN: What? No!!

SULTAN: Jafar! Enough! I am the Sultan!

JAFAR: Not so fast. Genie, I wish to be Sultan of Agrabah.

GENIE: Oh boy…

[O Gênio esfrega as mãos e a magia acontece]

ALADDIN: You’re right, Jafar! Maybe I am just a guy who found a lamp. But so are you!

JASMINE: What are you doing?

JAFAR: I think I am the Sultan of the entire Kingdom.

ALADDIN: Maybe you are, or maybe this is just an illusion! The Genie has more power than you
will ever have!

JAFAR: GENIE! For my final wish, I demand you make me a genie!

GENIE: It was nice knowing you, Al.

[O Gênio faz o feitiço. Efeitos de fumaça, e uma lâmpada preta aparece]



[Todos estão espantados, Aladdin pega a lâmpada preta]

ALADDIN: Jafar wanted to be a genie and he got it! And also everything that goes with it!

[Todos comemoram]

GENIE: I might be the Genie, Al. But you are a Genius!!!

SULTAN: Guards! Have the lamp locked in a vault, and throw the key away!

JASMINE: [Ela aponta para Iago]: And take that one to the dungeon!

IAGO: You know, Jafar and I were never really close… Please…. Oh Pleasee….

[Os guardas o levam]

ALADDIN: Jasmine, I never meant to hurt you. I thought being a prince would make me good for
you. But I was wrong.

GENIE: Al, this doesn’t have to be a goodbye, you still have one wish.

ALADDIN: Genie… I wish for…your freedom!

GENIE: Okay, here you go… Wait — What did you say?

ALADDIN: I set you free! You are your own master now!

GENIE: I can’t believe I’m finally freeeee! I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me, Al. No matter
what anybody says you will always be a prince to me.

[Eles se abraçam]

SULTAN: I couldn’t agree more. If the law it’s the problem… I am the Sultan!

[Ele anuncia para todos]

SULTAN: From this day on, the Princess shall marry whoever she thinks is worthy.

[Todos comemoram]

JASMINE: Really, father?

SULTAN: Yes, my dear.

[Ela vira para Aladdin]

JASMINE: Do you trust me?

ALADDIN: What did you say?

JASMINE: Do you trust me?

[Ele pega a mão dela]

ALADDIN: Call me Al.

[Eles se abraçam e todos comemoram]


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