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Reading: Eep Crood’s family page 22

CLB5NEE © Porto Editora

A Read the text and write the words under the correct family member.

(Lê o texto e escreve as palavras por baixo do membro da família correto.)

grandmother · father · sister · mother · brother

Eep's family

Guy Gran
Ugga Eep Grug

1. sister 2. 3. 4. 5.

Eep Crood’s family

My favourite family is the Croods. They live in a cave.
Eep lives with her grandma Gran. Eep’s mother is Ugga and her
father is Grug.
Eeps has got a little baby sister. Her name is Sandy. She has also
got a brother. His name is Thunk and he is nine years old.
School project
Written by Sally Jones

B Read the text and write true or false.

(Lê o texto e escreve “true” para verdadeiro e
“false” para falso.)

1. Grug is Eep’s father. true

2. Eep has got a brother and a sister.
3. Sandy and Eep are sisters.
4. Eep’s parents are Sandy and Grug.


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