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The Grade Six pupils decided to make their room clean, orderly, and
beautiful. Here are some of the rules everyone needs to follow.
Wipe your shoes on the doormat before entering the room.
Put the waste paper, fruit peelings, and candy wrappers in the waste
Keep the walls, desks, and tables free from pencil and chalk marks and
Put the cleaning materials in a box.
Arrange the furniture properly.
Put away your pencils, books, notebooks after using them.
Hang umbrellas and raincoats in one corner of the room.
Keep books clean and well-covered.

1. What did the pupils decide to do?

a. Make their room clean, orderly and beautiful
b. Make their homes clean, orderly, and beautiful
c. Make their school surroundings clean, orderly, and beautiful

2. What did they agree upon?

a. To form a society
b. To follow the rules
c. To work on the school ground

3. What will they do with their shoes?

a. Wipe on the doormat
b. Leave on the doormat
c. Put under the doormat

4. From what will they keep the furniture free?

a. books b. cover c. scratches
5. Where should the cleaning materials be kept?
a. box b. drawer c. bookcase

6. How should the furniture be arranged?

a. properly b. carelessly c. artistically

7. Where should one keep his pencils, books, and notebooks after using
a. in his bag
b. on the desk
c. on the teacher’s table

8. Where should waste paper be thrown?

a. in the desk
b. in the drawer
c. in the waste basket

9. Where should one hang raincoats and umbrellas?

a. on the desk
b. in the cabinet
c. on one corner of the room

10.What should be kept clean and well-covered?

a. desks b. books c. tables


Daphne was a beautiful nymph. The sun god, Apollo, fell in love with her
but she rejected him. Once, Apollo saw her and pursued her. Daphne sought
shelter behind a big tree. She was out of breath from running. Now, as she
leaned on the tree, she looked back with frightened eyes. Was Apollo still
running after her? She threw herself upon her knees and prayed to be saved
from her pursuer. She rose with outstretched arms. Then her fingers fluttered
gently, as if blown by a gently breeze. Little by little she was changed from a
beautiful nymph to a laurel tree. Slowly she broke into a smile. Now, she was
safe. Apollo could not carry her away anymore.

1. Daphne sought shelter behind _______________.

a. a big tree
b. a laurel tree
c. a large house

2. As she leaned on the tree, she looked back with ___________.

a. round eyes
b. smiling eyes
c. frightened eyes

3. She was out of breath from ______________.

a. talking
b. running
c. laughing

4. She prayed to be saved from her ____________.

a. father
b. pursuer
c. husband

5. Slowly she stretched out her ___________.

a. feet b. arms c. hands

6. She threw herself upon her _____________.

a. bed b. knees c. pillow

7. She was changed from a beautiful nymph into ______________.

a. an oak tree
b. a narra tree
c. a laurel tree

8. Her fingers fluttered ____________.

a. slowly b. gently c. rapidly

9. She felt safe, after she became a ___________.

b. tree b. nymph c. goddess

10.She could not be carried away anymore by __________.

c. Theus b. Midas c. Apollo


Long ago the Romans used to cook their food just as the way hunters
today sometimes do. They dug out an oven in the ground, lined it with stones
and made a fire in it. When the improvised oven was well heated, they raked out
the ashes, put in the food and covered it. We learned about this from
excavations in the city of Pompeii. Pompeii was destroyed and buried during
the eruption of a volcano hundreds of years ago. When the city was excavated,
ovens with wood and ashes were found among the ruins. It is believed that just
as the cooks were about to bake, the fiery volcano rained out ashes and boiling
lava and burned down the city.

1. In ancient times, how did the Romans cook their food?

a. just as the cooks do today
b. just as the people do today
c. just as some hunters do today

2. What did they use to line the ground where they built the ovens?
a. lime b. clay c. stones

3. What did they do with the oven before putting in their food?
a. They cooled it.
b. They heated it.
c. They poured water in it.

4. Where did they dig their ovens?

a. in the ground
b. in the cement
c. in the tree trunks

5. What did they rake out of the oven before putting in their food?
a. sand b. ashes c. wood

6. Who cooked their food in underground ovens?

a. the Jews
b. the Italians
c. the Romans

7. Who had ovens with wood ashes in them?

a. the British
b. the Romans
c. the people of Pompeii

8. What destroyed Pompeii?

a. a great fire
b. a terrible food
c. a volcanic eruption

9. What were the cooks about to do when the volcano?

a. eat b. bake c. wash dishes

10.What was done with the buried city?

a. rebuilt b. forgotten c. excavated


It was Lynn’s first night in the city. She woke up with a stun and then she
remembered where she was. She had never spent the night in a city before. She
lay still and listened. Cars and jeepneys seemed to race like ants heading
straight towards her. A new house was being built next to her aunt’s house and
the cement mixer was roaring angrily. Downstairs, in the kitchen, she heard the
clattering of pans. Then, she heard the chime of the big clock. She turned over
and fell asleep again.

1. What did Lynn remember when she woke up?

a. She was in the city.
b. She was in her house.
c. She was in her country.

2. Has Lynn ever spent a night before in the city?

a. No b. Yes c. Maybe

3. Where did Lynn imagine the cars and jeeps going?

a. heading to the city
b. heading towards her
c. heading towards the house

4. Where did the roaring sound come from?

a. a bulldozer
b. a cement mixer
c. a street sweeper

5. How did she know the time?

a. from the radio
b. from the big clock
c. from the position of the sun

6. Why did Lynn wake up with a stun?

a. She was afraid.
b. She had a dream.
c. She felt she was in a strange place.

7. What did she do when she woke up?

a. She ran out to play.
b. She washed her face.
c. She lay still and listened.

8. What did Lynn hear passing in front of the house?

a. buses and trains
b. cars and jeepneys
c. streetcars and carts

9. Where did she hear the clattering of the pans?

a. from the streets
b. from the kitchen
c. from the living room

10.Did Lynn fall asleep again?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

Narcissus was out of breath from running when he came to a clear pool.
He stopped to drink. Just as he was about to sip the cool water, he saw her face
in the pool. It was handsome and he was attracted to it.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“Who are you?” echoed someone?
“Why are you mocking me?” asked Narcissus.
“Mocking me,” said the voice.
Narcissus was puzzled. He wanted to talk with the face in the pool but it
would not answer. He tried to catch it but to no avail. At last, he lost hope and
plunged into the pool hoping to see the owner of the face.

1. Why was Narcissus out of breath?

a. He was running.
b. He was jumping.
c. He was skipping.

2. Which of these sentences is true?

a. Narcissus came to a clear lake.
b. Narcissus came to a clear pool.
c. Narcissus came to a clear path.

3. He stopped to ______________.
a. drink b. swim c. bathe

4. He saw something which _________________.

a. attracted to him
b. frightened him
c. drove him away

5. What did he see in the pool?

a. a boat b. a face c. a flower

6. Which is correct?
a. He talked with the face in the pool.
b. He shouted at the face in the pool.
c. He played with the face in the pool.

7. Narcissus heard _______________.

a. his own echo
b. the singing bird
c. a reply from the man in the pool

8. Narcissus was not able to _______________.

a. drink
b. swim
c. talk with the man in the pool

9. He became _________________.
a. sad b. angry c. hopeless

10.What did he do at last?

a. plunged into the pool
b. ran into the dark woods
c. ran away from the pool

Rene was tired from the day’s tramp. He rolled himself in his scout
blanket and laid still. It was very quiet in the woods. Then he heard some queer
noises. There was a flapping of wings. A night owl was on its way to hunt. Tiny
raindrops started to fall on the leaves. The shower was over though, in a
moment. The cicadas and other insects started their night songs which ended
into a forest symphony. “Those queer night sounds in the forest is a good
lullaby,” Rene though as he drowsed off to a sound sleep.

1. Rene went on _____________.

a. a field trip
b. an excursion
c. a Boy Scout camping

2. It was very quiet in the ___________________.

a. city b. house c. woods

3. He rolled himself in his _________________.

a. mat b. raincoat c. scout blanket

4. He began to hear _________________.

a. soft music
b. hooting cars
c. queer noises

5. He heard a soft flapping of ________________.

a. skirts b. wings c. leaves

6. An owl was on its way to _______________.

a. hunt b. roost c. lay eggs

7. Tiny raindrops fell on the __________________.

a. roof b. leaves c. treetops

8. The shower lasted for a ___________________.

a. few hours b. long time c. short time

9. Rene heard the singing of the _____________.

a. owls b. cicadas c. campers

10.To Rene, the sound of the insects was a ___________.

a. lullaby b. serenade c. symphony

“I have good news today, Mother,” said Norma as she put down the big
basket she was carrying.
“What’s your news, Norma?” asked Mother.
“Look at my basket,” said Norma excitedly. “I bought many things today:
meat, sugar, fish, vegetables and fruits. See, I still have a little change left.”
“But why?” asked Mother, puzzled.

1. Where did Norma come from?

a. playing b. the school c. the market

2. What was she carrying?

a. a big bag b. a big basket c. a school bag

3. What was Norma’s news?

a. bad b. good c. neither good nor bad

4. How did Norma feel after coming from the market?

a. tired b. angry c. excited

5. What did she show to her Mother?

a. things in her study table
b. things in her school bag
c. things she bought in the market

6. Why was Norma happy?

a. She bought a pretty dress.
b. She bought things she would use in school.
c. She was able to buy many things and still had some change.
7. Which of these did Norma buy?
a. dress b. meat c. ribbon

8. How did Mother feel after listening to Norma?

a. sad b. happy c. puzzled

9. Why was Norma’s news good?

a. She was able to save an amount from marketing.
b. She found a wallet with money in the market.
c. She did not pay for the goods she got from the market.

10.Why do you think was Mother puzzled?

a. She could not believe what Norma said.
b. She knew that prices of goods were high.
c. Norma had told the truth for the first time.


Select some ripe tomatoes. Wash them thoroughly. Cut them crosswise
into halves. Then separate the pulp from the seeds. Cook the pulp in an
enameled kettle, stirring it occasionally until the thin peelings separate and roll
up. Remove the pulp from the fire. Pass the pulp through a wire strainer and get
the juice. Mix the juice with the pulp. Add some vinegar. Put onion juice,
powdered cinnamon, pepper, cloves of garlic and spices in a small cloth bag and
dip it into the mixture. Cook the mixture until it is thick. Take out the bag of
spices. Bottle the cooked pulp and seal.

1. How is the pulp separated from the seeds?

a. by squeezing the tomato
b. by cutting crosswise into halves
c. by cutting the tomato into small pieces

2. When is the pulp removed from the fire?

a. when the pulp has hardened
b. when the pulp is mixed with the peelings
c. when the peelings have been separated and have rolled up

3. What is the first step in preparing catsup?

a. Boil the mixture.
b. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly.
c. Remove the mixture from the fire.

4. What kind of tomatoes are used?

a. ripe b. green c. cooked

5. What is used in cooking the pulp?

a. a pot b. a pan c. an enameled kettle

6. What kind of strainer is used?

a. wire strainer b. rattan strainer c. plastic strainer
7. What is wrapped in a cloth bag?
a. juices b. spices c. pulp

8. When is the mixture removed from the fire?

a. when it is thick
b. when it is watery
c. when it is smooth

9. What is added to the juice and pulp?

a. flour and others
b. water and others
c. vinegar, onion juices and others

10.What is the last step in preparing the catsup?

a. boil until thick
b. bottle and seal
c. add the vinegar to the mixture


“How was your trip, Wally?” asked Grandma as Wally kissed her hands.
“It was fine, Grandma,” answered Wally, yawning while stretching his
arms, and shaking his legs. “I slept almost throughout the way.”
“Why, you lazy boy!” exclaimed Grandma. “Then you didn’t see the
beautiful scenery on the countryside.”
“It was so nice riding on the bus,” explained Wally. “The roads now are
very smooth, unlike the first time Father and I visited you after the flood. A
week has passed after that visit, yet my body was still aching all over. We were
like mashed fruits after our ride over those potmarked roads.”
“It did not take long for the government to have all the damaged roads
repaired,” agreed Grandma. “Thanks to our government, things are back to
normal again.”

1. Where did Wally’s Grandma live?

a. in the city
b. in the province
c. in a city suburb

2. Why did Wally fail to see the beautiful scenery?

a. He slept almost throughout the way.
b. He was wearing dark glasses.
c. He was not interested to look at the scenery.

3. Where did Wally ride?

a. on a bus
b. on a train
c. in a jeepney

4. Who was with Wally when he visited Grandma?

a. his father b. his mother c. nobody

5. How did Wally try to freshen himself?

a. He jumped.
b. He ran and ran.
c. He stretched out his arms and legs.

6. According to Grandma, what did Wally miss by sleeping all the way?
a. Grandma’s house
b. the place where they were going
c. the beautiful scenery on the countryside

7. Why did Wally not enjoy his first visit to Grandma?

a. The journey was long.
b. The roads were potmarked.
c. The roads were smooth and nice.

8. What did Grandma call Wally for sleeping all the way?
a. lazy b. cheerful c. curious

9. Why were the roads easy to travel on now?

a. They were cleaned by the government.
b. They were damaged by the government.
c. They had been repaired by the government.

10.How was life after the flood?

a. It returned to normal.
b. It was never the same again.
c. It was much better than before.


Those who cannot read are pitiful because they cannot enjoy books.
Books tell us about the wonderful things in the world. They tell us the
interesting things people do. Books can answer the “whys” and “hows” of
things that puzzle us. They can take us to faraway places through imagination.
They can show us, too, the things that happened a long time ago as well as those
happenings at present. Books tell us about the children in other lands. They hold
the key to the greatest treasures in the world. A wise man once said that he
would rather be a poor boy in a cellar surrounded with books than a prince who
had no chance to read.
1. Those who do not know how to read are the
a. most pitiful people
b. most happy people
c. most wonderful people

2. What do books do for us?

a. make us rich
b. make us unhappy
c. tell us about the things in the world

3. Where can books take us?

a. nowhere
b. just in our room
c. to faraway places

4. What questions can books answer?

a. little things not worth knowing
b. the “whys” and “hows” of things
c. things that cannot be remembered

5. What do books hold for their readers?

a. falling leaves
b. running water
c. key to the greatest treasure in the world

6. What do books tell us?

a. nothing of importance
b. words without meaning
c. things that happened long ago

7. Do books tell us about the children in other places?

a. Yes b. No c. Perhaps

8. Who says he would rather be in a cellar with books than in a palace

without a single book?
a. a prince b. a wise man c. a poor man
9. What do books unfold before us?
a. hidden health
b. hidden wealth
c. hidden knowledge

10.What is preferable than a prince in a palace without the love for reading?
a. a rich boy in a big house
b. a boy in a beautiful house
c. a poor by in a cellar who loves books


A skillful driver can see clearly what lies underneath a vast body of
water. He sees swaying seaweeds, acres of sea plants that have large, bright
colored leaves. He finds countless giant crabs and lobsters. A diver also
encounters sea snakes, sea horses, fierce sharks and other wild fishes. He takes
delight in watching the different species of fish, splendid in their brilliant colors.
To a diver, the life underworld is full of thrilling adventures.

1. What can the divers see through the clear water?

a. ships b. seahorses c. seaweeds

2. Are there plants in the sea?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

3. What kind of a diver can stay in the water for a long time?
a. amateurs b. untrained c. experienced
4. Do the divers find only wild fishes under the sea?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

5. What does a diver find in the sea?

a. wealth b. adventure c. sunken ships

6. What makes a seaweed sway?

a. air b. fishes c. water current

7. How does a diver feel while watching the different species of fish
a. afraid b. excited c. delighted

8. How wide is the place underwater where sea plants grow?

a. acres b. few feet c. few meters

9. What may possibly happen to a diver who is not skillful?

a. He may drown.
b. He may just float.
c. He may be eaten by fishes.

10.Do you think deep sea diving is safe?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

A group of students were chatting and laughing excitedly near the

sidewalk. They seemed to be talking all at the same time when suddenly they
became silent. They stated spellbound at a blind girl groping along the wall, and
feeling her way about. Though her eyes were open, they could tell that she
could not see. In her right hand was a bunch of flowers which she smelled now
and then. She continued walking till the end of the street. When she was out of
sight the students gave a sigh of relief. Were they not lucky to have two good

1. What were the student doing?

a. playing and jumping
b. singing and dancing
c. chatting and laughing

2. Which of these statements is true?

a. The students stopped talking as they stared at a blind girl.
b. The students stopped talking as they stared at a lame girl.
c. The students stopped talking as they stared at an old beggar.

3. How did the girl move along the wall?

a. She ran along.
b. She walked briskly.
c. She groped along her way.

4. What did the students notice about the girl’s eyes?

a. They were open.
b. They were closed.
c. They were half opened.

5. What were the students sure about the girl?

a. She could see.
b. She could not see.
c. She could see a little.

6. What was on the girl’s hand?

a. a cane
b. a bunch of keys
c. a bunch of flowers

7. Where was the girl going?

a. to a nearby store
b. to the end of the street
c. to the house at the street corner

8. What did the students do when they saw the girl?

a. stared b. looked c. smiled

9. How did the students feel when the blind girl was out of sight?
a. sorry b. afraid c. relieved

10.What were the students thankful for?

b. for their feet
c. for their legs
d. for their good eyes

It was time for the zookeeper to feed the animals. Judging from the noise,
the beasts were hungry. The lions opened their mouths and gave the people in
the zoo a frightful sample of the howl of the king of beasts. The little monkeys
squeaked as they tumbled over each other to reach the cage bars. The monkeys
shook the iron bars till they rattled, and parrots jumped up and down shrieking

1. What time was it in the zoo?

a. playing time
b. feeding time
c. sleeping time

2. How did the animals show that they were hungry?

a. They played.
b. They quarreled.
c. They made noise.

3. Who howled?
a. the lions
b. the gorillas
c. the monkeys

4. What did the lions do?

a. roared
b. beat on the bars
c. opened their mouths

5. What was the zookeeper going to do?

a. beat the animals
b. feed the animals
c. bathe the animals

6. How did the little monkeys manage to reach the cage bars?
a. by jumping over each other
b. by tumbling over each other
c. by climbing over each other

7. What did the little monkeys do?

a. snitched
b. squeaked
c. screeched

8. What did the monkeys do with the iron bars?

a. broke
b. rattled
c. loosened

9. Who jumped up and down?

a. dancers
b. parrots
c. birds

10.How did the parrots welcome the zookeeper?

a. They shouted.
b. They shrieked.
c. They squeaked.

“It will not be long frow now and Tandang Sela will not go begging
anymore,” Mell told his sister Sheila.
“Why did you say that?” asked Sheila.
“Didn’t you know?” Mel asked, “The government had decided to help the
beggars, young and old.”
“But how?” asked Sheila, still puzzled. “There are hundreds of beggars
around. How can the government help them all?”
“It is like this,” explained Mel, “The young ones will be placed in the
care of their relatives if they have any. The others will be sent to the provinces
where they came from. The children who do not have anybody to look after
them will be placed in orphanages. The old ones who have neither families nor
relatives will be housed in the Home for the Aged. They will be taken care of by
the government.”
“How nice,” Sheila said. “It is really a pity to see these beggars,
especially the very old ones.”

1. What does Tandang Sela do?

a. She sells.
b. She begs.
c. She washes clothes.

2. What news does Mel have for Sheila?

a. Tandang Sela will move to another place.
b. Tandang Sela will not have to beg anymore.
c. Tandang Sela will not have to wash clothes anymore.

3. Whom will the government help?

a. the children
b. the beggars
c. the poor people

4. Where will the young ones be sent?

a. to their relatives
b. to the orphanage
c. to the social welfare

5. Where will the unattended young ones be sent?

a. to rich families
b. to orphanages
c. to the provinces where they came from

6. Who will be housed in the Home for the Aged?

a. the young ones
b. the very old ones
c. the ones with relatives

7. Who will provide the needs of the old folks?

a. their relatives
b. the rich people
c. the government

8. Which of these statements is true?

a. The government will help the beggars.
b. The government will imprison all beggars.
c. The government will drive the beggars away.

9. How did Sheila feel about the government’s decision?

a. glad b. envious c. curious

10.How does one feel when he sees beggars especially the old ones?
a. sad b. joyful c. happy


God’s best gift to Jose Rizal was his mother, Doña Teodora Alonzo.
Teodora was brought up by her mother in a home full of love and
understanding. She was educated at Santa Rosa College. Her excellent
education, her goodness of her heart and her other virtues prepared her to be the
mother of our national hero. To Jose Rizal, next to God, a mother means
everything to a man. Doña Teodora was a devout Catholic. It was her teachings
that made her son, Jose, love the Christian way of life. He was still a baby when
his mother began teaching him the alphabet and the simple prayers as was the
custom of the Filipino family.
Doña Teodora was fond of telling stories to her little son, Jose. The word
“story” meant something new and wonderful to Jose. He would sit down to
listen, full of interest and wonder, when his mother called him for the regular
story time. He loved the stories his mother told him. He remembered the moral
lesson each story conveyed and made it a part of his education and training.

1. How did Jose Rizal consider his mother?

b. his playmate
c. God’s best gift
d. a good story teller

2. Which word best described Doña Teodora?

a. gay b. lovely c. virtuous

3. Which of the following prepared her to be the mother of our national

a. her books
b. her goodness of heart
c. her pleasant disposition

4. What did a mother mean to Rizal?

a. Everyone’s mother is his friend.
b. Next to God, a mother meant everything to a man.
c. A mother is one who should teach her children how to read and

5. What was Doña Teodora’s religion?

a. Catholic b. Protestant c. Presbyterian

6. What made Jose love the Christian way of life?

a. his father’s teachings
b. his mother’s teachings
c. his teacher’s teachings

7. What did his mother teach him as was the custom of the Filipino family?
a. reading simple stories
b. telling children’s stories
c. the alphabet and simple prayers

8. Did Jose believe in his mother’s stories?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

9. What did the word “story” mean to Jose?

b. something nice
c. something good
d. something new and wonderful

10.How did Jose listen to his mother’s story?

a. carelessly
b. attentively
c. half-heartedly


In addition to different kinds of plant diseases, there are a great number of

plant pests that can destroy or stop the growth of plants. Insects carry fungi and
bacterial diseases from plant to plant. The potato beetle carries the potato rot.
Some insects even eat plants. Certain grasshoppers and biting insects strip a
plant of its leaves, thus killing the plant. The most destructive kinds of insects
are scale insects, mealy bugs, plant lice and leaf hoppers. They consume the sap
of plant tissues thus causing withering of the plant itself.
1. What can destroy or stop the growth of plants?
a. plant food
b. plant pests
c. plant fertilizers

2. What else besides pest injure plants?

a. fertilizers
b. insecticides
c. different kinds of plant diseases

3. Which carry diseases from one plant to another?

a. flowers b. insects c. people

4. What causes potato rot?

a. potato fungi b. potato beetle c. potato bacteria

5. What happens to plants where insects live and feed on?

a. They grow fast.
b. The plants are injured.
c. The plants grow healthy.

6. What is another name for the grasshopper?

a. flying insect
b. biting insect
c. sucking insect

7. How do the grasshoppers harm the plants?

a. They cut the plants.
b. They strip the plant of its leaves.
c. They suck the juice from the plants.

8. What happen to the plants when harmed by these insects?

a. plants grow rapidly
b. plants become healthy
c. plants stop growing and die afterwards

9. Which of the following insects are the most destructive?

a. ants
b. mites
c. scale insects

10.Are all insects harmful?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe


A school canteen or lunch counter is established in every school to

improve children’s eating habits and preferences. Native, nutritious dishes such
as goto, pancit and lumpia are prepared by a teaher with the help of some
children. Sandwiches are also sold for those who prefer a light merienda. A
good lunch counter has milk as a regular item for sale. Teachers encourage their
pupils to include milk in their daily food intake.
The canteen is part of a school. It protects children from sickness by
discouraging them to buy from food peddlers and unsanitary, nearby stores.
Pupils are asked to patronize the canteen for their own health. The low
prices of food serve as an encouragement for the children to buy from the
school canteen.

1. What does a school lunch counter serve?

a. lunch b. dinner c. merienda
2. When do the majority of children buy at the lunch counters?
a. after class b. before class c. during classes

3. Which of these statements is true?

a. Native foods are good for light merienda.
b. Recess lunch may take the place of lunch.
c. Goto, pancit and lumpia are eaten at breakfast.

4. What food should a lunch counter always have?

a. rice
b. milk
c. cereals

5. Why is milk good for children?

a. It tastes good.
b. It is nice to drink.
c. It supplies them with needed nutrients.

6. How do school lunch counters help children?

a. They sell native food.
b. They sell delicious food.
c. They sell nutritious food at low prices.

7. Why should children avoid buying food outside the school?

a. It is cleaner b. It is cheaper c. It is not safe to eat.

8. Where can children buy much safer and cheaper food?

a. from peddlers
b. from nearby stores
c. from school lunch counters

9. What is the aim of school lunch counters?

a. to make business
b. to make children thrifty
c. to improve the children’s health

10.How do the lunch counter operators encourage children to buy from them?
a. by offering bonus prizes
b. by being open the whole day
c. by lowering the prices of food


Beauty is seen
In the sunlight
The trees, the birds
Corn growing, people working
Or praying for a good harvest.
Beauty is heard all around
Wind sighing,
Rain falling, or a singer humming
An old folk song.
Beauty is in yourself
Good deeds, happy thoughts reflected
In your dreams
In your work,
During peaceful rest.

1. Does beauty depend upon the observer?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

2. Is there beauty everywhere?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

3. Where lies the beauty in people?

a. in themselves
b. in their wealth
c. in their appearance

4. Is there beauty in the falling rain?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

5. When is a person peaceful?

a. when he is rich
b. when he is intelligent
c. when he has performed good deeds

6. According to the poem, where can you find beauty?

a. in flowers
b. in yourself
c. in the house

7. Can we hear beauty?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

8. Who are praying for a good harvest?

a. rice growers
b. corn growers
c. coconut growers

9. Where are good deeds and happy thoughts reflected?

a. at home
b. in your dreams
c. in other people

10.When do the happy thoughts occur?

a. when praying
b. during peaceful rest
c. when you are with other people

We beg no fancy garb

To keep us cozily warm
Nor softer bed to rest
Though it should be less hard.
We wish not our liberty
For to serve is out fate
We live as servants forever
To work early and late.
To talk is a silly dream
For us doomed mute to remain
But we hear, see and feel
Please to us be a bit kinder.
Be kind a little bit more
And be unkind ten times less
We are poor dumb creatures
And we have but few needs.

1. What do animals ask in general?

a. that we make them sleep
b. that we be more kind to them
c. that we ask them to dine with us

2. How long do animals serve us?

a. a few years
b. for some time
c. as long as they live
3. What do animals consider a silly dream?
a. to be able to talk
b. to be able to hear
c. to be able to serve

4. What do they beg of us?

a. shelter for them
b. kindness to them
c. clothing for them

5. Which of these statements are true?

a. Giving food to dumb creatures is enough.
b. We need to be more kind to dumb creatures.
c. We must not consider dumb creatures as our friends.

6. Are they asking their master to let them free?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

7. When do the animals work as their master’s servant?

a. early and late b. nonstop c. only at night

8. How much needs do animals have?

a. many b. none c. few

9. What are the animals doomed to remain?

a. mute
b. sensitive
c. untrainable

10.What three things can the animals do?

a. feel, hear, see
b. see, hear, speak
c. hear, speak, feel

26 del Pilar Street

Sampaloc, Manila
March 15, 2004
Dear Nina,
My parents are going to give a party on the evening of my graduation,
March 29. It will be held in our house on del Pilar Street. Please come and bring
along your brother, Milo, and your sister, Ester. My father has prepared some
very exciting parlor games which I am sure you and your sister and brother will
enjoy. There will also be a program prepared by my elder sister, Nora. The
party starts at six o’clock. You can go home at nine so you will have plenty of
time to enjoy the party. We are hoping to see you all.
Your friend,

1. What kind of letter is this?

a. a letter of thanks
b. a letter of invitation
c. a letter of congratulations

2. Who wrote the letter?

a. Gina b. Father c. Nora

3. The letter is addressed to

a. Mother b. Gina c. Nina

4. Who is giving a party?

a. Tita’s parents b. Nina’s parents c. Gina’s parents
5. Where is the party going to be held?
a. in school
b. in Nina’s home
c. in Gina’s home

6. Who are included in the invitation?

a. Milo and Ester
b. Gina and Nina
c. Gina’s parents

7. What did Gina’s father prepare for the children?

a. parlor games
b. group games
c. outdoor games

8. What has been prepared by Gina’s sister?

a. dances
b. program
c. parlor games

9. What occasion will be celebrated?

a. Gina’s birthday
b. Gina’s graduation
c. Gina’s house blessing

10.Who are expected by the family to come?

a. Nina, Milo, and Ester
b. Gina, Nina, and Ester
c. Nina, Gina, and Nora


Do you know that Manila Bay has the finest harbor in the Philippines? It
is also famous for its beautiful sunset. Tourists observe that Manila Bay has one
of the most glowing sunsets in the world. Roxas Boulevard, formerly Dewey
Boulevard, runs along the shores of Manila Bay. There are many beautiful
buildings along the street, mostly hotels and restaurants. Luneta, a big park with
fountains and ornamental plants, faces the bay. People can be seen strolling
daily and enjoying the cool breeze from the bay. On Sundays, people go to the
Luneta to listen to band concerts and to view performances at the ocean theater.

1. What is Manila Bay noted for?

a. tall buildings
b. its fine harbor
c. ornamental flowers

2. What is it also famous for?

a. its many streets
b. its beautiful sunsets
c. its many mountains

3. What do tourists say about its sunset?

a. It is red.
b. It is colorful.
c. It is the most glowing sunset in the world.

4. On what street is the Luneta located?

a. Shaw Boulevard
b. Roxas Boulevard
c. Quezon Boulevard

5. What do people enjoy most at the Luneta?

a. the plants
b. the people
c. the cool breeze

6. What is the Luneta today?

a. a harbor
b. a big park
c. a commercial district

7. What do people do at the Luneta?

a. stroll
b. pray
c. trade goods

8. Where is the Luneta Park located?

a. facing the Manila Bay
b. at the tip of the Manila Bay
c. in the commercial district of Manila Bay

9. How are people entertained at the Luneta Park?

a. open air movies
b. by clowns and circus
c. by band concerts and performances

10.Where are most performances held?

a. at the open theater
b. at the Chinese garden
c. near Rizal’s monument


Arturo was the president of the Grade Six class organization. They agreed
to celebrate Arbor Day with a program and mass planting of fruit trees.
“At what time will the program start?” asked Miss Diaz, their teacher.
“It will start at 7:00 o’clock in the morning, Miss Diaz,” answered
“That’s good,” observed Miss Diaz. “It will not be too hot for the
planting of trees. I only hope it will begin on schedule.”
“That’s sure, Miss Diaz,” Arturo said. “It will be a new Filipino time
“I admire you, Arturo, for saying ‘Filipino time,’ which means on time,”
said Miss Diaz laughing.
“It is really time for us to observe punctuality,” explained Arturo. “So
instead of saying being on time is ‘American time,’ we shall call it ‘Filipino

1. What position did Arturo have in the class organization?

a. secretary b. treasurer c. president

2. What did the class organization decide to celebrate?

a. Arbor Day
b. Town Fiesta
c. Parents Day

3. Aside from the program, what other activity was scheduled?

a. planting of shrubs
b. planting of fruit trees
c. planting of flowering trees
4. At what time was the program supposed to start?
a. 8:00 o'clock in the morning
b. 7:00 o'clock in the morning
c. 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon

5. Who was in doubt whether it would start on time?

a. Arturo's mother
b. Arturo's teacher
c. Arturo's classmates

6. What do we usually say when punctuality is observed in any activity?

a. Filipino time b. Spanish time c. American time

7. How did Arturo call punctuality?

a. Filipino time
b. Spanish time
c. American time

8. What did Arturo's class agree on?

a. starting late
b. adopting American time
c. changing the concept of Filipino time

9. Did Arturo's class agree with it?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

10.Who admired Arturo's leadership?

a. The teacher
b. The parents
c. The principal


President Quezon's counsel to the Filipino was: "Make the Filipinos true
citizens of the Philippines. They should be made aware of things connected with
their country and people including their culture and civilization."
What did President Quezon want to convey to his countrymen? In his
opinion, we deserve to be called a true Filipino if we have our country's welfare
at heart. Knowledge and appreciation of our country's history, civilization and
culture are to be required from each individual. Every citizen must be concerned
with the progress of the nation, in making the country known to other parts of
the world and in achieving peace for the land of his birth.
1. What did President Quezon wish for the Philippines?
a. fame
b. wealth
c. loyal sons and daughters

2. Who deserves to be called a true Filipino?

a. somebody working in a foreign firm
b. somebody working in the government
c. somebody working for his country's progress

3. What should every Filipino strive to achieve for his country?

a. progress b. culture c. machineries

4. In what should a Filipino feel proud of?

a. his country's name
b. his country's culture
c. his country's location

5. To whom was President Quezon's counsel addressed?

a. to the soldiers
b. to all the citizens
c. to the government officials

6. Which of the following did Quezon want the Filipinos to be?

a. true citizens of the Philippine
b. good soldiers of the Philippines
c. good speakers of Filipino language

7. In Quezon's opinion, when do we deserve to be called a true Filipino?

a. when we can speak Filipino fluently
b. when we know our national anthem at heart
c. when we have our country's welfare at heart

8. What did Quezon want every individual to know?

a. the country's history, civilization and culture
b. the symbols of our country and their meanings
c. the different provinces that comprise our country

9. To whom did Quezon want our own country be known?

a. to all the Filipino citizens
b. to all the people of Asia
c. to other parts of the world

10.One of the following was not mentioned among those which Quezon
wanted every individual to achieve. Copy the letter of that word.
a. power
b. peace
c. progress


In some ways we, Filipinos, are similar to our Malayan brothers. This is
so because our ancestors include the Malays and the Indonesians. The Malays
and the Filipinos are similar in height, in complexion and in looks. Philippine
aborigines such as the Ifugaos, Subanuns and Tagbanuas live in much the same
way as the Malaysians and Indonesians. The clothes, houses, weapons and art of
the Filipino Muslims are similar to those of the Malaysians and Indonesians.
The Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia have the same industries and
products. The languages used in the Philippines include many Malayan words.
Like the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia were former territories of western
countries. Like the Filipinos, the people of Malaysia and Indonesia struggled
hard also for independence. The former MAPHILINDO composed of Malaysia,
the Philippines and Indonesia was organized for mutual protection against
belligerent countries.

1. The selection tells us _________________.

a. how the Filipinos dress
b. how the Indonesians dress
c. how similar we are to our Malayan brothers
2. To whom are the Filipinos similar in some ways?
a. to their Malayan brothers
b. to their European brothers
c. to their American brothers

3. Who of the following are among our ancestors?

a. Europeans
b. American Indians
c. Malays and Indonesians
4. Who live in the same way as the Malaysians and Indonesians?
a. Arabs and Egyptians
b. Indians, Polynesians, Hawalians
c. Igorots, Ifugaos, Subanuns, Tagbanuas

5. Who believe in the Islam faith like the Indonesians and Malaysians?
a. lowlanders
b. Filipino Muslims
c. mountain people

6. What do the languages in the Philippines include?

a. many English words
b. many Malayan words
c. many Japanese words

7. What things are similar in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia?

a. religion b. languages c. products and industries

8. Which of these countries were former territories of Western countries like

the Philippines?
a. Japan and China
b. Taipei and Cambodia
c. Malaysia and Indonesia

9. People struggled hard to _______________.

a. get their independence
b. get their countries started
c. get their people to cooperate

10.What was the former MAPHILINDO?

a. organization composed of Singapore, Hongkong and Taiwan
b. organization composed of Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia
c. organization composed of China, Japan and Cambodia

The rat belongs to the mouse family although it is larger than a mouse. It
has also more scales on its tail than a mouse. There are rats of different sizes
and colors. The brown Norway rat is the most destructive and powerful. Black
rat can still be found in cities near the coasts and in countries with warm
Rats travel aboard ships and eat almost anything. If they are hungry they
attack animals, even men. Rats breed rapidly, producing 20 to 50 off springs a
year. A rat can start breeding at six months old. Wild rats are special problems
to man because they spread bubonic plague, rat fever and they destroy crops.

1. To what family does the rat belong?

a. cat
b. dog
c. mouse

2. Which is the largest among the following animals?

a. rat
b. mouse
c. house lizard

3. What part of the rat has more scales?

a. its tail
b. its legs
c. its body

4. Which is the most powerful among the following?

a. white rat
b. black rat
c. brown Norway rat
5. Where can black rats be found?
a. near the coasts
b. near the woods
c. near the ground

6. What do rats eat?

a. roots
b. grass
c. almost anything

7. Why are there plenty of rats?

a. They eat anything.
b. They breed very rapidly.
c. They are found in homes.

8. What do rats destroy most?

a. trees
b. crops
c. houses

9. At what age does a rat start breeding?

a. a year old
b. six months old
c. three months old

10.Why are rats a problem to man?

a. They play around.
b. They breed rapidly.
c. They carry diseases.

When Jose Rizal and Juan Luna were studying in Madrid, they lived
together in a boarding house. They used to play jokes on one another.
Juan Luna woke up early one morning and saw that Rizal was still asleep.
He hid one of Rizal's slippers and drew exactly one like it on a cardboard. When
Jose woke up, he tried to put on his slippers but he found out that one was made
out of cardboard. "I know who painted this. It is nicely done," he said.
One day, Juan Luna went out with his friends. Jose decided to draw the
contents of Juan's room on the closed door with the permission of their
landlady, When Luna arrived, he went directly to his room. He bumped his head
on the closed door. "You are a good painter," Juan Luna told Rizal.

1. Who studied in Madrid?

a. Andres Bonifacio
b. Apolinario Mabini
c. Juan Luna and Jose Rizal

2. Where did they live in Madrid?

a. in a hotel
b. in a Filipino home
c. in a boarding house

3. What did they usually do when they entertain themselves?

a. play sipa
b. play jokes
c. play chess

4. What did Luna hide?

a. one of Jose's pets
b. one of Jose's books
c. one of Jose's slippers

5. Why did Jose think it was his real slipper?

a. It was large.
b. It was just right for him.
c. It was realistically painted.

6. Where did Rizal paint the contents of the room?

a. on the wall
b. on the closed door
c. on the window pane

7. Why did Luna enter the room directly?

a. It was his room.
b. He thought the door was open.
c. He thought the door had been removed.

8. What did Luna think of Rizal's painting?

a. It was not right.
b. It was just a view.
c. It was beautifully done.

9. For what was Luna known?

a. being a good writer
b. being a good soldier
c. being a good painter

10.How will you describe Luna and Rizal's sense of humor?

a. dull
b. keen
c. neither a nor b


Once there lived a chieftain who had a beautiful daughter named

Liwayway. One day Liwayway went into the woods to gather fruits and flowers
but unfortunately lost her way. She became unconscious when a wild beast ran
after her. When she came to, she saw a young man bending over her. He was
the son of another chieftain. When they parted, each one knew they were in love
with each other.
One day the young man was going away to fight the white men who had
invaded their land. The lovers promised never to forget each other saying
"Sumpa kita." But the warrior never came back. In sorrow, the maiden killed
herself. Sometime later, shrubs with fragrant flowers grew on her grave. People
believed that Liwayway's love grew and bloomed. It became a custom for
young lovers after that to exchange garlands of these flowers as a token of their
faithful love. They whispered "I promise” (Sumpa kita) to each other. In time
the flowers became known as sampaguita. It is adopted as our national flower
because of its fragrance and simplicity.

1. Who was Liwayway?

a. She was a mermaid.
b. She was a goddess of dawn.
c. She was the daughter of a chieftain.

2. Why did she go to the woods?

a. to chase birds
b. to take a bath
c. to gather fruits and flowers

3. What happened when a wild beast ran after her?

a. She played with it.
b. She climbed a tree.
c. She became unconscious.

4. What did she see when she regained consciousness?

a. a fairy bending over her
b. a wild beast bending over her
c. a young man bending over her

5. Who was the young man the maiden saw?

a. a hunter b. a warrior c. son of another chieftain

6. Why did the young man leave?

b. to go with his father
c. to fight the invaders
d. to live in another land

7. What did they promise each other?

a. to write each other
b. to love each other forever
c. never to forget each other

8. Who killed herself?

a. the fairy
b. Liwayway
c. the maiden

9. What grew on her grave?

a. shrubs with fragrant flowers
b. shrubs with yellow flowers
c. shrubs with thick leaves

10.What does the sampaguita symbolize?

a. loyalty
b. bravery
c. honesty

Rice was the staple food of the ancient Filipinos. They cooked it in pots
and in bamboos. Our forefathers' diet Included also various species of fish
caught in rivers and lakes; meat from carabaos, deer, hogs, chickens and edible
birds; vegetables, tubers like sweet potato; spices like pepper and garlic; and
fruits like bananas, oranges, guavas and mangoes.
There were also many kinds of wine and drinks on the islands. The tuba
which was taken from the coconut palms was the champagne of the early
Filipinos. Among the popular wines were the Visayan pangasi, fermented from
rice; the Visayan gauilang distilled from sugar cane; and the Igorot tapuy, taken
from rice.
Although the early Filipinos were heavy drinkers, they seldom lost their
senses when drunk. They only became lively, talkative and witty when
intoxicated. Even after a heavy drink, their hands never trembled and they could
manage to weigh their gold correctly.

1. The story tells about food and drinks of _________________.

a. the ancient Filipinos
b. the modern Filipinos
c. the mountain people

2. Where did they cook rice?

a. in jars and pots
b. in kettles and pots
c. in pots and bamboos

3. What other things were used as food?

a. grasses and roots
b. various species of fish
c. leaves and branches
4. Which was considered the champagne of the ancient Filipinos?
a. rice
b. tuba
c. coconut juice
5. What was the Visayan pangasi?
a. wine fermented from rice
b. wine extracted from sugar cane
c. wine extracted from the coconut palms

6. What wine was distilled from sugar cane?

a. Ilocano basi
b. Visayan tapuy
c. Visayan gauilang

7. What was the Igorot tapuy?

a. wine taken from rice
b. wine taken from sugar cane
c. wine taken from coconut palm

8. Although the Filipinos were heavy drinkers what did they seldom lose?
a. their drinks
b. their senses
c. their clothes

9. What happened to them when they got drunk?

a. They could not go home.
b. They became talkative and lively.
c. They trembled and became nervous.

10.What was the staple food of the ancient Filipinos?

a. rice
b. wine
c. roots


"Please tell us about some of our superstitious beliefs, Grandmother,"

pleaded Elvi as she saw the old woman sitting by the window. "We will discuss
them in class tomorrow."
"Listen and will tell you about man's three friends. These are three
superstitious beliefs about animals," Grandma answered, putting down the
shorts she was mending.
"Tell us about them," said Elvi excitedly.
"One of them is the rooster who is up before dawn and crows on the
rooftops, said Grandmother. "It is bidding its master to get up and go forth to
earn his living.
"The second one is the cat who announces the coming of a visitor by
washing its face so it may look presentable to its master's guests."
"And the third is the dog who can smell danger and death. It barks to
warn its master of the presence of any stranger who might do him harm. When a
dog howls with sorrow it is said that it smells death coming its master's way."

1. What is the selection about?

a. a legend
b. a fairy tale
c. three superstitions

2. Which word describes superstitions?

a. true b. good c. beliefs

3. About what are the superstitions in the selection?

a. food b. animals c. weather

4. Why does the rooster crow from the rooftops before dawn?
a. to tell its master to get up
b. to tell its master to feed it
c. to make its master sleep soundly

5. Why does the rooster wake its master up before dawn?

a. to be given corn
b. to take it from the rooftop
c. to tell its master to earn his living

6. How do cats announce the coming of visitors?

a. by turning around
b. by waving their tails
c. by washing their faces

7. What do dogs smell?

a. food
b. other animals
c. danger and death

8. How do dogs warn their masters of a coming danger?

a. by barking
b. by howling
c. by wagging their tails

9. When does a dog howl with sorrow?

a. when he smells food
b. when he likes to sleep
c. when he smells death for its master
10.Are superstitions to be believed?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Maybe


One day Lobster and Crab met.

“I have ten claws," boasted Crab. "I am the Great Crab which the land
people like best to eat. We, crabs, are covered with a head shield.
"We are knights belonging to the Order of the Crustacea," cried Lobster.
"What does that mean?" asked Crab.
"Crustacea means covered with a crust or shell," explained Lobster.
"It is the same with us," said Crab. "Our claws and bodies are made of
rings of shell joined together by sockets. We use our claws for walking and for
tearing our food."
"Land people like to eat us," said Lobster. "When we are cooked, we turn
into a bright red color but in the water, we are green.

1. Lobsters and Crabs are ______________.

a. birds
b. fishes
c. crustaceans

2. The crustaceans are like knights because ________________.

a. they have claws
b. they have nippers
c. their bodies are all covered with shields
3. Crustacea means ________________.
a. covered with hair
b. covered with shell
c. covered with scales

4. Land people like to

a. eat the crustaceans
b. play with the crustaceans
c. make pets of the crustaceans

5. What color do the crab and lobster have when they are in the water?
a. green b. orange c. bright red

6. Both Crabs and Lobsters are kinds of

a. seafood
b. flying insects
c. land animals

7. Which of them can walk on land too?

a. Both b. Crab c. Lobster

8. Are crabs and lobsters eaten by people too? Draw a crab if your answer is
No; a lobster, if your answer is Yes.

9. Crustaceans have
a. fur
b. shells
c. scales

10.This kind of story is a ___________________.

a. fairy tale
b. legend
c. fable

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