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BA 183.

2 – Section FGNP Activity 1

Antido R., Dadale A., Globio D., Luangco R., Yepez A. Page 1 of

Activity 1:
Weekly Allowance Allocation

There is one drastic change that some incoming Senior High School and
College students face: the need to reside in boarding houses, student dormitories, or
even apartments. It is inevitable since schools and universities are far away from
home most of the time. Living in rented places like the ones mentioned above makes
it easier for students to go to school and shortens—if not entirely eradicates—travel
time. Not to mention that for some, renting a place can be comparatively cheaper
than traveling from their home to their universities and vice versa.

However, one thing that comes with living independently in dorms and
apartments is the need to budget one’s own finances. Students are generally given
weekly or monthly allowances that should be able to last within their intended time.
Since they do not have an infinite allowance, they must be mindful of where and how
they spend their allowances. With this, we can see just how different living at home
is (where you can ask for money from your parents anytime) from living away from
home (with a tight budget). This is where budgeting comes in.

The Weekly Allowance Allocation Program is designed to help students

budget their weekly allowances. It has fixed percentages allocated for all probable
expenses they might have, such as food expenses, transportation expenses, school-
related expenses, personal hygiene expenses, and miscellaneous expenses. Once
the weekly allowance is entered, the program will automatically calculate the budget
and display a breakdown of the allowable spending per expense. Students can also
input their expected miscellaneous expenses—in the case where they want to buy
something for themselves—and the program will determine if their expected amount
exceeds their actual miscellaneous expense budget. An alert will be displayed
depending on the case.
BA 183.2 – Section FGNP Activity 1
Antido R., Dadale A., Globio D., Luangco R., Yepez A. Page 2 of


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Collect value for the weekly allowance.

2.1 Specify your expenses.
2.2 Know the costs.

Step 3: Collect value for expected miscellaneous expenses.

Step 4: Initialize the following:

Let n = Weekly budget
Let x = Expected Miscellaneous expense
Let a = Food expense
Let b = Transportation expense
Let c = School-Related Expenses
Let d = Personal Hygiene expense
Let e = Miscellaneous expense

Step 5: Apply formula { a = n*.50 ; b = n*.10 ; c = n*.15 ; d = n*.10 ; e = n*.15 }

Step 6: Check if x>e.

Step 7: If yes, display //alert! You have exceeded your budget constraint.
If no, display //alert! You are within your budget constraint.

Step 8: Display a breakdown of weekly budget expenses.

Step 9: End
BA 183.2 – Section FGNP Activity 1
Antido R., Dadale A., Globio D., Luangco R., Yepez A. Page 3 of

BA 183.2 – Section FGNP Activity 1
Antido R., Dadale A., Globio D., Luangco R., Yepez A. Page 4 of

III. Pseudocodes

Input weekly allowance
Input expected miscellaneous expense
Initialize weekly budget to n
Initialize expected miscellaneous expense to x
Initialize food expenses to a
Initialize transportation expense to b
Initialize school-related expenses to c
Initialize personal hygiene expenses to d
Initialize miscellaneous expenses to e
Apply formula
multiply the weekly allowance by fifty percent to get food expense
multiply the weekly allowance by ten percent to get transportation expense
multiply the weekly allowance by fifteen percent to get school-related expense
multiply the weekly allowance by ten percent to get personal hygiene expense
multiply the weekly allowance by fifteen percent to get miscellaneous expense
Check if the expected miscellaneous expense is greater than the miscellaneous
If yes
display “you have exceeded your budget constraint”
If no
display “you are within your budget constraint”
Display breakdown of weekly budget expenses

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