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Knights of the Dinner Table®
June 26-29, 2003
© Copyright 2003, 2012 Kenzer
and Company, All Rights Reserved.
Knights of the Dinner Table® THE KODT DEVELOPMENT TEAM IS
Origins Special Edition is pub-
lished by Kenzer and Company, 511 J OLLY R. B LACKBURN • B RIAN J ELKE
W. Greenwood Ave., Waukegan, IL S TEVE J OHANSSON • D AVID S. K ENZER

Subscriptions to Knights of the

Dinner Table® magazine are avail-
able in a variety of options. Please TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S
visit our website for current pricing.
To subscribe, send a check or
money order (made payable to Cries from the Attic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Kenzer and Company) to:
Newbie’s Guide to KODT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Kenzer & Company
KODT Subscriptions,
511 W. Greenwood Ave. Of Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Waukegan, IL 60087
Healer Dealer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
or place an online order via our
Back Issues: Back issues and Well Met . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
related merchandising are also
available. See page 30 of this issue
or our website for details. Divine Wrath and Retribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
(editorial inquiries only) or To Revise or Not to Revise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 (all
other inquiries). World Wide Web: KODT ORIGINS Scavenger Hunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Submissions: We accept submis-
sions for strip ideas, jokes, cartoons,
Parting Shots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
etc. We are interested in running
anything that other gamers and fans
would enjoy. Check out our website
for writer’s guidelines. NIGHTS OF THE DINNER T ABLE™ was accidentally created by Jolly R. Blackburn way back in
K 1990 as ‘filler’ for his small press magazine, S It was something of a ‘creative burp’ and
Jolly really didn’t give it much thought. Perhaps that’s why he was just as surprised as anyone that
soon KODT was overshadowing everything else he’d ever done and that the created was now con-
trolling the creator. Fortunately, writing and drawing KODT strips isn’t the
lonely job it was in the past. Hundreds of fans have contributed to the beast
over the years and since joining the ranks of KENZER AND COMPANY and the for-
mation of the KODT D-TEAM, the Knights have gone far beyond anything Jolly • 1997 • • 1998 •
or fellow D-team members, Steve, Dave or Brian ever imagined. It’s been a wild
Legal Notice: Knights of the Dinner Table and
HackMaster are a registered trademarks of Kenzer and
ride and the D-Team looks forward to seeing where the gang takes them next.
Company. Cries from the Attic, KODT, RETRO
KODT, Hacklopedia of Beasts, Parting Shots, the
Kenzer and Company Logo, and all
prominent characters and likenesses thereof are trade-
marks of Kenzer and Company. • 1999 •
almost ten years
COOM ME E TTOO and has become a

THHE favorite among PUBLISHER
Kenzer and Company
ALL! ! gamers!! (Hey, we
even have a handful EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
of awards that say Jolly R. Blackburn

kay, we should get something
straight right off the bat. In the so!).
world of comics, the word “ori- I encourage you Noah Kolman
gins” has it’s own unique connotations. An to seek out the
“origins issue” is usually a special book KenzerCo booth PRODUCTION MANAGER
which delves into the background and his- while you’re at the Steve Johansson
tory of the series' primary characters. show (Booth# 500).
Come check out
This origins issue isn’t about all that. Jeff Abar
Nope. We’re referring to ORIGINS: THE our product. Play a few games. Meet the
INTERNATIONAL GAME EXPO held every staff. You can even participate in our first
summer in Columbus, Ohio. — the moth- ever Scavenger Hunt and win Valuable Barbara Blackburn
er of all gaming conventions. Prizes (See the list on page 27).
Then kick off your shoes, grab a seat, Impressions Advertising
Of course, I don’t know why I’m telling
and let us entertain you at the KODT Live & Marketing
YOU all of this. Chances are, if you are
Reading (Event# 9032) in the program
reading this you picked up the issue at
book. Hundreds of fans turn out for this SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES
Origins. In fact, you really didn’t have
event each year and gather together to read
much of a choice. This special issue is
their favorite stories in an interactive, fun- STRIP WRITING
being given away to EVERY person attend-
filled two hour event which many claim is KODT D-Team
ing the show under special arrangement
the highlight of their show each year. We’d KODT STRIP ART
with the nice folks at GAMA (Hey
love to see you there. Jolly R. Blackburn
Jonathan! Mark!!). Just our way of saying
thanks to all the readers who have made Well, here’s hoping you enjoy the show COVER ART
2003 such a great year. Well, yeah, that and that we have the chance to meet. Stop Brendan Fraim
and we hope a few new readers will like by the booth and say Hi. Brian Fraim
what they see and go looking for more. Until then — Game on! CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS
Jolly R. Blackburn
Not only will you find some useful info Peter Delgado, Jr.
about the four day show and the hosting Brendan Fraim
city in this issue but you’ll also find over Brian Fraim
twenty pages of Knights of the Dinner Don Thomas
Table. Jolly R. Blackburn CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
If it’s the first time you’ve seen the comic May 23th, 2003 Jolly R. Blackburn
you should know that it’s been around for SHIPPING DIRECTOR
Don “Captain” Morgan
a friendly STRANGER in some brightly colored PANTALOONS
and an elaborate SURCOAT approaches you. “CHARMED PERSONS”
he wears the crest of the PORTIGOTH FAMILY. (INTERNS)
Chris Allen
“good day friend. \ see thou art a STRANGER to these parts.
pray thee join my GOOD FELLOWS as we break our fast and MAKE Josef Zimmerman
MERRY in the FAIR LIGHT of the MORN SUN. well met i’m sure.” Paul Glozeris

-sigh- bob NEVER was

yeah, yeah, NICE one to let a little
Use It — Or LOSE It!
to meet you. thing like a PLOT HOOK SUPPORT YOUR
stand in the way of his DIBS on the
roll f0r init! having a good time.

2 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®


ased on the letters we’ve been receiving (as well as reports from accounting that sales continue to rise), it’s become very apparent that there

B are a LOT more of you reading this magazine than ever before. That means we have some fresh meat in the ranks. So if you’re reading this,
it’s quite likely this is the FIRST time you’ve ever seen a copy of KODT®. Welcome! You’re among friends here. Make yourself at home,
take off your shoes and kick back. Stay a while.
If this is your first time with us (or, if you just recently started reading KODT) you’re probably feeling a little lost. Jumping in on KNIGHTS
OF THE DINNER TABLE midstream is like tuning into a soap opera for the first time. The cast of characters can be intimidating to the Newbie and
trying to match names to faces is a bit daunting. One of the best ways to get up to snuff on KODT is to pick up a copy of TALES FROM THE
VAULT 1, 2, 3 or 4 or one of the ten BUNDLES OF TROUBLE (these are compilations of earlier strips and back issues). Not only are they great read-
ing but they include detailed bios for almost ALL the characters that have appeared in KODT over the years. Chances are you’ll find these books
at the very same place you found your first issue of KODT. If not, simply ask the friendly guy behind the counter if he can order them for you.
If that doesn’t work, then you can pick them up at In the meantime, the following information will help get you started.
We’ve included some abbreviated bios of the five primary characters along with some background notes.


nights of the Dinner Table (KODT) began life as a poorly drawn, one page strip in the back of a gaming magazine (Way back in 1990). Okay, it’s STILL
K poorly drawn, but for whatever reason it’s managed to gather and hold onto an ever growing audience for nearly 13 years. The name of the comic is taken
from a gaming group comprised of five misfits that seem to enjoy each other’s company. (Though it’s not always apparent based on the way they behave toward
one another.) The ‘Knights’ are, and always have been, the central focus of KODT. So if you get to know them, you’re half way there to coming to understand
the series. Over the years other characters (and groups) have been added to the mix. At last count there were over FIFTY characters in the cast. Don’t worry
— you’ll get to know them in due time.

B.A. is the group’s Bob was the first dues Dave claims to be a stu- Sara is B.A.’s cousin. She Brian lives alone in the
GameMaster. He lives with paying member of the dent at BSU (though no moved back to Muncie, house he inherited from his
his mom and it’s his ‘Dinner group. He’s from the old one has ever seen him crack Indiana from Wisconsin a parents (they died in a car
Table’ where most of the school of role-playing and open a book). He was few years ago and is the crash a few years ago). He
action in the strips unfolds. believes it’s all about break- introduced to role-playing newest member of the manages to make a modest
B.A. is a night manager at a ing things and killing peo- by Bob, who he met at a group. Unfortunately, Sara living operating a fee-based
local 24 hour Pizza Shop. ple. He’s made the local local paintball tournament. is also the only female in the gaming website and selling
Somehow he manages to pre- papers twice for getting lost He’s a true blooded hack-n- group and fights a lonely painted miniatures. Brian
pare and run an adventure for in the steam tunnels under slasher who becomes bored battle to bring more role- can’t remember his own
the group week after week. Ball State. He’s known to easily if the experience play and less hack-n-slash to phone number but he can
His players give him a tough excite easily and has a bit of points aren’t flowing. He the group’s gaming sessions. recite entire passages of var-
time. It’s a constant battle — a temper, and everyone has a reputation for being So far, it’s a losing battle. ious rule books from mem-
trying to win them over to his knows not to touch his ‘clueless’ at times. Even so, Sara continues to ory. He’s the classic rules-
style of role-playing. dice. set the example and hope. lawyer and is proud of it.


FAN SPUN KODT strips are home-brewed RETRO KODT strips take place some- KODT Q&A presents strips that have
stories submitted by our readers. Sometimes where in the past (i.e. they are not part of been suggested by our readers. It may be a THE REST OF THE STORY revisits
they appear as written. On other occasions, the current storyline.) Be aware that they request to see the Knights play a reader’s stories told in past issues. Sometimes
ideas from several different readers are taken are NOT reprinted material but are NEW favorite game or perhaps a reader wants to they are prequels, other times they are
and combined. Fans putting words into the and ORIGINAL stories. Retro strips are a know why a certain character never sits in sequels. Or they may simply be spin-
mouths of their favorite characters. What way of looking back and learning more as GameMaster. Anything a reader wants offs that chase a thread that was never
could be more fun (or scary)? about the characters. to ask is fair game here. pursued but looks promising.
Of Course by jolly r. blackburn
and brian jelke

hey BRIAN!! yer back!!!

so how the hell was \’m tellin’ ya -- it just about

had the PRIVILEGE to play in.
oh it was
how’d the BIG JO JO ZEKE
welcome back, TOURNEY go? really knows
BIG GUY!! we how to WEAVE
MISSED you. an ADVENTURE. bar none.

now the whole

that good, huh? oh man. what \ wouldn’t have GIVEN to have BEEN
thing started
there. sounds like it was something WORTHY of EL RAVAGER’S time.
off SIMPLY enough.

well, \’m
it DOES sounds sweet!
certainly INTRIGUED. the party was hired to
KNUCKLES has been
you’re going to her FIANCE’s castle.
CHOMPIN’ at the
have to share ALL oh, of
BIT for a REAL adventure.
the details of course. course.
\ never DID
catch the
CHICK’s name.


of course, the
PROBLEMS all began of course, \ TRIED convincing the OTHERS that we were
when we come to making a BIG MISTAKE. hrrmmpphh -- they wouldn’t listen.
this FORK in the road.
so off we go into GIANT COUNTRY just as BOLD as
one of the OTHER players seemed to think you please. and would you believe it? this one
that HE was the PARTY LEADER. fella who was playin’ a BARD insisted on
he insisted we go the LEFT. which, SINGING the ENTIRE way. talk about
according to the MAP we’d been provided.
omigawd! \ lemme guess.
HATE when you were of
of course, it bards do that. DETECTED? course.
ALSO led right
through the

KODT®: THE ORIGINS SPECIAL —————————————————————— 5

can’t be sure of the NUMBERS.
jumpin’ bajeemers! we could never quite SEE them
we we’re passing through
what a TOUGH SPOT. on the CANYON RIDGE above.
a narrow CHOKE CANYON.

what the hell happened? we took some heavy

classic AMBUSH ZONE - \
TOLD them that on our way in.
party. including
how many mister “\’m-in-charge”
turns out the GIANTS had GIANTS we boy. HAR HAR
BLOCKED the far end with some talkin’ about
DRIFTWOOD and BROKEN ROCK. here, big guy?

we tossed him in a
all of a sudden HASTY GRAVE and kicked
we were under some DIRT over him.
FIRE in the
form of HURLED

oh my. and what about the GIRL? that was HER? \ thought
is she okay up to this point? you meant ANOTHER player.

huh? what’s ummmm, maybe handing her a BASTARD

that? the girl? SWORD and telling her to “make yourself
oh, her. she got USEFUL” wasn’t such a good idea.
the GIRL you were
hired to ESCORT. KILLED during the OWL-
BEAR encounter hey, how was |
back at the RIVER. supposed to know
she didn’t have
\ thought \ any WEAPON


\ cast a BEE CANTRIP to buzz in our GUARD’s
face -- a simple DISTRACTION mind you.
now of course, that’s not the ANSWER the
TROLL KING wanted to hear. so he had the
GUARD slit the guy’s throat -- just like that.
JO JO didn’t even roll for it. just
had the guy PACK up his pencils,
paper, and DICE and leave the table. you should
you NAILED have seen
him? just the LOOK
now by THIS like that?
the guy had SAND. damn!! on his face.
time \ had managed
\’ll say THAT much for good
to work LOOSE
him. tellin’ a TROLL NO WAY!! lord!
har har...

6 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®

so what happened NEXT, big guy?

\ bet those ol’ MERGA TROLLS were pretty PISSED eh?

me and
omigawd!! what an
you BOTH! oh man. \ bet they were
FIT to be tied. \ mean there must have been
\’m on the EDGE WASTING the KING-
of my seat here. DAWG like that RIGHT
for not makin’ it to trolls gathered
that frickin’ CON. before their EYES. together at that ASSEMBLY.

and every LAST ONE of

them wanted nothing
more than to RIP me
dude, yer KILLING
to pieces on the spot.
me with SUSPENSE.
huh...? alive?
\ don’t mind telling yeah. how the
you \ was a little hell did you get \ didn’t get out
APPREHENSIVE out of it ALIVE? alive. they KILLED
at this point. what happened next? me, of course.

\ mean, c’mon -- there were

q like TWO THOUSAND trolls

and ME all by my LONESOME??

\ didn’t stand a CHANCE.

ummmm, but you said well YEAH.

it was the BEST
ADVENTURE ever... killin’ that



KODT®: THE ORIGINS SPECIAL —————————————————————— 7

Healer Dealer by steve johansson

\ took your advice, guys, and

rolled up a CLERIC this time. \ opted for nitro’s “build
your own demi-gawd” plan.
it’s about time you started \ worship J.P. MORGAN -
listening to us. patron of monopolies and
high finance!

good call newt. our SUBTER-

severely curtailed without a
cleric to heal us. so who’d you pick as
your patron gawd?

pardon the pun, but for GAWD’S SAKE nitro your

home-brew pantheon is getting out of hand!!
\ thought she was one of the
judges on the GONG SHOW.
having that freak ANDY WARHOL showing up all the time was
bad enough - but this!!

hey, the kid submitted an excellent TWO

no pete, you’re thinking of THOUSAND WORD WRITE-UP. besides, it so we’re heading into
JAYE P. MORGAN. pretty fills a void in my pantheon which had the maze of the
common misconception been bugging me for YEARS. wraithlord backed up by
actually. a STOCK BROKER??

oh yea, \ can EASILY see you got any HOT TIPS

buy low & sell high is newt? \ may need a new
how someone could canonical scripture.
confuse the two. wheelchair this fall.

you really thought it was

EXCELLENT, sir? as to your concerns about my DUNGEON
APTITUDE stevil, don’t worry, \ am fully
\ adapted it from the SOCIAL versed in PEDESTRIAN CLERICAL TASKS
STUDIES PAPER \ did last year. such as healing.
\ only got a “B-” on it though.
yea, newt showed me his as long as he’s got
character before the the 911, \ don’t really
game and he’s got the
hrrmph. maybe 411 on standard party care if he worships a
\’ll have to operating procedure. giant CARE BEAR.
go back and
it later.

8 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®

\ got a sixteen to-hit. let’s see... HA! thirteen points of damage!

the ogre REFUSES your

SURRENDER TERMS. ok, that’s enough to kill the last ogre.

despite seeing his sweet lord, those were TOUGH. they ripped me to shreds.
companions lying
in BLOODY HEAPS hey newt, how about a couple CURE LIGHT WOUND SPELLS...
on the floor, he
vows to avenge
their deaths.
sure, not a problem.

of course, \’ll need my fee up front.

where the HECK do you get off CHARGING for healing?
GOLD or PLATINUM if you please -
silver’s too BULKY to lug around.

it’s IN the RULEBOOKS - look it

hold on there. did you say up under costs for hiring
FEE?? spellcasters.
those are the rates
npcs charge, you
yea, CURE as far as your CHARACTER moron!
LIGHT is concerned, you’re HIRING
WOUNDS ME to cast the spell!
runs at 100
uh oh..

look JERKWAD - quit playing games

and just cast some cures on me so given your CURRENT hit point total,
we can continue on the adventure. \’d like to see you try.

boy’s got a point stevil.

or what?
\ got a couple
of healing
\ could cut
you a deal on.

KODT®: THE ORIGINS SPECIAL —————————————————————— 9

well \’m not paying 100 gold OUT
\ can’t believe you two lamebrains are gonna let him OF MY OWN POCKET to heal damage
get away with this! healing people is the cleric’s JOB - \ sustained SAVING YOUR KEISTERS
that’s why he gets his cut of treasure. from those ogres.

easy there stevil. we could

\ mean - what if EVERYONE just pay newt out of our
hmmm... started charging for their
those fees
treasure haul. kind of like
for magic-user services? it’d get out of a BUSINESS EXPENSE.
spells are control.
maybe it
pretty sweet.
would. but
\ still don’t like it.
then again, not one bit.
we’ll never
know until
we give it a

well \ think it’s a GREAT idea gordo!


SUPER. how ‘bout you pete?

the corridor continues about
\’m on board. thirty feet and then turns
right. after another fifty feet
ok then. we have a majority. newt, it ends in a DOOR.
go ahead and cure stevil’s fighter
one cure and we’ll mark off 100 gold as a
coming up! CONSULTANT’S FEE.


\’m gonna check out that door. is it locked?

well \’ll try to pick the lock.

\ can cast BASH DOOR. but since this is a service \’m providing, \’ll have
it’ll only cost the party to CHARGE for it. let’s see. \ had a locksmith
100 gold. out to the store last month when squirrely
locked me out and he charged 75 bucks. seems
like \ outta charge 75 gold to open the door.
seems cheaper just to
let pete do it. this isn’t

10 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®

lurking behind the door are a pair of GORIZZLAS.
they seem to be very irritated at your intrusion
and rush to attack. c’mon stevil. go up and hack
these two beasts.

\ can cast COLOR

SPRAY on them. it’ll
only cost 120 gold. so what’s the going rate
for fighting in melee?
120? but first
level spells seems pricey. let’s see... a man-at-arms
only cost 100 it’s time AND materials. why don’t we costs about two gold a
gold. components aren’t free just have the month.
you know. fighter take ‘em

but we’ll be GENEROUS and let me get this straight. \ get one
round it up to A SILVER A DAY. measly silver for risking my life in
mortal combat while you SCHMOES you want to play that
charge out the ying-yang for stuff way - fine.
like picking locks and casting minor
spells? since my fighting
skills are apparently
don’t worry. repairs any thug can swing a sword.
to your armor will be

\ light a torch and since stevil stepped behind the party to provide illumination,
move behind all my the two GORIZZLAS rush at newt and pete. roll for initiative guys.
overpriced comrades.

\ seem to recall the crap - \’ve only

going rate for a damn. \ shoulda got leather
TORCH BEARER is also bought better armor.
ONE SILVER A DAY. armor instead of
investing in those \ hold my torch up
everyone can get
my pixie-fairy a GOOD LOOK at
turns INVISIBLE! these things!

KODT®: THE ORIGINS SPECIAL —————————————————————— 11


we’re really taking a beating the female GORIZZLA hits you again pete
here. think you could help out? - this time for seven points.

these thing have MAULED ME newt, you’re hit too. five that knocks me
for OVER HALF my hit points. points of damage. out.

physician - heal thyself. \’ve only got three hit

points left! \ can’t do
enough damage to even um... stevil...
PESTER these guys.

how about we RAISE your salary.

what’s that pete?
\ can’t hear you so \ think 50 gold for every
well through that point of damage inflicted ok, that last sword hit
SUCKING CHEST might entice me into drops the male gorizzla.
WOUND! unsheathing my sword.

was there any overage, nitro?

50 gold a point! FIRK!
you greedy...
\ got a proposal. \ don’t see why it matters
FINE¡just get me out alive. but yes, there were two
extra points.


KEWL! \ spill two points \ never realized how unprofitable

of damage over to NEWT! adventuring was once you
\ wouldn’t want to WASTE those let’s see, after accounted for all your overhead
extra 100 gold worth of damage. subtracting all of the costs.
fees we charged for
services rendered,
our total haul is
38 COPPER! looks like you just got
yer first lesson in SMALL
you bastard!


12 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®

by david s. kenzer,
Well Met with jolly r. blackburn
and steve johansson

one night at PATTY

GAUZWEILER’s TABLE... and since he REFUSED to let ANYONE run his character, that leaves
your party SHORT a man. \’m afraid \ had no CHOICE but to ask a
good evening, folks. TEMP to fill-in for CHAD this week. there’s just no way a THREE-
PERSON party would have a fighting chance in the current adventure.
\’m glad you could ALL make it.
a temp? here?
so we got some
as you already at OUR table?
NEW MEAT com- it would
know, CHAD in’ in? appear so.
is down uh huh. that’s right.
in FLORIDA he should be here ANY minute.
visiting his
this week.

well just WHO the heck IS this guy, patty? look, he knows his HACKMASTER and he’s
bringing his OWN character to the table.
did you CHECK him out? is he even QUALIFIED?
you know \ don’t like ADVENTURING with strangers. we should be ready to roll as
SOON as he gets here. in fact
he SHOULD have been here already.

relax, silly. he’s blackhands?

MORE than qualified. well that’s not
he’s a REGULAR over saying much. they
at the BLACKHANDS. take on ANYONE. \ wonder
what could be well at
KEEPING him? LEAST tell us
please tell me his name.
you at LEAST
checked his
the HMA.

NEWT FORAGER? hey, \ GAMED with that guy at HACKCON ‘99. we

oh, his name signed up for some of the SAME events. he was pretty KEWL.
but \ think he you know... \ seem to recall him taking RUNNER-UP for BEST CHARACTER
prefers to BACKGROUND that same year. he really seemed to know his stuff.
be called, NEWT.

well good. t hen \

guess that means well if TANK says
you APPROVE. he’s okay, that’s
\’m SURE good enough for me.
you’re going \ should
to like him. SAY so.


1. Patricia “Patty” Gauzweiler 2. Chad Aguilar
3. Eddie ”Tank” Ramirez 4. Leslie “Crutch” Humphries 5. Mona “Mo” Wert
1 2 3 4 5

KODT®: THE ORIGINS SPECIAL —————————————————————— 13

hey CRUTCH, as a NEOPHITE player you could
probably LEARN a thing or two from this guy.
so this guy’s a TEMP, huh?

what’s the PROTOCOL on

this is a GREAT sumthin’ like that, MO?
you to STUDY a it’ll be NICE sweetheart.
PRO and pick up ummm, yeah. to have a
a FEW pointers. NEW FACE
okay, if you around for
nudge-nudge. know
say so. a change.
what \’m SAYIN’?

since he’s only with us for

the ONE NIGHT, you shouldn’t be too HARD
on him. \ mean it’s NOT like he’s
TRYING OUT for the group or anything. BR
as long as he pulls his own BR GG
weight he’ll earn his SHARE NG !!
of the treasure. that’s about it. !!!
oh HEAVENS no, honey.
oh... \ was hoping he’d
-giggle- that wouldn’t
be FAIR GAME. \ cold
exactly be PROTOCOL. speaking of GUESTS...
USE the EPs.
he’s a GUEST. that must be him at the door.
he should be
treated as such.

unless of
course he does

a few moments later... ummmm, thank you, MA’AM.

well HELLO, newt. it was so NICE of you to INVITE me.

it’s an HONOR \’m actually QUITE thrilled to be here.
WELCOME to our table. \’m to have you at
so GLAD you could make it our TABLE, newt. \, er... \ mean, \ LOVE to game and was
on such SHORT notice. FREE tonight so \ figured, “WHY NOT?”

you may find things are TAME

here -- compared to what you’re
USED to with the BLACKHANDS.

14 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®

HAUNTED??! why on
okay, so LAST WEEK we “FROZE STEP” EARTH would \ want to
well... \
just outside the SADOK FOREST. go THERE? my character
suppose you
HEARD rumors has a 17 INTELLIGENCE.
newt, \’m afraid we’re PRESSED for time that the
so we’re not going to bother to WORK in FOREST was the HUSHED
your character in a DETAILED FASHION. HAUNTED. STORIES you’ve
heard speak of
let’s just say you fine by me, MA’AM. RUN with that. in the HEART of the
MET UP with the GROUP but what’s my FOREST among
being here? RUINS.


pardon me, MA’AM. it’s ENOUGH for now, NEWT. okay. \ guess \’ll
\’m afraid it’ll have to do. have to WORK with that.
but is that
ALL you got?
oh... okay. if you SAY so, MA’AM.

it’s really would it be POSSIBLE for me to go to by the way, my

not much TOWN and SNOOP around for RUMORS? character is PARTIAL
to GO on. my character is REALLY more to HARD SILVER.
interested in URBAN ADVENTURES.
oh, well
ummm, NO. that’s NICE
sorry. to know.

tell ya what. my THROAT is

a tad PARCHED from WORK. hey’ya, NEWT. we’ve actually MET before. my
name is EDDIE but everyone calls me TANK.
\ already have the LOW
DOWN on your character.
oh, have we?
why don’t you guys QUICKLY
describe your CHARACTERS
my character’s name is TINY TOES. he’s
a PORTLY little HALFLING. he might be
yourselves while \
SLOW and CLUMSY but he has a RAPIER
grab a CUP of water. a bard, huh?
WIT and plays the FINCH MANDOLIN.
\ see.
he’s got a SERIOUS set of PIPES
on him as well. if you haven’t
GUESSED, he’s a BARD -- lean-
ing more toward the MINSTREL
variety than the GRIFTER side of
things if you FOLLOW me.

KODT®: THE ORIGINS SPECIAL —————————————————————— 15

\ reckon’ \’ll go next. my name’s CRUTCH.
the little guy’s a CARD. really CRACKS me up.
\ play a HALF-OGRE named NANCY. he’s a
and get this -- we all get a PLUS ONE to our SPITTIN’ HOSS of a BASTARD with 24-83 STRENGTH.
TO-HITS when he SINGS. pretty kewl, huh?

that’s right. and his SPELLS have double-specialized with the MAUL.
been SURPRISINGLY handy as well.
which is GOOD, ‘cuz he’s packin’

don’t let NANCY rattle you. a GOOD fellow

he’s actually a NICE GUY. to have in
your CORNER.

why hey -- THANKS, MO. well, \ guess it’s MY TURN. hey newt -- how’s it HANGING?
\ APPRECIATE you saying that. my name is MO. \ run a character who goes by the name
well it’s true.

NANCY packs a MEAN PUNCH, \’m something of the MOTHER of the group. \
newt. so be sure to STAY tend to HANG BACK and do a lot of
clear of him in COMBAT. HEALING for the boys here. they’re a HAND-
FUL. it’s a LESS EXCITING life to be sure but
it KEEPS me in one piece and in HIGH HONOR.
he killed chad’s PIXIE FAIRY two
weeks ago when he FUMBLED. and if things get REALLY yeah, tabby does
one hit from HIM usually does ROUGH, tabby has a nice us PROUD.
a SOLID 25 points or so. little STAFF OF CURING. we LOVE her.

-ahem- my character wears a DARK GREY riding cloak covered with

so kid... we showed you OUR
the TRAIL DUST of MANY journeys. he also wears a pair of
cards. how ‘bout showin’ YERS.
WELL WORN mouse-skin boots. beneath the cloak, which he keeps
pulled tight, you can make out what APPEARS to be LEATHER ARMOR.

whatta ya bringin’ but WAIT! what’s THAT you see? i t looks like it might be the GLINT
to the TABLE? of metal -- perhaps CHAINMAIL? or maybe STUDDED LEATHER
ARMOR. you can’t be sure. oddly enough, you see no visible
what kind’a SKILLS WEAPONS. perhaps they are HIDDEN beneath the folds of his
are ya PACKIN’? CLOAK. he wears a HOOD pulled LOW. within the SHADOWS you
can make out just the HINT of a PENSIVE or perhaps KNOWING grin
-- hidden somewhat by a DASHING but ill-trimmed GOATEE of JET.
oh... sure.

16 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®

okay, that was quite a MOUTHFUL
he makes not the SLIGHTEST SOUND as his
son, but \ didn’t catch any MENTION
LITHE and GRACEFUL form moves across the
of a name? what do you go by?
road. although you undoubtedly RECOGNIZE
his form and certainly heard mention of him in
and \’m not sure \ caught tales around the inns of MAGORIA, you know
anything mentioning a CLASS not his intentions nor his TRUE NAME.
or RACE, sweetheart.
though he never REVEALS his name or even a
PSEUDONYM, your characters may have heard
there’s oh... \’m sorry. others refer to him as simply the WHISPER or
actually, \’m not
MORE?? then by all perhaps the PHANTOM WHISPER. both names,
done yet. there’s
means -- continue. of course, are MISNOMERS as the WHISPER
still MORE to read.
never speaks. whether from vow of silence
or from some MAIMING at the hands
of a JEALOUS NEMESIS, none can be sure.

from beneath the cloak you see WELL-MANICURED and

he doesn’t speak? EVER? ADROIT fingers continue his tale. Careful not to reveal
FULLY what lies beneath his heavy, yet comfortable-look-
hey, \’ve got SIGN LANGUAGE at 67 % ing CLOAK -- possibly of GREY-ELVEN MANUFACTURE, but
do you SIGN? \ ask him his name in SIGN. your characters can’t be sure -- he SIGNS that his name
is SHADOW WHISPER and that he has chosen you three to
join him in his quest for treasure in the DARK FOREST
yeah, what the hell is yer SADOK. he makes it clear that his INTENTIONS are his
name? \’d kinda like to know own, but assures you that he is a more-than-capable ally
and adventurer. FINALLY, he says with certainty that your
WHO \’m adventuring with.
names will be mentioned in taverns across the land now
that you have been with him on his quest. you can tell
can \ see what CONFIDENT grin that he is no one to be TRIFLED
RACE he is? WITH and an ally of the MOST VALUABLE sort...
indeed use SIGN. is he?

A WEE BIT LATER... you HEARD me, MR. WHISPER. or do \ need to have TINY TOES “SIGN” it for you.

sorry, \ took ROLL FOR INIT!! NANCY wants to those MOUSE-SKIN BOOTS!!
so long, folks.

\ decided to make b-b-but \ still have FOUR

us some POPCORN. more pages to READ.
\ got DIBS
on the
\ hope everyone
likes.... -sputter- so much for the “GREY sweetheart.
STRANGER” -sigh-

sho ka!


KODT®: THE ORIGINS SPECIAL —————————————————————— 17

Divine Wrath and Retribution by brian jelke
and jolly r. blackburn
the untouchable trio plus one relax at the tavern of the local inn...
you guys have a LOT to learn.
hey guys, \ was BONING up for the
HACKMASTER RULES RODEO last night there ARE no useless
it’s USELESS as
when \ ran across this spells in HACKMASTER.
far as | can see.
thing called the “ANGER DEITY” spell.
why would a MAGE
even WASTE it’s all a matter of using
what a CRAZY ASS spell. \ mean, all it does is
the space in his the “PROPER SPELL” for
TORQUE off a GAWD so he comes down and
WASTES you. who in their RIGHT frickin’ mind
would ever cast a spell like that?
oh man, what
that IS a strange man, that is a bunch of
that’s all
spell. \’ve always TOTALLY bogus. AMATEURS.
there is
about that one.

get out of here! you are so FULL of it, brian. you know that?
oh really....,
a DOZEN uses?
not even YOU, mister “RULES-LAWYER ALMIGHTY,” can find
a “PROPER USE” for the ANGER DEITY spell. \ DEFY you.
alright. \’ll bite.
maybe you’d CARE
hey, \’m SERIOUS.
\’m with bob. you’re just you’re too to demonstrate
\ can think of a
blowin’ SMOKE, big guy. FUNNY, brian. just ONE of them.
DOZEN uses
for that spell.
huh... er,

hey, that’s a GREAT IDEA!! why don’t you put your MONEY where AH HAAAA!!!
your MOUTH is. \ got 500 GOLD that sez yer BLOWIN’ hot air.
wad’ \ TELL ya.

he was pullin’ the ol’

oh, well... er... CLIFF CLAVIN routine.
ooooo, oooo, if maybe LATER.
it’s a BET, \ \ wouldn’t
WANT in -- \’ll mind getting \ don’t happen he’s got NOTHING!
match bob’s some of that to have THAT “PROPER SPELL” my ass.
WAGER. ACTION myself. particular spell
oh dear. these
things have MEMORIZED
a HABIT of at the moment.
turning SOUR.

KODT®: ORIGINS SPECIAL ———————————————————————— 19

oh yeah? you THINK so? say what?!! DOUBLE OR NOTHING??
FINE!! then let’s DO it.

but let’s not you mean PONY up a THOUSAND GEE-PEES

WASTE your time or MINE. each? that’s a little HIGH STAKES isn’t it?

how ‘bout we make it

so? \’d be putting up THREE GRAND.
DOUBLE or nothing?
what’s wrong -- LOSIN’ yer nerve?

oh man. \’m a little COIN SHY at the

moment. \ just had my PLATE MAIL refitted.

\ dunno, guys. maybe we should call it off. alright, mister

there! see how he’s SPELL-JOCKEY.
\’m about to LEVEL UP. \ need every GOLD PUSHING? keeping
PIECE \ can get my HANDS on for TRAINING. the PRESSURE on. YER ON!!

yeah. \ got a ExCELLENT. \’ll need

BAD FEELING he’s a few hours of
about this. PLAYING GAME TIME to
us. MEMORIZE the spell
and then it’s “SHOW
can’t you SEE what he’s
AND TELL” time.
doing? he WANTS you
to fold. we got his back GIRLS?? do say...,
to the wall and he’s we have a you could no tricks! you
RUNNING SCARED. bet or not? be right. cast “ANGER
DEITY” and
demonstrate a
USEFUL effect. works
for me.

a wee bit later...

dude, we’re HOSED. say, what about that
okay, \’m ready. don’t worry. this won’t take long. BACK-SASSIN’
he’s got something up WAITER who RUDELY
his SLEEVE. told us to WAIT our
ummmm, B.A. \ look around the BAR. \ just KNOW it. turn when we tried to
are there any other PATRONS around? order YAGER-SHOTS?

why... sure. there \’m going to need let’s just

are SEVERAL. a SUBJECT for SEE what
happens. is he still
what did you AROUND?
have in MIND?

20 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®

back-sassin’ waiter? oh no, brian’s RIGHT. that little
DICE MUNCH disrespected me.
you mean BRODEY?

what’s HE got to he did not. he asked a simple

do with this? QUESTION. and he addressed you
as “SIR” at least THREE TIMES.
how was HE to know you’d
the poor guy
be EASILY offended?
wasn’t being RUDE.
well that’s TOO bad.
“do you want a BOOSTER CHAIR?” he’s already made our
he was simply trying
what the HELL kinda question is CRIT LIST. \ didn’t
to explain he was
THAT to ask a DWARF, huh? he like his ATTITUDE.
BUSY with other
customers and that was tryin’ to be a FUNNY guy.
he would be here here!
look, he
RIGHT with you.

look, b.a., \’m just tryin’ to SETTLE a bet here. okay. so, there’s my MARK.

the guy managed to get on our BAD SIDE and that’s the question NOW is, which gawd to
all there is to it. can we just get ON with this? ANGER? THOR? that might be
entertaining. BENYAR? naaaaa...,
he’d probably send one of
FINE! what do \ care? well, we’re his AGENTS to do his DIRTY WORK.
all about to
\ just WISH \ knew where FIND out. maybe this is LUVIA’s out.
this was all HEADING. not worth
a BAD idea...
the price
of the SPELL

aaaahhh, \ know. YIDERS!!! he has a okay, b.a. -- it’s time for a

particularly NASTY disposition. he’ll little DINNER THEATER at
be quite the CROWD PLEASER, \’m sure. the OL’ INN tonight.

yiders? whoah, hold \ cast ANGER DEITY and then

up, BIG GUY. are begin to HURL insults to the
you SURE about that? HEAVENS like an IRISH SAILOR!!

that guy is BAD NEWS. \ had a oh yeah. yiders \’m layin’ it on GOOD!!
THIEF once who suffered a is DEFINITELY the one.
HERNIATED DISK because of him. “YIDERS, yer mama
geezus, brian. sews SOCKS that SMELL!!
and ALL \ did was walk past you’re playing
without TIPPING my hat. me PUNK? you

KODT®: ORIGINS SPECIAL ———————————————————————— 21

my gawd, brian. \ really think
you’re making a HUGE mistake here.

have you even READ the SPELL DESCRIPTION

how’d \ do?
lately for ANGER DEITY? coz’ there are a
few DETAILS you’ve OBVIOUSLY forgotten.
the ol’ boy’s EARS in the INTEREST of
should be BURNING. FAIRNESS \’m going to
you DO realize the spell puts the person and allow you to
who CASTS the spell at the CENTER of any BACKTRACK and call
DIVINE RETRIBUTION that may TRANSPIRE. this whole thing off.

that means you are literally

one ROUND AWAY from
feeling the TOTAL and
to its FULLEST.

c’mon, big guy. take him UP on his

offer. STAND DOWN -- we’ll
even let you OUT of your bet.
seconds BEFORE yiders is to APPEAR, \ use my
BRACERS OF SHIFT BLAME to toss some egg
y-y-yeah. this is SILLY. nope. sorry, on the face of our SASSY little waiter friend.
besides, YIDERS is UNPRE- guys.
DICTABLE. some of that
RETRIBUTION stuff may the bet’s still -snicker- oh, man. the POOR guy.
SPILL over on us. ON. and \ his world is about to be FILLED
expect to be with a WHOLE lotta HURT
PAID in full. shift and he doesn’t even know why.

moments later.... damn! BURNED AGAIN.

BRODEY shrieks in TORMENT as the great gawd YIDERS \ thought SURE we

slaps him around like a RED-HEADED STEP CHILD. had him THIS time.
hey dude. can
he looks to the wall of TERRIFIED on-lookers you LOAN me a
and THAT, ladies
with a pained expression that says, “WHY?” 1,000 gold til
and gentleman, is
but ONE use the next CRAWL?
moments LATER yiders rips his HEART from his
for the ANGER
chest and disappears, taking the STILL beating when are we going
organ back to the PLANE OF PERIL with him. to learn? it NEVER
pays to bet against
to be him.


22 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®

To Revise or Not to Revise by brian jelke
and jolly blackburn

sorry, b.a. \ stopped by WEIRD PETE’S

BOB? you’re GAME STORE on my way over.
when \ HEARD the news \ was so frickin’
you HELD up the game. HOPPED UP MAD \ had to WALK it off.

oh man,
\ mean, can you BELIEVE it?? you ARE pissed.
money-grubbin’ bastards!! your MAD VEIN
to beat the band.
what’s happened, bob?
the DEAL?
what news?

\ just HEARD that HARD

damn straight, \’m PISSED!! and EIGHT is going to revise
after \ JUST picked up the frickin’ the HACKMASTER

bob, SLOOOOW down. some CRAP about version

what the hell happened? 4.25 or something.

did PETE call in your TAB? heard what?

REVISE...?? -sputter-
you mean a NEW EDITION.
you mean you c’mon, bob.
haven’t heard?

uh huh.

whoah, whoah, WHOAH!!! hackmaster 4.25?? \ think you may be

when the hell did THIS happen?? \’m still PAYING OVERREACTING here.
off my mom’s CREDIT CARD for the 4E stuff.

how can this be? FOURTH EDITION, \’ve KNOWN about the 4.25
you mean my BOOKS
like, JUST came out. didn’t it? REVISION for quite some time.
are going to be
OBSOLETE -- again??
pete says he HEARD WHAT??!! and you SAT
about it from a sonuvabitch! guys, on that information?
FRIEND of a FRIEND please... \ just BLEW thirty will you
who “KNOWS.” bucks on an just LISTEN
OUTDATED supplement. to me?

NOTE: As of press time, Hard Eight Enterprises has no plans to revise the HackMaster 4th Edition rules to 4.25 edition. This
strip is merely a dramatization. Any similarities to real people or corporations is purely coincidence.

KODT®: ORIGINS SPECIAL ———————————————————————— 23

it’s TECHNICALLY not a “REVISION” to the game. if we want our game to remain on
\ heard they’re basically just updating the the FOREFRONT of ROLE-PLAYING, it’s
books to incorporate all the ERRATA and GOT to continue to EVOLVE.
you sure as HELL didn’t
they’re being VERY sensitive to our NEEDS --
seem to mind crawling
they say it’s going to be BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE.
when the time came.
ERRATA SMATTA! it’s just a TRICK to you guys
when has that ever get MORE of my money. really are
concerned them before? that’s what it is.
CLUELESS. progress comes
with a PRICE. we
must ALL sacrifice.

SACRIFICE? this is coming from YOU??!! shy’a right.

the guy who bought MOLDS so he could gimme a break. hey, BACK OFF, jack.
cast his own DICE and save a few bucks??
if your TIME is so \ was RESEARCHING
VALUABLE, you for that SCREAM OF
uh huh. \ KNEW it.
wouldn’t have KACHOOLU campaign
spent 24 hours NITRO is starting
you’re still on HARD EIGHT’S we all last weekend on up next month.
our OWN way. watching
you’re getting the BUFFY
what are you?
for FREE.

whatever. look, we didn’t kick up a FUSS over

look, ALL \’m saying is
you don’t go MESSIN’
yeah, looking back, the with SUCCESS like that.
PREVIOUS editions
were clearly INFERIOR. c’mon, guys. now \ like the game JUST
as it is. why can’t they
it DOES seem like a we’re leave WELL ENOUGH alone.
besides, it had been
THINLY veiled attempt talkin’ about
to SIPHON more HARD EIGHT here.
the previous huh? why
money from the fans.
EDITION came out. we gotta
it’s not all have ALL
\ can’t AFFORD
to UPGRADE. about the these new
the “LOVE of
the GAME” for
those guys.

24 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®

what’s wrong with having a FIXED set of rules and STICKING with you should have SEEN the
‘em? huh? \ mean, it’s worked for CHESS for like FIVE HUNDRED SCRAMBLE down at WEIRD PETE’S.
frickin’ years hasn’t it? they don’t go OVER-HAULING the rules
of BASEBALL every season. even BOARD GAMES have FIXED rules. people couldn’t SIGN UP for
enough. \ tell ya -- it was SAD.
and when’s the LAST time you had to run geeze loueeze.
out and buy MONOPOLY 2.5? \ know
when somebody’s SQUEEZING my wallet. why can’t you just
pete’s got a LIST?
it NEVER ends, WAIT and see what
\’m not a RICH man.
squeezing ME for more does it? it keeps 4.25 is LIKE
NICKELS is like SQUEEZ- GOING and going. before judging it?
ING blood from a stone.
\’m all SQUEEZED out.

of COURSE \ KEWL BEANS! \’m gonna RUN

so... ummmm, did
reserved my COPY. OVER there after the GAME
and SIGN up for mine.
your copy yet?

\ was the FIRST after the game?

name to go on
what do you gee, guys. | dunno.
the LIST.
TAKE me for?
maybe we should go NOW.
an IDIOT?? you remember the SHORT
SUPPLY problems good
the LAST edition had. idea,

moments later...

unbelievable. the IDIOTS can’t be PART-

ED from their money FAST enough.

hmmmm..., \ wonder
if \ catch MOM at
work if she’d let
me BORROW her

-blin -


KODT®: ORIGINS SPECIAL ———————————————————————— 25

Scavenger hunt
o you like to win free prizes? Do you like games? Do you

D like to have fun? Well then the KODT ORIGINS

Scavenger Hunt is for you!! The rules are simple and the
rewards are high. During the 2003 ORIGINS convention, collect
as many items as you can from the list below. When you’ve
acquired all the items you think you can get, bring them to the
Kenzer and Company booth. We’ll verify your items and record
your score. The top tier of contestants will win fabulous free prizes!
Over $500.00 worth of games and comics will be awarded to the
lucky winners, as well as one winner drawn randomly from all the
The Rules: Winners must be present to accept their prizes; we
will not mail prizes to anyone. Winners will be posted by 1:00 pm
on Sunday and winners may pick up their prizes at any time after
that point. Be careful and respectful when completing this scav-
enger hunt: do not break any laws or harass anyone. Also, be sure
to keep the reasons for asking for items on this list a secret; don’t
tell Rick why you want a hair from his beard. And most of all, have
fun! If you’re stopping at an exhibitor’s booth, be sure to ask them
about their fine products. You might find your new favorite game.
K A Hair from Rick Loomis’ beard
K James Ernest’s autograph on a cocktail napkin
K A pink four-sider
K A Kenzerco card for the ORIGINS card game given out at last
year's convention.
K A deck from the Hack Card game.
K A Spanish or French version of KODT
K A female dwarf miniature
K A Magic: the Gathering Atog Card
K An RPGA Living Kalamar Certificate
K A copy of Hawk the Slayer on DVD
K A can of Faygo Red Pop
K Nanofictionary card- "The Game Master" featuring B.A.
K A piece of art by Larry Elmore
K A business card from Inner City Game Design
K Fudge dice
K A Galactic Empires booster pack
K A medieval costume
K A booster pack of the Monty Python & the Holy Grail CCG
K A non-gaming comic
K RPG Blues Comic Compilation, Vol.1
K Something stamped with the image of a Llama
K A KODT dicebag
K An Illinois Quarter
K A miniature that ‘Clix’
K AD&D Module C4: To Find a King
K An unlucky die (subject to verification)
K Badge of a prior ORIGINS show
K Canadian currency
K Kenzer and Company event ticket
K A snow-covered land (from Magic: The Gathering)
K A set of mood dice
K A copy of Bored of the Rings
K The autograph of a GAMA staff member
K A hubcap of shame (double points for VW caps)
K Character sheet of a dead character (GM notarized)
K Home-brewed portrait of your favorite KODT character
K Polka dot bow tie (double points if it shoots water)
K Subway napkin
K Hyatt soap box
K Autograph from Sandra Garrity
K A KODT die
K A copy of the Tank Girl game (West End Games)

KODT®: ORIGINS SPECIAL ———————————————————————— 27

Grod mondre:
arena of death
he crowd roars in approval as the barbarian’s axe brings with the gladiators. The fighting is brutal and unpre-

T down the formidable Owlbear. Covered in blood and

sweat, the warrior raises his weapons as he accepts their
congratulations. But elsewhere in the arena, things are not far-
dictable. No place on the floor is safe, and no one rests for
long. Do you think you can face Grod Mondre? Do you
dare brave The Arena of Death? Honor is abundant and is
ing so well for the gladiators. The monk has just been teleport- available for the taking, but death comes to all sooner or
ed to the basement where he faces an unknown foe. The pixie- later. If you can win the fights and the crowd, maybe you’ll
fairy and the cleric are battling for their lives atop one of the live to see the next day. Or maybe you’ll end up as Sturm
four great towers. The Ogre has just thrown the sassy halfling Wolf food. Only fate will tell.
down to the arena floor. And from the great south gate, the bar- Think you have what it takes to survive The Arena of
barian’s next foe has just emerged... Death? Then stop by the Kenzer and Company booth to
Welcome to Grod Mondre: The Arena of Death. Here, take on the scale model replica of the infamous Grod
for the entertainment of the thousands of spectators, hard- Mondre. Pitmaster Jolly Blackburn will be handling all
ened warriors, fearless slaves, and ferocious monsters do bat- comers as they strive for fame and fortune in the famous
tle. For the victors, glory, honor, and adulation are abun- arena. We’ll teach you the rules and give you all the tools
dant. For the defeated, only a cold grave awaits. But this is you’ll need , but you’ll need to bring your wits and fighting
not your average gladiatorial arena. Powerful battle mages skills if you wish to make it out alive. Good luck, hero, for
control the arena floor, teleporting contestants to places high the arena takes no prisoners. K
and low and summoning powerful monsters to do battle

28 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®

ORIGINS PAST, P RESENT AND F UTURE of an all-new Boba Fett figure, in conjunction
with Paizo Publishing.
Another key to Origins’ success has been their
BY JEFF ABAR system of sponsorship, which have allowed com-
I spoke with Jonathan Albin, director of Marketing for GAMA about the panies to dramatically increase their visibility at
past, present, and future of Origins. the show and run unique events like Looney Labs’
Origins was first held in 1974. The focus was originally on tabletop gam- “Big Experiment,” and our very own Garycon.
ing and wargaming. Common thinking for many years was that for wargam- The Origins staff has begun an effort to show
ing, you went to Origins, and for role-playing, you went to GenCon. For the larger, more mainstream companies, such as film
first twenty years, Origins was run entirely by a volunteer staff. Then, in studios, the value of the audience they can reach
1994, the Andon Corporation was contracted to administer Origins on behalf by participating. Their efforts have already begun Jonathan Albin
of GAMA, and a period of rapid growth for the show began. Andon was to pay off, as evidenced by Bandai
eventually absorbed by Wizards of the Coast, who maintained the adminis- Entertainment’s sponsorship of the Twin Forces Anime program, integrating
tration duties for Origins through 2000, when GAMA took over direct oper- anime and anime-themed gaming, as well as the LAN gaming, brought to you
ations. by Intel. As these efforts continue to bear fruit, mainstream media awareness
Two other significant changes took place in this period. First, after 26 of Origins will increase, bringing even more added value for manufacturers,
years as a travelling show, held in different locations every year, Origins found dealers, and attendees.
its current home in Columbus, Ohio at the Greater Columbus Convention Besides the gaming, there is a wealth of events at Origins for attendees’
Center. Second, RPGs steadily gained prominence at Origins, and has turned entertainment. You can catch the Twelfth Annual Smithee Awards, honoring
the convention into a complete, diverse show, capable of satisfying the tastes the worst in film. There’s around-the-clock anime at Twin Forces. And of
of almost any gamer. In fact, this year’s Origins will have more scheduled course, there’s the presentation of the Origins Awards, honoring achievement
RPG events than any other convention. in the arts of game design. Heck, there’s even stuff for non-gamers, like the
Not one to forget its roots, Origins will also unveil the “War Wing” at this “Spouse Track,” which includes visits to some of the finest attractions
year’s convention, a special, expanded track of events for wargame enthusiasts Columbus has to offer, and a kids’ room, for the youngsters.
which will include open tabletop gaming, publisher sponsored events, and Origins continues to grow, and doesn’t look to be stopping any time soon.
continuing the tradition of seminars in the “War College.” It has already become one of the major annual events for gamers. The goal of
As Origins continues to grow, the staff continues its efforts to diversify and the organizers is to pack the show with so many great entertainment choices
improve the lineup. Every year, more guests and events bring an increased air that it would be impossible to do everything you’d want to in one day. It
of excitement to the show. Special events this year include exclusive issues seems to me that they’re well on their way.
from Knights of the Dinner Table and Dork Tower, and Hasbro’s initial release

Kenzer and Company Events, Origins 2003

Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4728 11:00 a.m. 2 Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4738 11:00 a.m. 2
Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4729 11:00 a.m. 2 Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4739 11:00 a.m. 2
Final Days Intro Game 1225 11:00 a.m. 2 Final Days Intro Game 1231 11:00 a.m. 2
Final Days Intro Game 1232 11:00 a.m. 2 Final Days Intro Game 1238 11:00 a.m. 2
Learn to Hack, Love to Hack 6235 11:00 a.m. 2 Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4740 2:00 p.m. 2
Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4730 2:00 p.m. 2 Final Days Intro Game 1239 2:00 p.m. 2
Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4731 2:00 p.m. 2 HACKMASTER EVENTS START LENGTH
Final Days Intro Game 1226 2:00 p.m. 2
Final Days Intro Game 1233 2:00 p.m. 2
Learn to Hack, Love to Hack 6236 2:00 p.m. 2 HM ToC Round 1 (Table 01) 550 5:00 p.m. 4
Meet the KenzerCo Crew 9031 6:00 p.m. 2 HM ToC Round 1 (Table 02) 550 5:00 p.m. 4
HM ToC Round 1 (Table 03) 550 5:00 p.m. 4
FRIDAY - 6/27/03 START LENGTH HM ToC Round 1 (Table 04) 550 5:00 p.m. 4
EVENT TITLE EVENT # TIME (HOURS) HM ToC Round 1 (Table 05) 550 5:00 p.m. 4
Living Kalamar - Wedding Bells 7058 9:00 a.m. 4 HM ToC Round 1 (Table 06) 550 5:00 p.m. 4
Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4732 11:00 a.m. 2 HM ToC Round 1 (Table 07) 550 5:00 p.m. 4
Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4733 11:00 a.m. 2 HM ToC Round 1 (Table 08) 550 5:00 p.m. 4
Final Days Intro Game 1227 11:00 a.m. 2 HM ToC Round 1 (Table 09) 550 5:00 p.m. 4
Final Days Intro Game 1234 11:00 a.m. 2 HM ToC Round 1 (Table 10) 550 5:00 p.m. 4
Living Kalamar - Domino Effect 7060 2:00 p.m. 4 HM ToC Round 1 (Table 11) 550 5:00 p.m. 4
Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4734 2:00 p.m. 2 FRIDAY
Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4788 2:00 p.m. 2 HM ToC Quarter-Final (Table 01) 11:00 a.m. 4
Final Days Intro Game 1228 2:00 p.m. 2 HM ToC Quarter-Final (Table 02) 11:00 a.m. 4
Final Days Intro Game 1235 2:00 p.m. 2 HM ToC Quarter-Final (Table 03) 11:00 a.m. 4
KoDT Live Reading 9032 7:00 p.m. 2 HM ToC Quarter-Final (Table 04) 11:00 a.m. 4
SATURDAY - 6/28/03 START LENGTH HM ToC Quarter-Final (Table 05) 11:00 a.m. 4
EVENT TITLE EVENT # TIME (HOURS) HM ToC Quarter-Final (Table 06) 11:00 a.m. 4
Living Kalamar - Wedding Bells 7059 9:00 a.m. 4 HM ToC Quarter-Final (Table 07) 11:00 a.m. 4
Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4735 11:00 a.m. 2 HM ToC Quarter-Final (Table 08) 11:00 a.m. 4
Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4736 11:00 a.m. 2 SATURDAY
Final Days Intro Game 1229 11:00 a.m. 2 HM ToC Semi-Final (Table 01) 11:00 a.m. 4
Final Days Intro Game 1236 11:00 a.m. 2 HM ToC Semi-Final (Table 02) 11:00 a.m. 4
Fairy Meat Tournament 1224 12:00 p.m. 4 HM ToC Semi-Final (Table 03) 11:00 a.m. 4
Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4737 2:00 p.m. 2 HM ToC Semi-Final (Table 04) 11:00 a.m. 4
Dwarven Dig! Intro Game 4789 2:00 p.m. 2 SUNDAY
Final Days Intro Game 1230 2:00 p.m. 2 HM ToC Final (Table 01) 11:00 a.m. 4
Final Days Intro Game 1237 2:00 p.m. 2 HM ToC Final (Table 02) 11:00 a.m. 4
Living Kalamar - Domino Effect 7061 8:00 p.m. 4
Living Kalamar - Domino Effect 7062 8:00 p.m. 4
Living Kalamar - Domino Effect 7063 8:00 p.m. 4
C OLUMBUS R ESTAURANTS 11. O’Shaughnessy’s Public House
401 N. Front St.
COSI Columbus
333 W. Broad St.
1. Barley’s Brewing Company Columbus, OH 43215 Columbus, OH 43215
467 N. High Street Phone: (614) 224-6767; Fax: (614) 224-9924 Phone: (614) 228-COSI; Fax: (614) 629-3150
Columbus, OH 43215 Located next to Nationwide Arena. Family-owned Explore science, discover fun at COSI! COSI fea-
Phone: (614) 228-ALES; Fax: (614) 224-2739 authentic Irish public house. tures eight exhibition areas, three theaters and
Located across from the Greater Columbus more. Located downtown on the west bank of the
Convention Center. Award-winning ales comple- 12. Strada World Cuisine
Scioto River. Open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.;
ment full menu. Mon. - Thur., 11 a.m. - mid- 106 W. Vine Street
Sun., noon-6 p.m. Admission $12 (age 13-60);
night; Fri. and Sat., 11 a.m. - 2 a.m.; Sun., noon - Columbus, OH 43215
seniors (60+) $10; ch
midnight. Phone: (614) 228-8244; Fax: (614) 228-8271
Located 1 1/2 blocks from Greater Columbus Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical
2. BD’s Mongolian Barbeque Convention Center. Upscale bistro, fusion menu; Garden
295 Marconi Blvd. comfortable attire. Repeatedly ranked “Top 10” in 1777 E. Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43215 casual dining. Lunch Mon.-Fri. Dinner seven Columbus, OH 43203-2040
Phone: (614) 586-0077; Fax: (614) 586-0078 days. Phone: (614) 645-8733; Fax: (614) 645-5921
Asian cuisine, interactive dining. Create your own (800) 214-PARK
stir fry. 13. Ted’s Montana Grill
Located three miles east of downtown.
191 W. Nationwide Blvd.
3. Black & Blue Fine Dining Bistro Bar Horticultural landmark housing four climates;
Ste. 100
200 West Nationwide Blvd. bonsai and orchid collections; gift shop, cafe; sea-
Columbus, OH 43215
Columbus, OH 43215 sonal shows; Victorian palm house. Adults $5;
Phone: (614) 227-0013; Fax: (614) 224-3640
Phone: (614) 246-2800; Fax: (614) 246-2828 senior and students $3.50; children (2-12) $2;
Fresh-made beef or bison burgers 25 ways
Located on the southwest corner of Nationwide children under 2 free. Open
Arena in downtown Columbus. Three unique North Market
Not a restaurant, but a great place to get good,
GameWorks - Easton
concepts, one great location. American cuisine. 165 Easton Town Center
Open for lunch and dinner, Mon.-Sat. healthy food at reasonable prices
Columbus, OH 43219
59 Spruce Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215
4. Blues Station Phone: (614) 418-7149
one block north of Nationwide Arena
184 W. Vine Street Games, drinks, music and food.
one block west of Greater Columbus Convention
Columbus, OH 43215 Center German Village Society
Phone: (614) 884-BLUE 614-463-9664 588 S. Third St.
Full menu of blues-influenced cuisine. Eat. Drink. Tuesday-Friday: 9 am-7 pm Columbus, OH 43215
Enjoy good times, great music. Call for hours. Saturday: 8 am-5 pm Phone: (614) 221-8888; Fax: (614) 222-4747
5. Braddock’s Diner Sunday: Noon-5 pm Located six blocks south of the State Capitol and
59 Spruce St. south of I-70 (Third and Fourth street exits).
Columbus, OH 43215 C OLUMBUS ATTRACTIONS Restored 19th-century community containing
Phone: (614) 621-2233; Fax: (614) 621-0734 beautifully renovated homes, shops and restau-
Anthony-Thomas Candy Company
Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner daily rants. Center open year-round
1777 Arlingate Lane
6. Brickyard Columbus, OH 43228 Inniswood Metro Gardens
1152 Goodale Blvd. Phone: (614) 272-9221; Fax: (614) 274-0019 940 S. Hempstead Rd.
Columbus, OH 43212 Located at I-270 and Roberts Road. Visit one of Westerville, OH 43081
Phone: (614) 221-4600; Fax: (614) 737-0405 the largest family-owned candy making facilities in Phone: (614) 895-6216; Fax: (614) 895-6352
Entertainment, nightlife, live music, food. the U.S. and shop for delicious chocolates. 120-acre botanical garden and nature preserve.
Summer open house on Tues. & Thur., 9:30 a.m.- Rose, herb, rock, various perennial gardens and a
7. Buca di Beppo 2 p.m. Reservations required. Retail Shoppe, 2.8-acre children’s garden. Several miles of walking
343 N. Front St. Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-5 trails. Gardens open seven days, 7 a.m.-dark. Free
Columbus, OH 43215 admission.
Phone: (614) 621-EATS; Fax: (614) 621-2439 Bruce Lee Legends of Martial Art Hall of
Immigrant southern Italian, family style. Fame Museum Longaberger Homestead
1349 Brice Rd. 5563 Raiders Rd. (St. Rte. 16)
8. Chipotle Renoldsburg, OH 43068 Frazeysburg, OH 43822
401 North Front Street Phone: (614) 864-4000; Fax: (614) 864-4146 Phone: (740) 322-5588; Fax: (740) 754-5710
Columbus, OH 43215 Over 5000 piece collection non-profit foundation Located 50 minutes east of Columbus on St. Rte.
Phone: (614) 228-5488; Fax: (614) 855-4846 16 near Dresden. Basketmaking manufacturing
Gourmet burritos and tacos Buckeye Hall of Fame Cafe tour; shopping, dining, entertainment, kids activ-
1421 Olentangy River Rd.
9. Mitchell’s Steakhouse ities. Open Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun., 11
Columbus, OH 43212
45 N. Third St a.m.-6 p.m. Free admission.
Phone: (614) 291-CAFE; Fax: (614) 291-9588
Columbus, OH 43215 Located at the corner of Olentangy River Road Topiary Garden
Phone: (614)621-BEEF and Fifth Avenue. More than $1 million in games, Old Deaf School Park
10. Martini Italian Bistro complete banquet facilities, OSU retail items, 480 E. Town St.
445 N. High St. Heisman Trophy. Open Mon.-Thur., 11 a.m. - Columbus, OH 43215
Columbus, OH 43215 midnight; Fri.-Sat., 11 a.m.- 1 a.m.; Sun., 10 Phone: (614) 645-0197; Fax: (614) 645-0172
Phone: (614) 224-8259; Fax: (614) 224-8780 a.m.-10 p.m. Corner of East Town Street and Washington
Contemporary Italian cuisine. Open for lunch Boulevard. Open daily. Free admission. Seurat’s
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium “Sunday Afternoon” painting sculpted in topiary;
Mon.-Fri., 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Open for dinner 9990 Riverside Dr.
Mon.-Thur., 4-10 p.m.; Fri., 4-11 p.m.; Sat., 5-11 visitor center and gift shop.
P.O. Box 400
p.m.; Sun., 5-9 p.m.
Powell, OH 43065-0400
Phone: (614) 645-3550; Fax: (614) 645-3465
(800) MON-KEYS
Located along the banks of the Scioto River in
northwest Columbus. Home to more than 700
species — manatees, gorillas, reptiles, fish and
more. Open 365 days a year, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Adults
(12-59) $8; seniors (60+) $7; children (2-11) $5;
parking $3.
“I’m going to hit you so hard your NEXT two characters are going to feel it!”

“Nice to meet you. Roll for Init.” — Fighter in KenzerCo In-House Campaign.

“Yeah, yeah. So you found a magic dagger. Get over it, Pinocchio” — Gamer at
tsk, tsk. not a good time to miss a SAVING THROW
bob. unfortunately, the POISON quickly assaults your
system and within a matter of seconds you DIE!! ADVENTURER’S
oh, er, uh, and it
says here in the wow. DEATH PLUS 1D6. Sung to the tune
that’s one TOUGH poi- of “The Thunder Rolls”
adventure that you
son. somebody at HARD
also take 1D6
EIGHT must have been in
points of DAMAGE
a bad mood that day.
Submitted by Dustin Gordon
so, um, mark down brutal.
5 more points. 3:30 in the morning.
No help in sight.
City full of undead,
looks like I'm in for a fight.
Pull our my broad sword and
start to hack and slash.
Then one smacks me in the gut
and gives me a nasty gash.

I guess I fumbled a roll.

I fumbled a roll

I fumbled a roll
and it kicked my butt.
Went adventuring alone.
I must be a nut.
As the fight goes on
out of control.
Deep in my heart,
I know I fumbled a roll.

My heart starts racing

I have no healing spells.
I roll another 1.
I guess I'm going to fail.
One more hit and I go down.
The fights over as fast as begun.
I guess I found a new home now.
as an undead, not I'm one.

I guess I fumbled a roll

I fumbled a roll

I fumbled a roll.
And it kicked my butt.
Went adventuring alone.
I must be a nut.
As undead pour on
out of control.
Deep in my heart,
I know I fumbled a roll. K

32 ————————————————————— KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE®

Live it up
The Exhibit Hall will be showcasing over 300
R.A. Salvatore, Author Guest of Honor
gamemanufacturers, including a massive
New York Times bestselling author; legendary
booth from Upper Deck Entertainment that
figure in modern epic fantasy.
promises to rival the legendary Wizards of the
Tony DiTerlizzi, Artist Guest of Honor
Coast® castle.
New York Times bestselling author, celebrating
10 years in the business at Gen Con®. • Wizards of the Coast is celebrating the
Richard Garfield Creator of Magic: The 10th Anniversary of Magic: The Gathering.
Gathering. Celebrate its 10th Anniversary Look for Magic® Eighth Edition
with Richard. tournaments, plus Pokemon, Star Wars,
Jordan Weisman Veteran game designer; MLB Showdown and Risk 2210 events.
co-founder of WizKids, an instant industry success. • Over 100 tables of roleplaying, featuring
Dave Arneson Co-designer of Dungeons & the US D&D Open.
Dragons, the game that launched the rpg • Over 13,000 sq. ft. of WizKids games,
industry. including the Mage Knight
World Championships.
• Games Workshop hosts Warhammer,
It all begins with the Magic: The Gathering® Warhammer 40K, and a Blood Bowl
10th Anniversary “Party in the Plaza”, which Tournaments
officially kicks off Gen Con Indy. • Upper Deck Entertainment hosts the
Then it’s: Four solid days packed with over Yu-Gi-Oh Mall Tour at Gen Con Indy.
3,000 gaming events and tournaments -
• Gen Con Indy becomes the new home of
rpg’s, tcg’s, minis, board and computer DecipherCon, with World Championships
games, and more. for The Lord of the Rings Trading Card
• The famous (and infamous) Costume Game and the Star Trek Customizable
Contest, with entrants clad (or barely clad) Card Game.
in the garb of legendary iconic characters. • Alderac Entertainment Group introduces
• Expanded Art Show, with over 75 of its new CCG, Initial D and hosts the L5R
the best artists in the game.
World Championships and the Warlord
• Industry Celebrities - the names that
Medusan Lord Tournament Challenges.
make the games great.
• Kenzer & Company presents the
• Media Celebrities from your favorite films Hackmaster World Championships and
and TV shows.
look for introductory Dwarven Dig events.
• The traditional collectible and used game
• Score Entertainment returns with the
auction. Buyers and sellers bring their
Dragon Ball Z CCG World Championship.
vintage games and their cash in the
hopes of striking gold, or finding it. • Microsoft Studios, Infograms, Sony Online,
• 64 computer LAN gaming venue, open 24/4. Z-Man Games, White Wolf, Eden Studios,
Columbia Games, Atlas Games, Comic
• Email stations so you can tell everyone on
Images, Fantasy Flight Games, Steve
the outside what’s going on inside. Jackson Games, Cheapass Games, SFR
• Time Warp II - a convention wide puzzle. Inc., and Guardians of Order are just a few
• Be a Player: Introduction of a new of the games manufacturers at Gen Con Indy.
VIP Program which could win you special • A weekend long, Mind’s Eye Theatre
privileges for the next year. Live-Action Roleplaying from What the
• Ennie Awards ceremony. Puck Productions, Dark Duality
• 24 hours of Anime, in addition to other Productions and NERO International.
great film showings. • Board Games from Game Base 7!
Featuring a full spread of games from
• Seminars on everything from how to
Avalon Hill, Mayfair Games, Rio Grande
create latex masks to writers workshops. Games, and the Train Gamers Association.
• The Traditional Gen Con Axis & Allies
Mega Tournaments.

Register now and get $5 off. Go to www.gencon. com and then start planning for the time of your life.
Sean Astin Traci Lords
Lord of the Rings • Kingdom Hearts Blade • Crybaby • Melrose Place

John Rhys-Davies Richard Biggs

Lord of the Rings • Raiders of the Lost Ark Babylon 5

Those who know that life is a game,

know that Gen Con® Indy is the
#1 hobby gaming convention in the
world. This year, it’s bigger, better and
packed with more of the best guests,
events and games. So register today
and plan for the time of your life.

Virginia Hey Robin Atkin Downes

Farscape • The Living Daylights Babylon 5 • Star Wars: Bounty Hunter

July 24-27, 2003

Indiana Convention Center
Indianapolis, Indiana

Eugene Roddenberry Jason Carter

Star Trek • Earth: Final Conflict Babylon 5
GEN CON, the Gen Con logo, and The Best Four Days in Gaming! are trademarks of Gen Con LLC. All rights Reserved. Used under authorization. Guest list subject to change
The MAGIC: THEGATHERING Logo is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ©2003 All Rights reserved.

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