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Reflection 1

The information and educational points found in these three pieces of materials shaped my imagination
by conducting research and evaluating the information I accumulated, enabling me to gain a greater
understanding of how pollution negatively affects the ocean.

The first artifact is entitled ‘Marine Pollution, Explained’ a article written by Jenny Howard. This artifact
aided in my comprehension. During marine pollution, the ocean is negatively affected by diverse forms
of contamination caused by humans. Animals and organisms residing within therefore suffer immensely
as a result of this.

The second artifact is a poster entitled ‘Ocean Pollution’ by Sheri Amsel. The graphics created a clear
visual image of how pollution actually happens. It shows the effects and the impacts of pollution.
However it also shows how steps are being undertaken to assist in preventing the harmful consequences
of ocean pollution.

The third artifact is a poem titled ‘Ocean Pollution’ by Firefighter Lover. This poem brought attention to
the killing and devastation of animal habitations as well as the pollution caused by glass and plastic
bottles. Although it acknowledged that ocean pollution kills, it recommended people to take additional
precautions to prevent it so they can live better.

Reflection 2

The first artifact titled ‘Marine Pollution, Explained’ captivated my thinking regarding how the writer
conveyed herself via figurative language and the usage of this simile emphasized in the article. For
example, the simile was “banning all wastes and materials except for a short list of items like leftover
materials from dredging.” This analogy indicated to me that they prohibited certain garbage from
entering and damaging the ocean, but not all.

The second item used was a poster titled ‘Ocean Pollution.’ This artifact elevated my insight as to how
pollution is developed and how best one can be educated by the cause of this humanity act. This poster
highlighted the writer’s key concepts by using figurative language to deliver information that was
capable of communicating with the reader through the specifics provided.
The third artifact was a poem titled ‘Ocean Pollution.’ Part of this poem was expressed by the writer
using the literary device of personification. “The ocean is killing them,” was the example that was used,
and it tells us that the ocean is given human qualities which is not true because the ocean can’t kill the
animals that inhabit it, but the harmful contaminations can. This poem piqued my interest to how the
writer presented facts about how pollution impacts the ocean as well as the repercussions of an
unanticipated tragedy.

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