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The migration of carbon dioxide around the Earth’s atmosphere is elucidated in the

given picture.

Overall, it is clear that the movement of carbon gas on the Earth is a periodic
process, consisting of both natural and man-made activities.

According to the diagram, the emission of carbon footprint occurs owing to the
photosynthesis of trees and plants. In more detail, they absorb carbon dioxide from
the air during the daytime before releasing half of the amount of carbon dioxide
through leaves and roots at night. Additionally, the respiration of terrestrial
creatures also contributes to the emission of CO2 by discharging carbon dioxide on
the atmosphere which rebounds to the surface through rainfall. Moreover, CO2 gas
is also evacuated into the water owing to the death of organisms and wastes in
cooperation with fossil fuels underground.

On the other hand, the evacuation of factories and vehicle fume are another source
result in the emission of carbon dioxide, which leads to the extensive accumulating
of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide on the planet.

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