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Very-low-dose oral minoxidil in reported positive outcomes with a much lower dose

male androgenetic alopecia: A of OM in women (OM 0.25 mg combined with

study with quantitative spironolactone 25 mg). In this letter, we would like
trichoscopic documentation to share our results using this very low dose of OM
(0.25 mg/d) as monotherapy in the treatment of 25
To the Editor: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the male patients with AGA.
most common type of alopecia in men and may have We performed a retrospective review (2017-
a negative effect on quality of life.1,2 Currently, oral 2018) of medical records from patients with male
finasteride and topical minoxidil are the only drugs AGA using formulated capsules of OM (0.25 mg/d).
approved for treatment of male AGA. Therefore, we Patients included had at least 24 weeks of follow-up
read with great interest the publication by Jimenez- and records of clinical and trichoscopic images.
Cauhe et al3 reporting successful use of low-dose Patients with recent (\6 months) or concomitant
oral minoxidil (OM) (2.5-5 mg/d) in men with AGA. use of other therapies for AGA were not included.
As stated by the authors, the optimum dose of For evaluation of treatment response, analysis of
OM still needs to be delineated. Recently, Sinclair4 pretreatment and posttreatment (24 weeks)

Fig 1. Pretreatment and posttreatment (A) clinical and (B) trichoscopic pictures ( frontal region
of the scalp) of a 32-year-old man. B, Red indicates hairs present at baseline but lost at 24
weeks. Green indicates new hairs detected at 24 weeks of treatment.


e22 Notes & Comments J AM ACAD DERMATOL

Table I. Parameters studied before and after 24 weeks of treatment

Before 24 Weeks After 24 weeks
Parameters N Median IQR Min Max N Median IQR Min Max P value
Total hair density/cm2 25 184 130 to 223 52 259 25 176 141 to 213 53 252 .26
Density of terminal hair/cm2 25 114 74 to 173 34 209 25 100 68 to 151 23 213 .088
New hairs/cm2 25 4.1 18.9 to 6.3 36.8 46.3
New terminal hairs/cm2 25 3.1 8.9 to 3.1 34.0 24.2
Total hair density/cm2 25 200 143 to 221 93 255 25 194 155 to 225 109 267 .19
Density of terminal hair/cm2 25 130 104 to 167 57 216 25 115 96 to 165 55 212 .24
New hairs/cm2 25 4.1 9.0 to 13.5 22.7 24.7
New terminal hairs/cm2 25 1.020 3.281 to 5.725 11.3 14.1

IQR, Interquartile range (quartile 1-quartile 3); Max, maximum; Min, minimum.

trichoscopic images from the frontal scalp (midline) comparison with our results. Despite the higher
and vertex was carried out by using FotoFinder dosage, their profile of adverse effects was similar
TrichoLAB Snap software (TrichoLAB, Bad to ours.
Birnbach, Germany) with Hair-to-Hair Matching
Rodrigo Pirmez, MD, and Corina-Isabel Salas-
technology. Parameters examined were total hair
Callo, MD
density (THD)/cm2, density of terminal hair (DTH)/
cm2, new hairs/cm2 (NH/cm2), and new terminal From the Department of Dermatology, Instituto de
hairs/cm2 (NTH/cm2) (Fig 1). Dermatologia Professor Rubem David Azulay,
The sample included 25 patients with a mean age Santa Casa da Misericordia do Rio de Janeiro,
of 36.7 years (range, 23-53 years). Ten (40%) had RJ, Brazil.
mild-moderate AGA (II-III vertex by the Hamilton-
Funding sources: None.
Norwood scale) and 15 (60%) severe AGA (IV-VI).
Improvement or stabilization after 24 weeks was Conflicts of interest: None disclosed.
observed in a percentage of individual patients for all
Reprints not available from the authors.
parameters analyzed ( frontal scalp: NTH, 48%; NH,
52%; DTH, 40%; THD, 60%; vertex: NTH, 44%; NH, Correspondence to: Rodrigo Pirmez, MD, Rua
40%; DTH, 44%; THD, 40%). However, statistical Visconde de Piraj
a 330, sala 712, Rio de Janeiro,
analysis did not show a significant variation in the RJ, Brazil, 22410-000
group as a whole (Table I). A statistical trend toward
better response was detected for patients with mild-
moderate AGA in DTH/cm2 (P ¼ .075). Adverse
effects reported were pedal edema in 1 (4%), hair
shedding in 4 (16%) and body hypertrichosis in 5
(20%) patients. Interestingly, 13 patients (52%) REFERENCES
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3. Jimenez-Cauhe J, Saceda-Corralo D, Rodrigues-Barata R, et al.
patients with advanced AGA in our study are Effectiveness and safety of low-dose oral minoxidil in male
possible explanations for the lack of statistical androgenetic alopecia. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2019;81(2):
significance; for those reasons, we cannot exclude 648-649.
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