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Parts of an Action Research

I. Title Page The title page of a research project is the first page and it should include the title
of the research, the author's name, and the institution or organization where the research was

II. Abstract The abstract is a summary of the research project. It should provide a brief
overview of the research question, methods, results, and conclusions.

III. Acknowledgements The acknowledgement page is where the author expresses gratitude
to those who have contributed to the research project. This may include funding agencies,
research participants, and advisors.

IV. Context and Rationale The context and rationale section provides background
information on the research problem and explains why the research is important. It should
also include a review of relevant literature and the research gap that the study aims to fill.

V. Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy In this section, the researcher explains the methods
used in the research. This includes the research design, the intervention or treatment applied,
and the strategies used to collect and analyze data.

VI. Action Research Question The action research question is the main question that the
research aims to answer. It should be specific, measurable, and relevant to the research

VII. Action Research Methods a. Participants: This section describes the participants in the
research, including their characteristics and how they were selected. b. Data Gathering
Method: This section describes the methods used to collect data, such as surveys, interviews,
or observations.

VIII. Discussion of Results and Reflection In this section, the researcher presents and
analyzes the data, and interprets the results. The researcher should also reflect on the research
process, including any limitations and opportunities for future research.

IX. Action Plan The action plan outlines the steps that will be taken to implement the
research findings. It should be specific, measurable, and achievable.

X. References The references section lists all the sources used in the research project,
including books, journal articles, and websites.

XI. Financial Report The financial report presents a detailed accounting of the costs
associated with the research project, including any funding received, expenses, and any
remaining funds.

Overall, the research report should be written in a clear and concise manner and be easy to
understand for the target audience. It should also follow the appropriate format and guidelines
set by DepEd Order 16, s. 2017.

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