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Biochem Lecture 2.docx FOR CON 1A(NON-STEM)

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MTH 7:30-9:00 (LECTURE); MTH 5:00-8:00 (LABORATORY)
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Maria Teresa Pangilinan • Yesterday (Edited Yesterday)
Biochem Lecture Notes 2


Biochem Lecture 1.docx
- commonlyWord
known as SUGARS (polar and water-soluble); hydrate of carbon

Polar - a covalent bond between two atoms where the electrons forming the bond
are unequally distributed; one is negative and one is positive
Biochem Lecture 2.docx
- are the most abundant class of bioorganic molecules on planet earth. Although their abundance in the
human body is relatively low.
- Carbohydrates constitute about 75% by mass of dry plants.
- Green(chlorophyll-containing) plants produce carbohydrates via photosynthesis. In this process, carbon
dioxide from the air and water fromLecture
the soil are 3.docx
the reactants, and sunlight absorbed by the chlorophyll is
the energy source. Word
CO 2 + H 2 O + solar energy -------------------- carbohydrates + O 2
Plant enzymes
Biochem Lecture 4.docx
Plants have two mainWorduses for the carbohydrates they produce. In the form of cellulose (chief part of the
cell walls of plants; usually fibrous), carbohydrates serve as structural elements, and in the form of starch,
they provide energy reserves for the plants.

Dietary intake of plant materials is the major carbohydrate source for humans and animals. The
Classhuman diet should ideally be about 2/3 carbohydrates by mass.
Carbohydrates have the following functions in humans:

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1. Carbohydrate oxidation provides energy.
2. Carbohydrate storage in the form of glycogen, provides a short-term energy reserve.
3. Carbohydrates supply carbon atoms for the synthesis of other biochemical substances
(proteins, lipids and nucleic acids)
4. Carbohydrates form part of the structural framework of DNA and RNA molecules

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