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GE: Digital Communications notes by Abhishek Kumar

UNIT 1: Constructing a Self
1. Creating a personal/professional profile for social media. (Facebook, Linkedin etc.)
2. Striking up formal, informal conversations (register, tone, vocabulary)
3. Social Media etiquette
UNIT 2: Expressing the Self
1. Blogs, Facebook posts (expressing likes and dislikes)
2. Formal and informal correspondence (emails, making announcements on social groups:
expressing/ declining interests, making requests, sharing information).
3. Acknowledging and negotiating opinions
UNIT 3: Expressing Visually
1. Introducing oneself in a vlog (how to create a narrative: biography, autobiography)
2. Striking a rapport/connecting with viewers/audience (colloquial language, discourse
3. Moderating content (integrating narrative with visuals/images)
UNIT 1: Constructing a Self
Constructing a "self" is a complex and ongoing process that involves many factors, including
genetics, upbringing, experiences, relationships, culture, and more. Here are some steps you
can take to work on developing a strong sense of self:
1. Reflect on your values, beliefs, and goals: Take some time to think about what
matters most to you, what you believe in, and what you want to achieve in life.
Writing down your thoughts can be helpful.
2. Identify your strengths and weaknesses: Make a list of your strengths and
weaknesses. This can help you understand what you excel at and where you may need
to improve.
3. Develop self-awareness: Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Notice how you react to different situations and what triggers certain emotions. This
can help you better understand yourself and how you operate in the world.
4. Set boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries can help you protect your time,
energy, and well-being. This can include saying no to things that don't align with your
values or make you uncomfortable.
5. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally is
essential for building a strong sense of self. This can include getting enough sleep,
eating well, exercising, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.

6. Seek feedback and support: Ask trusted friends, family members, or a therapist
for feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. This can help you gain new insights
and perspectives on yourself.
Remember, developing a strong sense of self is a lifelong journey. It takes time, effort, and
self-reflection to understand who you are and what you stand for. Be patient and
compassionate with yourself as you work on building a solid foundation for your sense of

Creating a personal/professional profile for social media can help you showcase
your skills, experience, and interests to potential employers, clients, or colleagues. Here are
some tips on how to create a strong profile:
1. Choose a professional profile picture: Use a high-quality headshot that
portrays you in a professional manner.
2. Write a compelling bio: Write a brief summary that highlights your skills,
experience, and interests. Use keywords that relate to your industry or field.
3. Highlight your experience: Include information about your past work experience,
education, and any relevant certifications or training.
4. Showcase your skills: Use your profile to showcase your skills and expertise. List
your areas of expertise and highlight any notable achievements.
5. Use a professional tone: Use a professional tone in all of your social media
interactions. Avoid slang or overly casual language.
6. Engage with others: Engage with others in your industry or field by commenting
on posts or joining relevant groups. This can help you build your network and
establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.
7. Be authentic: Be true to yourself and your values. Share information about your
personal interests and hobbies to help others connect with you on a personal level.
Remember, your social media profile is a representation of you and your brand. Make sure it
accurately reflects your skills, experience, and interests, and is tailored to the audience you
want to reach. Regularly update your profile with new information and engage with others in
your industry to help build your network and establish your professional reputation.

Striking up conversations can be a great way to connect with others, whether in a

formal or informal setting. Here are some tips on how to adjust your register, tone, and
vocabulary to match the situation:
Formal Conversations:
 Register: Use a formal register, which includes proper grammar, sentence structure,
and vocabulary. Avoid using slang or contractions.
 Tone: Use a respectful and professional tone. Speak clearly and calmly, and avoid
raising your voice or using a sarcastic tone.
 Vocabulary: Use formal vocabulary that is appropriate for the situation. Avoid
using colloquial or informal words.

Example: "Good morning, Mr. Smith. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Jane, and I'm
here to discuss the new project with you."
Informal Conversations:
 Register: Use a more relaxed register that includes informal grammar, sentence
structure, and vocabulary. You can use contractions and colloquial language.
 Tone: Use a friendly and approachable tone. Speak with energy and enthusiasm, and
use a tone that matches the context of the conversation.
 Vocabulary: Use casual vocabulary that is appropriate for the situation. You can use
slang and idioms if it fits the conversation.
Example: "Hey, what's up? My name is Tom. I saw you at the party last night, and I wanted
to come over and say hi. You seemed like a cool person to hang out with."
Remember, it's important to adjust your register, tone, and vocabulary to match the situation
and the person you're speaking with. Pay attention to the context, audience, and purpose of
the conversation, and adjust your language accordingly.

Social media etiquette refers to the proper and polite behavior that should be observed
when using social media platforms. Here are some tips on how to maintain good social
media etiquette:
1. Respect others: Show respect for others by refraining from using offensive
language or posting derogatory comments. Be aware that social media is a public
platform, and what you post can affect other people's feelings and opinions.
2. Be mindful of your posts: Think carefully before posting content on social media.
Ensure that it is appropriate, respectful, and aligned with your values and beliefs.
3. Protect privacy: Be cautious when sharing personal information, such as phone
numbers, addresses, and other sensitive data. Also, respect other people's privacy by
not sharing their personal information without their consent.
4. Avoid oversharing: Be mindful of what you post and how much you post.
Overloading your followers with too many posts can be overwhelming and may lead
them to unfollow you.
5. Be authentic: Present yourself in a truthful and honest way on social media. Avoid
posting fake or misleading content that could damage your reputation.
6. Respond appropriately: Be prompt in responding to messages and comments,
and ensure that your responses are appropriate and respectful.
7. Avoid spamming: Do not spam your followers with too many promotional
messages or irrelevant content. This can be annoying and may lead to people
unfollowing you.
Remember, social media is a powerful tool that can have a significant impact on your
personal and professional life. By following these social media etiquette tips, you can build a
positive reputation and maintain healthy relationships with your followers.
UNIT 2: Expressing the Self

Expressing the self can be an important way to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas
to others. Here are some tips on how to express yourself effectively:

1. Know your audience: Consider who you're talking to and tailor your communication
style to their needs and preferences. For example, you may need to adjust your tone,
language, and level of formality depending on the situation.
2. Use "I" statements: When expressing your thoughts and feelings, use "I" statements to
make it clear that you're expressing your own perspective. For example, say "I feel
frustrated when..." instead of "You make me feel frustrated when...".
3. Practice active listening: When you're in a conversation with someone, listen actively
and attentively to what they're saying. This can help you better understand their
perspective and respond in a more thoughtful and respectful way.
4. Use body language: Nonverbal cues like facial expressions, gestures, and posture can
convey a lot about how you're feeling. Use body language to reinforce your words and
communicate your emotions more effectively.
5. Be open-minded: Be open to new ideas and perspectives, even if they differ from your
own. This can help you broaden your understanding and improve your ability to express
yourself in different situations.
6. Practice self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings. This can
help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and express yourself more
7. Be confident: Have confidence in yourself and your ideas. This can help you speak up
and share your thoughts and feelings more effectively.

Remember, expressing yourself is an important way to connect with others and build meaningful
relationships. By practicing these tips, you can improve your ability to communicate your
thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a clear and effective way.

When expressing your likes and dislikes in blog posts or Facebook posts, it's
important to do so in a way that is clear and respectful. Here are some tips:
1. Be specific: When expressing your likes and dislikes, be specific about what you do
and don't like. For example, instead of saying "I don't like movies", say "I don't like
action movies because they're too violent."
2. Provide reasons: Explain why you like or dislike something. This can help others
understand your perspective and engage in a meaningful discussion.
3. Use a positive tone: Even if you're expressing a dislike, try to do so in a positive
and respectful way. Avoid using negative language or insulting others who may have
a different opinion.
4. Avoid generalizations: Avoid making generalizations about entire groups of
people based on their likes or dislikes. Instead, focus on your own individual
5. Engage in discussion: Be open to hearing others' opinions and engage in
respectful discussion about your likes and dislikes. This can help broaden your
understanding and provide different perspectives.

6. Consider your audience: When posting on social media, consider who your
audience is and adjust your language and tone accordingly. Avoid offensive language
or topics that may be controversial or sensitive.
Remember, expressing your likes and dislikes is a personal choice, but doing so in a
respectful and constructive manner can help promote healthy discussion and connection
with others. By following these tips, you can express your opinions in a positive and
meaningful way.

When it comes to writing formal and informal correspondence, such as emails

and announcements on social groups, it's important to use appropriate language and
tone. Here are some tips for expressing, declining interests, making requests, and sharing
1. Expressing interests: When expressing interests, use a polite and professional
tone. Be specific about what you're interested in and why, and provide relevant
details as needed. For example, "I am interested in the marketing position because I
have experience in social media management and enjoy creating engaging content."
2. Declining interests: If you need to decline an offer or opportunity, do so in a
respectful and thoughtful way. Be honest about why you're declining, but avoid being
negative or dismissive. For example, "Thank you for considering me for the job, but
after careful consideration, I have decided that it's not the right fit for me at this
3. Making requests: When making requests, be clear and concise about what you
need, and provide any necessary context or background information. Use a polite and
respectful tone, and be prepared to follow up or provide additional information as
needed. For example, "Could you please send me the report by the end of the day? We
need it for the meeting tomorrow."
4. Sharing information: When sharing information, make sure it's relevant and
useful to your audience. Use a clear and organized format, and provide any necessary
context or background information. Use a tone that is appropriate for the situation,
whether it's formal or informal.
Remember to proofread your correspondence carefully before sending it. Use proper
grammar and punctuation, and ensure that your message is clear and easy to understand. By
following these tips, you can effectively communicate your thoughts, ideas, and requests
through formal and informal correspondence.
Acknowledging and negotiating opinions can be an important aspect of effective
communication. Here are some tips for acknowledging and negotiating opinions:
1. Listen actively: When someone is expressing their opinion, listen attentively and
with an open mind. Ask questions to clarify their perspective and demonstrate that
you're engaged in the conversation.
2. Acknowledge their perspective: Acknowledge the other person's opinion and let
them know that you understand their point of view. This can help build rapport and
trust, even if you don't necessarily agree with their opinion.
3. Provide your own perspective: After acknowledging the other person's opinion,
provide your own perspective in a respectful and thoughtful way. Use "I" statements

to make it clear that you're expressing your own perspective, and avoid making
assumptions or generalizations.
4. Look for common ground: Try to find areas of agreement or common ground
between your opinions. This can help build a foundation for productive negotiation
and compromise.
5. Negotiate respectfully: When negotiating, be respectful and avoid attacking the
other person's opinion or character. Use clear and concise language, and be willing to
compromise if necessary.
6. Seek feedback: After negotiating, seek feedback from the other person to ensure
that you have a mutual understanding of the situation. This can help prevent
misunderstandings and build trust.
Remember, acknowledging and negotiating opinions is an important aspect of effective
communication. By listening actively, acknowledging others' perspectives, providing your
own perspective, looking for common ground, negotiating respectfully, and seeking
feedback, you can build positive and productive relationships with others.

UNIT 3: Expressing Visually

Expressing visually can be a powerful way to communicate and convey information. Here
are some tips for expressing visually:
1. Use appropriate visual aids: Choose the appropriate visual aids, such as charts,
graphs, or images, that best convey the information you want to express. Consider the
context and audience when selecting visual aids.
2. Simplify and organize: Simplify and organize the visual aids to make the
information clear and easy to understand. Use clear labelling, headings, and
annotations to help guide the viewer's attention and understanding.
3. Use colour and contrast: Use colour and contrast to highlight important
information or draw attention to key points. Use a consistent colour scheme
throughout the visual aids to make it easier to follow.
4. Provide context: Provide context and background information to help the viewer
understand the visual aids. Use captions or annotations to provide additional
information or explain complex concepts.
5. Use visuals to tell a story: Use visuals to tell a story or convey a narrative.
Consider the sequence and flow of the visual aids to create a compelling and engaging
6. Be creative: Use creative and innovative techniques to express visually, such as
infographics or animations. Experiment with different formats and styles to find the
most effective way to express the information.
Remember, expressing visually can be a powerful way to communicate and convey
information. By choosing appropriate visual aids, simplifying and organizing the
information, using colour and contrast, providing context, telling a story, and being creative,
you can effectively express visually and engage your audience.

Introducing oneself in a vlog can be a great way to connect with your audience and share your
story. Here are some tips for creating a narrative when introducing yourself in a vlog:

1. Start with a hook: Start with an interesting or engaging hook that captures your
audience's attention. This could be a surprising fact, a personal story, or a statement that
makes your audience curious about you.
2. Share your biography: Share your biography or background information, such as where
you grew up, your family, education, and career history. Use specific examples and stories
to make it more personal and relatable.
3. Share your autobiography: Share your autobiography or personal story, such as what
inspired you to start vlogging, your hobbies and interests, and any challenges or setbacks
you've overcome. Use this opportunity to show your personality and connect with your
audience on a deeper level.
4. Be authentic: Be yourself and speak from the heart. Authenticity is key to building trust
and connecting with your audience.
5. Use visual aids: Use visual aids, such as photos or videos, to enhance your story and
create a more engaging experience for your audience.
6. End with a call-to-action: End with a call-to-action, such as encouraging your audience
to subscribe to your channel, leave a comment, or follow you on social media.

Remember, introducing yourself in a vlog is an opportunity to share your story and connect with
your audience. By starting with a hook, sharing your biography and autobiography, being
authentic, using visual aids, and ending with a call-to-action, you can create a compelling and
engaging narrative that resonates with your audience.

Striking a rapport and connecting with viewers/audience can be essential to building a loyal
following for your content. Here are some tips for using colloquial language and discourse
markers to establish rapport and connect with your audience:

1. Use conversational language: Use conversational language that feels natural and
approachable to your audience. Avoid using overly formal or technical language that may
be difficult for some viewers to understand.
2. Use inclusive language: Use inclusive language that makes all viewers feel welcome and
included. Avoid using exclusive language or making assumptions about your audience's
background or knowledge.
3. Use humour: Use humour to break the ice and establish a friendly, light-hearted tone.
This can help put viewers at ease and make them more receptive to your message.
4. Use personal anecdotes: Use personal anecdotes or stories to help viewers relate to you
and your message. This can help create a sense of empathy and connection with your
5. Use discourse markers: Use discourse markers, such as "you know," "like," or "um," to
create a conversational tone and rhythm. This can make your speech sound more natural
and less scripted.
6. Use questions: Use questions to engage your audience and encourage interaction. Ask
for their opinions or experiences related to your topic, or ask open-ended questions that
encourage discussion.

Remember, striking a rapport and connecting with your audience is essential to building a loyal
following for your content. By using conversational language, inclusive language, humor,
personal anecdotes, discourse markers, and questions, you can establish rapport and connect
with your audience in a meaningful way.

Moderating content involves not only creating a compelling narrative but also integrating it
with visuals and images to enhance the viewer's experience. Here are some tips for moderating
content and integrating narrative with visuals/images:

1. Use visuals to illustrate your narrative: Use visuals such as photos, videos, graphs, and
charts to illustrate your narrative and help your audience understand your message.
Visuals can add depth and context to your content and make it more engaging.
2. Keep visuals relevant: Ensure that the visuals you use are relevant to your narrative and
add value to your content. Avoid using visuals for the sake of using them or using them
in a way that distracts from your narrative.
3. Use a consistent style: Use a consistent style for your visuals, such as using the same
colour palette or font throughout your content. This can create a cohesive and
professional look and feel.
4. Incorporate visual cues: Incorporate visual cues such as arrows, circles, and highlights to
draw attention to key points in your narrative. This can help viewers understand and
remember important information.
5. Use a variety of visuals: Use a variety of visuals, such as images, videos, and
infographics, to keep your content interesting and engaging. This can also cater to
different learning styles and preferences.
6. Balance visuals with narrative: Ensure that your visuals and narrative complement each
other and work together to create a cohesive message. Avoid using visuals that
overwhelm or distract from your narrative.

Remember, moderating content involves integrating narrative with visuals and images to create a
compelling and engaging experience for your audience. By using visuals to illustrate your
narrative, keeping visuals relevant, using a consistent style, incorporating visual cues, using a
variety of visuals, and balancing visuals with narrative, you can create content that resonates with
your audience and delivers your message effectively.


Abhishek Kumar
Insta: @abhishek_kumar_official_
YouTube: @abhishekkumardu


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