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Arekusayu joined the lobby

WitheredSina joined the lobby

WitheredSina yo
Arekusayu heyoo
WitheredSina how u doin
Arekusayu with that as a first match of the day
Arekusayu pretty good
Arekusayu usually when I go top or mid jg ints with bot
WitheredSina xd
WitheredSina where are ya from?
Arekusayu me and aatrox are from Romania
WitheredSina aatrox?
Arekusayu Ye our toplaner
WitheredSina ohh
WitheredSina soo u wanted tips for zed?
Arekusayu Yeah
Arekusayu more like
Arekusayu items and runes for current season
WitheredSina oh
WitheredSina well
WitheredSina first of all lemme tell ya smth
WitheredSina zed is NOT an assassin
Arekusayu Its more like a
WitheredSina he technically is but dont think like that
Arekusayu AD caster mage
WitheredSina nope
Arekusayu Like AD Ryze?
Arekusayu no?
WitheredSina a bruiser
Arekusayu Bruiser?
Arekusayu Wth
WitheredSina yeah
WitheredSina thats how I see him
Arekusayu Darius type of shit or yasuo
WitheredSina yasuo
Arekusayu So more like a fighter type
WitheredSina yeah
WitheredSina but u build hp
Arekusayu Yeah I saw I need to go black cleaver 3rd item
WitheredSina so for runes u go first strike almost every game unless ur against an
assassin like akali or talon or even a long range mage who can cancel ur first
WitheredSina in those cases u go conqueror
Arekusayu I honestly thought Akali is more of a bruiser than assassin
Arekusayu obv that wasn't the case xD
WitheredSina yeah well shes both at the same time xd
Arekusayu The rest of the matchups are electrocute or conqueror?
WitheredSina for conqueror, u take it into tanky teams
WitheredSina yeah
Arekusayu okay
WitheredSina u go electro ONLY
Arekusayu so tank top tank jg and tank support I go conq
WitheredSina if their WHOLE team is squishy
WitheredSina yes
Arekusayu okay
Arekusayu And if they have
Arekusayu let's say
Arekusayu katarina mid
Arekusayu bruiser top
Arekusayu tank bot and master yi jg
WitheredSina conq
WitheredSina do u know why I tell u to take conq against assassins??
Arekusayu okay so if I don't go first strike I basically go conq
WitheredSina yes
Arekusayu bcs assassins are more of a hit and run
WitheredSina YES
Arekusayu and dont exel in long fighhts
WitheredSina EXACTLY
Arekusayu with conq u may be loosing short trades but u win in long trades
Arekusayu however
Arekusayu I have another problem with zed
Arekusayu I know that my W has a passive that gives me energy whenever I hit the
same target with multiple abilities at the same time
Arekusayu like double shuriken or double E
WitheredSina yeah
Arekusayu so that I dont run out of energy
Arekusayu look at the previous match
Arekusayu I fought against akali
Arekusayu if I want to engage with WEQ on akali
Arekusayu I use WE for slow and when I Q she E's away
Arekusayu maybe I hit shadow Q but first Q can't reach her
Arekusayu so I run out of enegy fast
WitheredSina well
Arekusayu especially into the early game when my Q has very high energy cost
WitheredSina in those cases I dont use E I just throw my Q only
WitheredSina because I dont max E second
Arekusayu what
WitheredSina and i dont use it for damage
WitheredSina yeah
WitheredSina unless ur going electrocute
Arekusayu ye I use E for slow not for dmg too but I always max E 2ned
WitheredSina trust me W max is waaaay better
Arekusayu What does it give u
Arekusayu if u max W 2nd
WitheredSina less mana cost
Arekusayu Ah
Arekusayu okay
WitheredSina and
Arekusayu lower CD
WitheredSina more energy return and lower cd
Arekusayu That's nice
Arekusayu I'll try that
WitheredSina I recommend u to play with conqueror for learning
WitheredSina cuz u have presence of mind
Arekusayu So to recap for runes I go first strike where I know I can proc it,
electrocute only in 5 squishy comps and conq for the rest
WitheredSina yes
Arekusayu okay that's that
Arekusayu how about items?
WitheredSina for items
Arekusayu I tried the new duskblade, the yoummu and ecplise
Arekusayu so far eclipse was more consistent
Arekusayu but the movement speed from youmuus is nice
Arekusayu I think it got nerfed this patch tho
WitheredSina never build yoummu's it got fked
Arekusayu yeah
WitheredSina yoummu's is good when ur going electro
Arekusayu okay
WitheredSina otherwise if u know u dont win 1v1s against ur laner go eclipse
WitheredSina for example against yone, sylas, irelia
WitheredSina and perma ban irelia or yasup
WitheredSina but I know my limits on zed so I build duskblade almost every game
Arekusayu I think yasuo is better ban since I can dodge irelia E R with W R
Arekusayu Duskblade I think it's better after I learned zed's dmg
WitheredSina yeah
WitheredSina and irelia is such a massive counter to zed
WitheredSina irelia is zed's biggest counter
Arekusayu Yeah that W resistances are high
Arekusayu and she`s very mobile
Arekusayu hard to hit Q
Arekusayu Yasuo it;s at least playable
WitheredSina but ban yasuo cuz people dont play her mid too much and if they do
theyre not that good
Arekusayu I think in higher elo is worth more irelia ban
WitheredSina yes
Arekusayu since it's more likely she would be played mid
WitheredSina like dia or higher
Arekusayu yeah yeah
WitheredSina btw whats ur rank peak?
Arekusayu Idk I never played ranked
Arekusayu I think
WitheredSina oh
Arekusayu If I play seriusly I make it to high plat
Arekusayu since I smurf on gold 1 players
Arekusayu I don't think I`m diamond level tho
WitheredSina well this isnt my main account. I used to play in turkey server but I
sold my account to a friend of mine
Arekusayu peak plat 2 maybe
WitheredSina thats good
Arekusayu Did u know they will add a new rank next split
Arekusayu between plat and diamond
WitheredSina yeah
WitheredSina and they will remove promos
Arekusayu yeah that will be so nice
WitheredSina very nice indeed
WitheredSina should I start?
Arekusayu now back to items
Arekusayu nah Im gonna eat in 20 mins
Arekusayu after mythic
WitheredSina oh
WitheredSina after mythic
Arekusayu porofessor recommends I build ravenous hydra every time
Arekusayu then black cleaver and that's the core
WitheredSina yeah
WitheredSina thats it basically
Arekusayu then I go whatever I need
WitheredSina after those items u go grudge or smth
WitheredSina yeah
Arekusayu edge of night for anti CC lock
Arekusayu serylda's grudge into tanky comps
Arekusayu and for the slow
Arekusayu I think
WitheredSina yeah
WitheredSina since u gotta go, wanna 1v1 zed vs zed?
Arekusayu nah I'm good
Arekusayu I'll add u tho
WitheredSina why xd
Arekusayu and we'll fight when I'm ready
WitheredSina alright
Arekusayu I have a lot to learn
Arekusayu Thank you for the tips
WitheredSina yeah np mate
Arekusayu I'll see you on the rift, good luck on your games
Arekusayu <3
WitheredSina lmk when u want to play together
Arekusayu alr

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