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Name: Jess Rey Optina

Subject: GE11 (3174) – Entrepreneurial Mind

My Reaction about the Performance Report of Group two (2)

The report of group two (2) talks about the myth of entrepreneurs, what is
entrepreneurs and their characteristics. For me they are also creative for delivering
their report just like group one (1) they are both used power point and animation but
there is one member of group 2 that cannot use informative output but anyways it is
informative as a whole. What I have learned the most from this group are the
different myths about entrepreneur they have discussed such as entrepreneur is all
about money. I agreed! entrepreneur is not all about money although earning money
in the form of capital or profits are needed but it’s not all about money. Remember
that when we are an entrepreneur, we have the capability of finding solution to a
problem or to satisfy a need or want. That is why entrepreneur is not all about money
but before anything else the value that can give to satisfy needs or wants and to
answer a problem are the focused of entrepreneur because they cannot make
money if they cannot formulate idea that can give value to the customers. I agreed
also that entrepreneur is a boss because an entrepreneur is the owner of the
company whereas a Manager is the employee of the company. Entrepreneur is a
risk taker they take financial risk for their enterprise. The entrepreneur has a vision
and focuses on achievements and profit. I have learned that entrepreneur is concern
with the value that he/she can offer to its customers, think for new idea that can
transform into reality, and to think for the new business strategies that can help to
make the business more profitable. I agreed of what one of the reporters said that
“Entrepreneurs cannot acquire genetically, but this can be acquire through
knowledge, self-education, and experiences” meaning the entrepreneurial mindset
can be develop overtime, it takes time. I think the core concept that I internalized the
most and when I realized it, I think I can be able to discuss or describe of what really
is entrepreneur. For me entrepreneur has the belief that may or no one can realize or
seen. That is why he/ she can never surrender of the belief of the long-term goal in
the future that can really give value on the community that serve. That’s all thank

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