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Name: Jess Rey Optina

Subject: GE20 (11363) – Reading Visual Arts


“My Life in Quarantine”

I made a photo collage in order to describe my life in quarantine. As you can see in the
first picture at the top on the left, it shows doing activities for the online class. In this
time of Covid – 19 of pandemic where face to face classes is prohibited, this the new
normal of studying where I adapted in order to continue my college studies. The second
picture at the top right is about keeping an eye on our business which is sari – sari store
when there is no online class so that I can help my parents as well as my studies. The
third picture in the middle left is cleaning the house, it is very important to always keep
the house clean for it to be comfortable to live and disease prevention. The fourth
picture in the middle right is bathing at the river, I always bathe in the river since the
start of the Covid 19 pandemic, it feels relaxing because of the fresh and cold water.
The fifth picture at the bottom left is exercising at home every morning, this routine can
help my body to be physically fit even if the recreational activities outside such as
jogging and biking are prohibited because of pandemic. The last picture below on the
right is playing mobile legends, sometimes when there is nothing to do in the online
class or in any household tasks. I have been playing it since the lockdown, I play so I
don't get too bored and it's also fun when there's nothing else to do. That’s all thank

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