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Name: Ariana Mohammed

Class: 2F

Subject: English A

Due to the pandemic I and a lot more other people were forced to stay at home. At first everything
was going great, but eventually I began to miss my friends and doing the things I would normally do on
Weekends. If we were to go out, we would have to wear masks for the safety of others and ourselves,
social distancing was also included. I’m quite sad that I can’t go out to the beaches anymore, or hang out
with my friends at school. Part of me is happy and part of me isn’t because I miss my friends. A
downside is that I’m not as good as I used to be with socializing, I guess you can say I’m more
introverted now.

Since I couldn’t go out I had to find other ways to entertain myself. I got into gaming and started
playing games more than I used too. I also got interested in this thing you call Anime, it’s a Japanese
cartoon to be more specific. Yes, I still have school but it’s online so there are both good sides and bad
sides to that. Since I’m not as active anymore I got really lazy which isn’t good, I will have to start
exercising soon. I still talk to my friends by texting them and voice or video calling them, on those calls
we would watch videos, movies or play games, even just talk about things as well.

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