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TO: 153 B

FROM: 153 A

Dear Tomodachi,

I am grateful for the opportunity to make a connection with you. How are you holding up these
days? How’s life in college? So far, so good? Honestly, I’ve never wrote this kind of letter to someone
I don’t familiar with. It is weird to address a letter to Dear Tomodachi during these strange times we
are sharing. Like have you ever wanted to share more of yourself, but felt terrified? Yeah, that’s me.
However, this time is kind a bit different though. The first thing that plays in my mind when I heard
about the announcement made by the teachers was “I am going to get a new friend!”. Perhaps, I am
very glad to be sending this letter to you. Even if you’re a girl or a boy, it doesn’t really matter and I
hope to-slightly-brighten your day.

Since I can’t reveal anything personal about myself, instead I’ll tell you something more than
personal: Overall, quite lazy. Seriously, I don’t do much of anything when it comes to creating or
whatsoever. Music tends to flow through me rather than be created due to the amount of school
work that I ‘ve received, but I guess that’s just an excuse, isn’t it? So most of the days I just kind of sit
around, doing homework or sometimes playing sports with my new classmates depending on our
busyness. I’ve been doing my best to score my standardized test for the past few weeks, and I’ve
found Mathematics to be one of the hardest things just because I actually have to work for it. Like
what most teachers said, do your own exercise and don’t procrastinate. Okay, I’ll stop complaining
about myself now.

By the way, have you watched Squid Game, the latest Korean Movie in Netflix? I haven’t watch
it yet, but most of my friends who had already watched it until the last episode saying the movie was
very ghastly and blood-curdling. And here I am, know nothing about it. Oh yea, I’ve been missing my
daily workouts and exercises since I go back to college lately. At first, I don’t really care about it but
then after weeks of staying in this college without even doing any exercises kind of feel sorrowful
and heavy-hearted. In short, it feels depressing, you know. So this morning I had a fresh 2 km jog
around the college compound and I realised that happiness isn’t just about having friends surround
you but having a healthy lifestyle is also very essential in order to have a balanced life as teenagers
and young adults. Like there is this one quote saying that ‘health is not valued till sickness comes’
and I am absolutely agree with that statement.

One more thing that you should know about me is that I am a bit shy in person but I am very
friendly in social media. It’s kind of bizarre, isn’t it? Most people tend to be more friendly in person
and shy through social media but for me it’s not. Well, that doesn’t matter now and the most
important thing is that I hope we can be friends until we senile! On the other hand, this school
implement quiet a strict discipline about uniform, behaviour and cleanliness. Though it was difficult
when I came here for the first time, I am now beginning to adapt to the rules here.

Despite with the coping of new life and having new syllabus of education, it has been almost
two months since we first started our journey as an IB student. I believe that we both will have a
fascinating and enjoyable life in this college. Through ups and downs, I am eternally grateful to have
you by my side. Looking forward to your reply. Stay safe and may the new week turn out to be the
most amazing week of your life! 😊

Cheers Mate,

153 A :D

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