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Name: Jess Rey Optina

Subject: GE11 (3174) – Entrepreneurial Mind

My Reaction about the Performance Report of Group three (3)

The topic of group three (3) is all about the Importance of Entrepreneurships.
For me they are also creative for delivering their report just like group because of
using power point and animation to the content of their report. I’ve agreed to the one
of the reporters that entrepreneurship is very important not just in the society but it
has big contribution to our economy as a whole. Yes, for me Entrepreneurs gives
solutions to the needs or problem in the market economy by using organizational
skills such as planning coordinating and controlling. That means that the contribution
of entrepreneurship to the economy needs small businesses to contribute to
employment, innovations, competition and social and political stability. According to
Seth, (2021) Entrepreneurship is important for a number of reasons, from promoting
social change to driving innovation. Entrepreneurs are frequently thought of as
national assets to be cultivated, motivated, and remunerated to the greatest possible
extent. For example, the United States of America which is one of the most develop
countries and perhaps one of the world leaders and their forward-thinking innovation,
these are important factors in America’s success. Indeed, Entrepreneur is a brilliant
thinker in its society and economy because every decision that they make has a
direct and indirect impact to the success of the country. That’s all thank you.


Seth, S. (2021). Why Entrepreneurship Is Important to the Economy. [online]

Investopedia. Available at:
are-important-economy.asp [Accessed November 5, 2021].

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