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Rahma Yuliana

Business Program

Batch 7




Title : Adabul’ALIM wal MUTA’ALLIM

Author :Imam Nawawi

Publisher : Diva press

Year : 2018

Page : 236

ISBN : 978-602-391-551-4


The etiquette of the disciples when learning is:

1. A disciple must cleanse his heart of things that can digest the seriousness of his rise in
learning. This is intended so that he can receive lessons well and make them easier to
memorize the lessons

2. A student must be able to broadcast everything that can be discussed by way of

learning. In the learning process, he must be patient waiting for the mediocre.

Imam Shafi'i said:"He who seeks knowledge is fulfilled, he is among those who are
fortunate. But, those who seek knowledge from him in a difficult situation, sacrifice his
body and soul, and remain solemn to the scholars, then this is what is called a lucky
person. "

3. A disciple must always be humble to the knowledge he learns, as well as to the teacher

who taught him. A disciple must be biased to receive criticism or input from his
teacher. But he was allowed to invite the teacher to talk about anything related to him.

Aside from that PDA, he has a steady stream of teachers ' commands.

4. The scholars have asserted that: "Do not learn to a person who used to read a lot of

books, but did not have a teacher. Whosoever learns only from the pile of books, he

will fall on the brink of misunderstanding, from which there will be a lot of confusion

and misappropriation of knowledge. "

5. A disciple must be able to see his teacher with a glory gaze. That is, he must be biased

to position his teacher as a worthy person in honor.

6. A disciple must always look for his teacher, what he thinks is different from what he


7. A disciple is not as biased as he has to enter his room without his permission.

8. A disciple when he entered the classroom, he should say greetings to anyone who had

attended and made sure everyone listened to his fault.

9. A man was not made to suddenly sit in the midst of a crowd of people who had

attended. He was also not allowed to suddenly sit between two people who knew each

other, except for his second license. If they give space to be occupied, then he is made

known to sit between his lies.

10. One must always be civilized against anyone who has been present.

11. When there is a disciple who asks, the other disciples are not allowed to suddenly

answer the question and explain it unless it has been permitted by the teacher. One of

his hesher disciples avoided questions outside of the context of the lesson he was

learning. Especially when asking them in a tone that forces.

12. A disciple when asking to ask should be done slowly and using good language.
A disciple should not be ashamed to say "I have not understood" because his patience

in giving the answer "yes, I have understood", will give it a lot of benefits.

13. Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad asserted that: "The position of the baldness is among the

embarrassment that asks or arrogant will not ask".

14. When, a teacher explains a problem, or tells a saga, while one of the disciples has

known to him even the excised, he must still remain silent and focus on it.

A student must be biased to keep his or her life passionate about learning, both during

the day and at night; Whether he was at home or travelling. There is a certain time

that is to continue to rest i.e., when eating boredom and its fullness in learning.

Imam Shafi'i stated that: "One of the rights for the Seekers of science is to gain a lot

of knowledge based on how much the persistence of effort. She must be patient with

things happening outside her wishes. His intention must remain sincere because Allah

Swt, and always hope the help of Allah SWT for all who have experienced it.

That science will never be in the get without sacrifice. In fact, Al-Khatib al-

Baghdadi stated that Sebaik-baik time to study and memorize was a third of the night,

then shortly thereafter, only later in the morning.

Then he continued, "Sebaik-baik a place to learn and memorize is in a quiet

room. Then afterwards, wherever the origin is away from the noise and not in the

entertainment place. "

15. A disciple must accept and be patient with the firmness and actions of the teacher..

The Salaf scholars, "Whosoever is impatient with the bitterness of learning,

then Siap-siaplah to be a foolish man throughout his life. So, whoever has a bias with

the bitter process of finding knowledge, he will be able to enjoy life in the world and

in the hereafter. "

16. In this regard, Ibn ' Abbaas Ra asserted: "When you struggle as a seeker, you will be

in the future and search."

17. In addition to patience, students should also have high dreams and ideals. Thus, any

obstacles will be ready to face.

18. When a disciple comes to class, while the teacher has not yet arrived, then he must

use it.

19. A disciple must really maximize his free time to learn while he still has time, while he

is young, while his body is still strong and healthy, and while his intelligence still

works well.

20. A disciple must diligently repeat the material he learns so that he can megerti the

extent to which the correctness

21. A disciple should start his study process and read the sentence of praise to Allah Swt.

Then Bershalawat to Rasulullah saw. Then pray for the scholars, his teachers, both

parents, even for all Muslims. Just then, pray to ask for the blessing of the material he

will learn.

A disciple must always reread his notes. The priest of Shafi'i asserted:

"Whoever learns the science of jurisprudence only from a pile of books without the

guidance of a teacher, he will get lost and lose his laws."

22. In addition to a student must always reread his notes, understand them, then

memorize them, he should also accompany only those present in his teacher's science


Imam al-Khatib al-Baghadadi said:

23. "The most time to remember the lesson is on the day. Know that the Salaf scholars

have done it. They learned from their prayers until they entered the morning.
24. In the learning process, a student must ask the teacher for guidance in order to get a

referral about which should first be memorized, in the BCA repeatedly, and which

one is main and the most important thing to learn.

25. A disciple when he gained a new knowledge or understanding, should hastily write it

down, then redistribute it by continuing to muthala'ah anything he has written earlier.

26. A disciple who has already understood the subject should not be selfish. That is, he

must give direction to his friends in order to understand well too. He should convey

anything he has understood. It serves as an advice to his friends, as well as an effort to

remember the material he has mastered.

With a variety of knowledge, in the Ilmunya aan and will get the reward of

Allah Swt. As such, whomever or unwilling to share with others, he will not be able

to enjoy the fruit of his knowledge (no benefit)


After I read this book I became understood how to be a good student with ethical and

true ethics and I became aware of the things that I did not understand in science and

how to behave to the teachers and sciences that I Learn.


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