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Sampler and stitches

On the sampler you’ll learn and practice stitches. Use 6 inch hoop, thread of
any colours of your choice
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The easiest stitch with lot’s of possibilities. Bring the needle up through the
fabric at the desired starting point and insert the needle into the fabric at
the opposite end of the stitch where indicated on the pattern.
Group stitches to create interesting shapes.

Make straight stitch to the left. Then come up a space ahead and bring your
needle back down into the same hole at the end of the last stitch you
made. When the stitches are the same length - the line looks more
accurate. If you need to make wavy line - make short stitches. Back stitch is
mostly used for outline.
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Make straight stitch, start the next stitch close to the lower third of the
previous stitch. And continue. Stem stitch often used to embroider stems, it
creates nice texture.

Make straight stitch. Then bring your needle down through the lower part of
stitch you just made. Split stitch helps to make nice line or embroider color
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Used for thread painting, to embroider color change. First, work a row of
alternating long and short straight stitches. Next work a second row of long
even length stitches into the short stitches of the first row. Continue stitching
rows until the shape is nearly filled according to the design. At the end,
embroider the last row with short stitches to fill in the area.

To make color change more smooth - use not only two lengths. Make
stitches with different length.

Even better way to make

long and short stitch: make it
with split.
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Come up in the fabric, keep the thread taut and wrap it once around the
needle. Push the needle down, close by, but not in the same hole. To make
knot bigger - wrap twice or three times or even more. I recommend to
practice with one wrap.
Great stitch to create flowers or nice textures with volume.
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Fuji and sakura

At first you make transfer, then color and outline

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