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Reyes Department Store

Based on the review of the store, Nicole, the general manager concluded
that one of the first things she has to attend involves developing the job
description of her store supervisors. During her first few weeks on the job,
Nicole found herself asking one of her supervisors, Jet, why he was violating
what she knew to be part of the company policies and procedures. Jet's only
response was that he was not aware of that policy and was not aware it was
part of his job.

Nicole knew that a job description, along with a set of standards and
procedures that specify what was to be done and how to do it, will go a long
way toward alleviating the problem.

Discuss the process that Nicole should follow to solve this problem.


Nicole could probably do these steps to solve her problem:

1. Conduct a job analysis: This involves gathering information

about the duties, responsibilities, and requirements of the
store supervisor position. Nicole should interview current
supervisors, observe their work, and review relevant
documents to get a comprehensive understanding of the job.
2. Develop a job description: Based on the information gathered
from the job analysis, Nicole should develop a clear and
concise job description that outlines the duties,
responsibilities, and requirements of the store supervisor
position. This document should also include the skills and
qualifications necessary for the role.

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3. Develop standard operating procedures: Once the job
description is developed, Nicole should create a set of
standard operating procedures that outline how the job is to
be performed. These procedures should cover tasks such as
opening and closing the store, handling cash and inventory,
and interacting with customers.
4. Communicate the job description and procedures: It is
essential to ensure that all store supervisors understand the
job description and procedures. Nicole should communicate
this information clearly to each supervisor and provide them
with a copy of the job description and procedures to reference
as needed.
5. Provide training: Nicole should provide training to supervisors
to ensure that they understand the job requirements and how
to perform their duties in accordance with the standard
operating procedures. This training should cover all aspects of
the job, including customer service, inventory management,
and cash handling.
6. Monitor performance: To ensure that supervisors are following
the procedures outlined in the job description and standard
operating procedures, Nicole should monitor their performance
regularly. This can be done through observations, customer
feedback, and review of sales data.


Recruiting a New Production Manager

Javier's Enterprises manufacture a variety of food products. Analisa

Rafol had been the production manager for the past two years after being
promoted to the position. Unfortunately, she is failing in her job. She has

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been with the company since it started 18 years ago and because of her
exceptional performance record, she had been promoted many times.

Javier's Enterprises started as a family business and has followed a

policy of promotion from within to motivate employees and give them new
opportunities to learn and grow.

The company is continuing to expand into foreign markets, and it is

essential that the production department adopts the latest technology and
production processes. Top management is convinced that the job demands
someone who has been educated in manufacturing technology and who has
at least two years of experience. They are divided, however, on how to
handle this problem.

One executive thinks the job should be given to one of the production
supervisors who is bright and capable and could probably acquire the
knowledge and skills needed to be a good production manager and still
preserve the company's tradition of promoting from within.

Another executive thinks the company should advertise the job to solicit a
large number of applicants with excellent qualifications.

1. How valuable is the tradition of promotion from within and how

disruptive will it be to deviate from the tradition? What are the
advantages and risks of promoting from within in this situation?

Promoting from within can be a valuable tradition in

motivating and retaining employees, providing opportunities
for career advancement, and recognizing performance and
loyalty. However, in this situation, it may be necessary to
deviate from the tradition to address the company's expanding
production needs and technological requirements. Promoting
from within offers the advantage of familiarity with the

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company's culture, policies, and procedures, as well as loyalty
and commitment to its goals. However, it may limit the pool of
candidates and overlook the benefits of fresh perspectives and
new ideas from external candidates. Ultimately, the decision to
promote from within or recruit externally depends on the job
requirements and the company's strategic objectives. It is
essential to balance the advantages and risks of both
approaches and choose the best candidate who can contribute
to the company's growth and success.

2. As head of HR, how are you going to handle the problem of the
incumbent production manager, Analisa Rafol, considering she rose
from the ranks because of exceptional performance record?

As an Industrial Engineer in the HR department, my approach

to finding a new production manager at Javier's Enterprises
would involve analyzing the current production process to
determine the necessary skills and qualifications for the
position. This would enable me to identify suitable candidates
for the role. If there are qualified internal candidates, I would
recommend promoting from within to maintain the company's
culture of career development and employee motivation.
However, if there are no internal candidates who meet the
required qualifications, I would advise advertising the position
to attract the best possible candidate. Throughout the
recruitment process, I would work with the management team
to ensure that the new production manager has the necessary
resources to optimize the production process and contribute to
the company's expansion into foreign markets.

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3. If the company decides to recruit from outside, what are the best
external recruiting sources for finding a new production manager?

If Javier's Enterprises decides to recruit a new production

manager externally, there are several effective recruiting
sources to consider. Job boards and career websites provide a
platform for advertising the job vacancy and reaching a broad
range of candidates. Industry associations and professional
networks, as well as social media platforms, can attract highly
qualified candidates with relevant skills and experience.
Recruitment agencies can also be a viable option, as they
specialize in matching candidates with specific job
requirements. Another approach is to leverage employee
referrals, which incentivizes current employees to recommend
qualified candidates for the position. Ultimately, the choice of
recruiting source will depend on the specific job requirements
and the company's hiring objectives. The most important
consideration is to find a suitable candidate who possesses the
necessary skills and experience to optimize the production
process and contribute to the company's growth in foreign


Test Scores versus Letter of Recommendation

Vangie Villela, the personnel officer of Caffmaco Feeds, quickly realized

the dilemma she faced as she received the application file of Angela Joy.
Angela Joy had applied for a position at the sales and marketing department
because several openings in that department still remained. However,
Vangie was unsure whether Angela Joy would be able to learn the job and do
it well.

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Angela Joy's application indicated that she was a recent commerce
graduate who never had a full-time job. Her best recommendation was a
letter from Mr. Max Ditangan, the general manager of the company. Max
described Angela Joy as an excellent worker and "the kind of person our
company ought to employ." Angela Joy had been a babysitter for the
Ditangan family and lived on the same street.

Although Angela Joy's application and letter of recommendation were

very positive, Vangie doubted that she would succeed at the department.
Her test scores were way below the normal cutoff levels.

Angela Joy probably would be a very pleasant and cooperative

employee and hiring her would please Mr. Ditangan. But could she do the

1. Should Vangie disregard the test scores and hire Angela Joy? Explain
your decision.
In this situation, it is important to consider both factors -
the letter of recommendation and the test scores. While Max's
recommendation may speak highly of Angela's character, it
does not necessarily guarantee her ability to perform in the
sales and marketing position. On the other hand, the low-test
scores may indicate that Angela may struggle to learn and
succeed in the position. IT would not be wise for Vangie to
disregard the test scores completely and hire Angela based
solely on the recommendation letter. Instead, Vangie should
conduct further interviews and assessments to better
understand Angela's skills and potential for success in the
position. It may be possible that Angela has other skills or
experiences that are not reflected in her test scores but could
be valuable in the sales and marketing role. By taking a more
comprehensive approach to evaluating Angela's fit for the job,

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Vangie can make a more informed decision that benefits both
the company and the employee.

2. Would it be kind to hire or not to hire Angela Joy?

Kindness alone should not be the sole factor in deciding

whether to hire Angela Joy or not. While it is commendable to
consider her situation as a recent graduate without full-time
job experience and the positive recommendation from a
company's general manager, it is also important to consider
her actual qualifications for the job. Vangie should not
disregard Angela Joy's low-test scores as they indicate that she
may not have the necessary skills and knowledge required for
the job. Ultimately, the decision should be based on a balance
of both kindness and the candidate's qualifications for the

3. What is your recommendation to help Vangie solve this problem?

My recommendation to Vangie is to consider additional
factors beyond just the test scores and letter of
recommendation when making the hiring decision for Angela
Joy. While the test scores suggest that Angela Joy may struggle
in the sales and marketing department, the letter of
recommendation from the general manager of the company
speaks highly of her work ethic and character. Vangie could
explore other ways to assess Angela Joy's potential fit for the
job, such as conducting a skills assessment or a behavioral
interview to evaluate her ability to learn and perform the job
duties. She could also consider offering a trial period or
probationary period to evaluate Angela Joy's performance on
the job before making a final decision. It's important for Vangie

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to balance the potential benefits of hiring Angela Joy, such as
fulfilling a recommendation from a respected company leader
and potentially gaining a dedicated and hardworking
employee, with the potential risks, such as a poor fit for the
job or lower productivity due to inadequate skills. Finally,
Vangie should carefully weigh all the available information and
make a decision that is in the best interest of the company and
its goals.

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