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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to madam Noor Azzura and my fellow classmates.

am nur anis fazliyana binti fazlizul khan from class 5g.

so without further ado, I'd like to start my presentation by explaining the definition of workforce
diversity and the meaning of racism.

So basically workforce diversity define as the combination of employee differences and

similarities, such as individual characteristics, values, beliefs, experiences, and behaviors.

While, racism means the actions and attitudes,that create unequal opportunities for
people based on their races. or simply put racism is more than prejudice manifested in
thought or action.

So, when does racism happend in workforce diversity? When, someone is treated unfairly or
unequally based on specific characteristics especially when it comes to different races and
genders at workplace. It is considered as racism.

Then, where does its usually happens? racial issues often occur in the workplace involving
employees of various races; for example, in our country, they involve a variety of races like
Malay, Chinese, and Indians in the same workplace.

So, who will face this kind of issues? racism problem can arise between co-workers, job
applicants, or employees and their employers.

How its happens? When one race prefers its own workers over workers of other races, this is
referred as racism. In terms of promotion, for example, people in higher positions prefer to
promote employees of the same race as them rather than give an opportunity to another worker
of a different race.

Next, for the statistic, as you can see here. It shows the graph trends of racism, racial
discrimination and xenophobia 2015-2022

Based on the graph, we can see that racism can happen in a variety of organizations, including
those involved in politics, the media, education, and other fields. When the trends of racism,
racial discrimination, and xenophobia are compared over the same seven-year period, the
pattern in 2021 is quite similar to the patterns in 2019 and 2020.

This demonstrates that racism in Malaysian organizations is a serious problem that must be
addressed. Simply put, discrimination is illegal regardless of intent, whether intentional or

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