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Discrimination in its all forms, remains a pervasive issue across

societies globally. Whether based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual
orientation, or any other characteristic. Discrimination undermines the
fundamental principles of equality and human rights. As a society, it is
imperative that we address discrimination comprehensively, recognizing its
damaging effects and working towards fostering inclusive environments where
all individuals are treated with dignity and respect.

One of the biggest obstacle in business ethics issues is discrimination

because discrimination limit ones full potential. Not only that discrimination
creates boundaries to all people who’s been affected by it, in terms of
business, it limits ones capacity to fully express themselves in their workplace.
An example for this is in ones gender, people who view the world differently
like LGBT community has been limited to access jobs. Even though they have
the skills, knowledge, and degree on a certain job, still, they are restricted
because of their gender. Because there are jobs that is not currently open for
those people that is a member of LGBT Community. Not only that it is also
evident that in businesses, racism occurs like people who’s been treated
differently because of their race. These various discrimination exist in the
work place or businesses, limits people to their full potential and because of
that, it also limits the business to its full potential as well.

Discrimination remains a significant challenge that undermines the

principles of equality, justice, and human rights. As such it should be stop and
create a safer place for all individual regardless of their gender, race, age, and
other factors. By doing so, we can create an inclusive workplace that
discrimination doesn’t exist and co-exist with various people showcasing their
own uniqueness to benefit the company or business that they serve.

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