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Twelve Essential Powerpoint Tips

Make sure your PowerPoint presentation is engaging and professional using all these

1. Check your slides in case they’ve changed or been edited

2. Spellcheck everything
3. Keep slides minimal - a maximum of 7 points, each with only about 4 words on
4. Not too many slides - estimate 2 minutes per slide
5. Basic slide design - just black on white is best
6. Have a clicker - then you’ll be in control and mobile
7. Build the slides - have the words gradually appear as you teach, and without any special
8. Use a full stop after the final line - so you know you’ve reached the end of the “build”
9. Include photos - sometimes you can even use ONLY photos!
10.Add diagrams where possible - make things visual and convert lists into diagrams
11.Use a space bar - can replace a clicker
12.Jump to pages - if you want to skip to slide 7 specifically, just type “7 enter”

Note which of these don’t currently do, and need to add to your presentation

Presentation Skills

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