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Instructor: Conrad Perez

Student: Jennifer Tofan

Course: Math 21 Online (52031) - Spring Assignment: 8.1
Date: 04/28/23

A biologist is attempting to classify 47,000 species of insects by assigning 3 initials to each species. Is it possible to classify all the species in
this​way? If​not, how many initials should be​used?

In order for the biologist to classify all the species by assigning 3 initials to each one, there must be at least 47,000 unique sequences using 3

Use the multiplication principle to solve the problem because there are a finite number of choices to make with a finite number of ways to
make each choice.

Suppose n choices must be made with m1 ways to make choice​1, m2 ways to make choice​2, and so​on, with mn ways to make choice n.
Then the multiplication principle states that there are m1 • m2 • ... • mn different ways to make the entire sequence of choices.

Each initial can be any letter in the​alphabet, so there are 26 different choices for each of the 3 initials.

Apply the multiplication principle by first writing an expression for the number of different classifications that are possible with 3 initials.

26 • 26 • 26

Use a calculator to multiply.

26 • 26 • 26 = 17,576

Therefore, it is not possible for the biologist to classify 47,000 species by assigning 3 initials to each because the number of
unique​sequences, 17,576​, is less than the number of​species, 47,000.

Now check if assigning 4 initials gives enough sequences. Use the multiplication principle again.

26 • 26 • 26 • 26 = 456,976

Therefore, the biologist can classify the 47,000 species by using 4 initials to each since the number of unique​sequences, 456,976​, is greater
than the number of​species, 47,000.

Thus, in order to classify 47,000 ​species, the biologist should use at least 4 initials.

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