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Nature and Elements of

Christine Joy D. Blabagno - Galingan
MOTIVATION “Brain Starter”
If you were to divide your daily
communicaiton activities how many percent would
you give to each of the following?

Talking Listening

Writing Reading
MOTIVATION “Brain Starter”
If you were to divide your daily
communicaiton activities how many percent would
you give to each of the following?

Communication Activity Average Percentage Your Percentage

Talking 30
Listening 45
Writing 9
Listening 16
ACTIVITY 1 “Pass the Message”
The teacher divides the class into five (5) groups and
let them arrange themselves in lines from the front
to the back of the classroom. The last persons at
the back will be given a paragraph to whisper to the
persons in front of them. Repeat the procedure
until it reaches the first persons in the lines, who
then will write the paragraph on the board or on a
sheet of paper. The group that finishes first with the
most accurate output wins the game.
ACTIVITY 1 “Pass the Message”
• Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world.It
has the power to create miracles.
1. Did you enjoy the activity? Why? Why not?
2. Was the paragraph accurately transmitted?
Why or why not?
3. What helped you accomplish the task well?
What hindered you from doing it well?
4. If you were to repeat the process, how would
you improve it?
• How did you deliver the message from one
person to the other?
• What was the process you have undergone
to transfer information?
• What did you use to deliver messages?
• is a process of sharing and conveying message
or information from one person to another
within and across channels, contexts, media,
and cultures.
• sending and receiving messages to achieve
understanding. It is the act or process of using
words, signs, or behaviors to express or
exchange information or to express your ideas,
thoughts, feelings to someone else.
• is the exchange of thoughts, feelings,
expresssions and observations among people.
• Derived from the Latin word “COMMUNIS”
which means to impart, to transmit, to convey
and to share.
Elements of Communication
• 1. Speaker – the source of information or message
• 2. Message – the information, ideas, or thoughts
conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions
• 3. Encoding – the process of converting the
message into words, actions, or other forms that
the speaker understands
• 4. Channel – the medium or the means, such as
personal or non-personal, verbal or nonverbal, in
which the encoded message is conveyed
• 5. Decoding – the process of interpreting the
encoded message of the speaker by the receiver
Elements of Communication
• 6. Receiver – the recipient of the message, or
someone who decodes the message
• 7. Feedback – the reactions, responses, or
information provided by the receiver
• 8. Context / Situation – the environment
where communication takes place
• 9. Barrier/ Noise – the factors that affect the
flow of communication
Nature of Communication
• 1. Communication is a Process
• 2. Communication is an Interaction
• 3.Communication can be expressed through
written or spoken words, actions (nonverbal),
or both spoken words and nonverbal actions at
the same time.
Nature of Communication
• 1. Communication is a Process
• In a ½ sheet of paper complete the table by
writing the four basic components of the
communication process.

ACTIVITY 3 “What’s with the
Using the same groupings let the students write a
conversation chunks and identify the sender,
message, receiver, and feedback in these chunks
taken from the following settings. Write itin a ½
sheet of paper.
1. home 2. school 3. business
In a ½ sheet of paper answer the following. Identify the words described below.

___________1. This is transmitted from person to another either through words,

actions, or expressions.
___________2. One who transmits the words, actions, or expressions
___________3. This is how you transmit the words, actions, or expressions
___________4. Through this you transmit the words, actions, or expressions
___________5. Extract the meaning of words, actions, and expressions to
complete understanding.
__________6. One who receives the transmitted words, actions, or expressions
__________7. Another word for answer or reply
__________8. the factors that affect the flow of communication
__________9. the environment where communication takes place
__________10. Communication comes from a latin wotn Communis, which means
Transcribe one-minute conversations between you and
your mother about their idea K to 12 Senor High
School Implementation. Write your transcription in a ½
sheet short bond paper to be submitted tomorrow.

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