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Topic sentence: There are many benefits we can get if we do not

miss breakfast time

The Importance of Breakfast

Breakfast is important for our body as it gives beneficial health effects
breakfast also supplies nutrition for our brain to function for the day.
Since breakfast restores our glucose level, it helps our brain function
better. There are many benefits that we can get if we do not miss
breakfast time. Based on some research, by eating  breakfast then we
have the energy to work and also have a stronger memory. In addition,
we will be more concentrated in performing daily activities. Healthy
breakfast menu suggested include oatmeal, low-fat milk, yogurt, and a
combination of vegetables and fruit. In conclusion, breakfast brings a lot
of benefits to our body. Rather than skipping breakfast, people should
take their time for a while to provide their body with nutrition.

(Ada begitu banyak manfaat yang bisa kita dapatkan jika tidak
melewatkan waktu sarapan. Berdasarkan beberapa penelitian, dengan
sarapan maka kita memiliki energi untuk bekerja dan juga memiliki
ingatan yang lebih kuat. Selain itu, kita akan lebih berkonsentrasi dalam
melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Menu sarapan sehat yang disarankan
antara lain oatmeal, susu rendah lemak, yogurt, serta kombinasi sayur
dan buah. )

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