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May 25, 2023



1. a. The warranties of the assignor in the credit is to determine whether the subject
of the parties to perform the obligations in their contract.

b. The obligation of the vendor to repurchase is redeem which is force by law and
it means that the purchaser when at the public auction is bound to accept any

2. a. Conventional redemption may exercise the right which the seller reserved to
himself, to acquire the property sold which provided he/she return to the vendee.
It may consist of the price of the sale, expenses of the contract, any other
legitimate payments that made thereof and it is necessary and useful which
made on the thing sold, and it fulfills other stipulations which may have been
agreed upon.

b. The action may the buyer can undertake the contract to make the recission
and demand the things sold to buyer to be delivered as soon as possible if both
parties are agreed. But if not the seller where oblige to pay the buyer for the
expected things that she/he not delivered.

3. a. No, Santiago because the contract has already stipulated and at the time the
vendor already lost and cannot recover the ownership of the thing sold because
the contract of sale itself is resolved and set aside.

b. Yes, because it only shows that they agreed in the said contract.

4. a. No, because third person in the contract of sale cannot deemed in prospective
buyer cannot seek relief conveyance of the property. In the instant case, double
sale should not apply and may sue for damages to the seller.
May 25, 2023

b. In the instant case, the rightful owner was Antonio because he registered the
parcel of land, and it was properly transferring the ownership to him by the power

5. a. In the instant case, the obligation Sergio is fulfilling his obligation in the said
contract and if he cannot fulfil it, Dennis may demand him to return the money
that give to Sergio.

b. Yes, because he already paid the said land. The law state that when the buyer
paid the whole amount of the said things the ownership was already transferred
to the buyer. And because of this he/she may demand for recission if the seller
cannot fulfill his obligation stated in their contract.

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