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Institute for Educational Development, East Africa 


4. APIO GRACE 590351.


New development in science and Technology has implications in contents, methods of teaching,
and the quality of assessment. Explain strategies in place to support teachers cope with the
teaching processes that require new approaches.

The 21st century has been marked by tremendous developments in science and technology, and
this has had a profound impact on education. With the world becoming more and more
technology-driven, educational institutions have been forced to adapt to these changes. Content,
teaching methods, and assessment have all been affected by new developments, which require
creative and innovative minds for progress to be made.
One of the ways technologies have impacted education is by increasing access to education and
improving its quality and relevancy. According to (Tinio, 2002)Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) impacts education in terms of knowledge acquisition and absorption by both
teachers and students. This means that technology has made it easier for students to learn and for
teachers to teach.
Moreover, technology has made it possible to restructure and redesign the classroom to promote
the development of higher-order thinking skills. (Kurt, 2010) noted that technology can be used
to create an environment that fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are
essential in today's world.
Another way technology has impacted education is by increasing student collaboration.
Collaboration is an effective tool for learning, and students can learn from each other by working
together on projects or reading each other's work. (Keser et al., 2011)noted that technology can
facilitate collaboration among students. However, despite the benefits of technology in
education, educators face both internal and external obstacles in implementing it. (Ertmer, 1999)
noted that external barriers include acquiring the technical skills needed to operate a computer
while internal barriers are the barriers that impede fundamental change (Brickner, 1995). It's
critical to prepare students and teachers for the Modern Teaching Technology era because
technology is crucial to enhancing and expanding our educational system which investigates
various strategies to support teachers.

Implications of science and technology in education

A). Education contents.
According to (Costley, 2014), technology has become part of the world today and society has in
many ways become independent of its use. This has necessitated the inclusion of computer
studies in the curriculum. For example, in Kenya, computer studies are now a subject of study in
secondary schools, colleges, and in universities. In Tanzania, according to (MoEVT-ICT policy
for basic Education 20007), computer literacy begins from Primary school up to university. In
Uganda, according to the revised Education policy of 2010, computer studies begin from
secondary school. Guidebooks, eBooks, and student textbooks also have technology-based
references such as computer slides, videos, smart boards among others. and this is because
technology has become part of curriculum implementation strategy and pedagogical. 

B). Methods of teaching.

A method of teaching is defined by a collection of principles, techniques, or approaches that
educators utilize to attain desired levels of learning in their pupils (Westwood, 2008). The
principles and methods used in teaching are influenced by both the subject being taught and our
understanding of how students acquire knowledge. Presently, the focus of teaching and learning
is on a student-centered approach, which has been aided by using technology. ICT knowledge
helps develop modern teaching methods which are resource-based, interactive, integrative,
learner-centered, task-based, and collaborative.
Science and technology have transformed education in many ways resulting in new ways of
teaching and learning like interactive learning, E-learning, distance learning, personalized
learning, and virtual labs where students can do experiments. It has also improved the delivery of
content through text, graphics, animation, sound, and video.

C). Quality of the assessment.

According to (Neil et al., 1996), an assessment is a collection of relevant information that may be
relied on in making decisions. It is, therefore, integral to learning and teaching as it measures the
intended learning objectives. According to (Poverty, 2001), any education system depends on
assessment for Selecting, certifying, controlling, motivating, and monitoring. (Long, 2006)
clarifies that a good assessment must meet fitness for purpose, Equity, integrity, confidence,
efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, beneficial to practice and transparency. Given the above value
attached to assessment, it will obviously leave learners with stress and anxiety as they wait for
feedback. Prompt feedback will therefore relieve learners of stress and anxiety, allowing them to
analyze their performance level and take steps to optimize the result. Using advanced technology
is a mandatory requirement for educators to meet the international standards of assessment,
provide prompt feedback, and keep track of individual students’ past performance and
knowledge gaps.

Science and technology have significantly impacted educational assessment, revolutionizing the
way students are evaluated and tested. Technology has enabled improved accuracy and
reliability, enhanced efficiency, personalized learning, access and inclusivity, and assessment
security. In Kenya, the process of evaluating student performance through summative assessment
has been made easier by the introduction of Zeraki Analytics, an analytical application. This app
helps schools analyze student performance, generate useful reports, and distribute data on student
performance to teachers, students, and parents. Additionally, it offers a feature for sending
results in bulk messages to parents who may not have the technical know-how to access the
results online. Formative assessment has been simplified by , , and so many others.

Science and technology have also made it possible to provide more accessible and inclusive
assessment options for students with disabilities. For example, visually impaired individuals can
be assessed using audio-visual aids.


Today's educators understand the value of incorporating technology into their curricula, yet their
efforts are frequently hampered by both internal and external obstacles (Ertmer, 1999). External
barriers include acquiring the technical skills needed to operate a computer while internal
barriers are the barriers that impede fundamental change (Brickner, 1995). It is critical to prepare
students and teachers for the Modern Teaching Technology era because technology is crucial to
enhancing and expanding our educational system. There are several strategies that are in place to
support teachers in coping with teaching processes that require innovative approaches. Some of
these strategies include.
I). Teacher Professional Development
Teacher professional development refers to the ongoing process of acquiring new technical
knowledge, skills, and experiences to enhance teaching abilities and improve student learning
outcomes. Professional development is a crucial strategy in supporting teachers to adopt new
technologies in education. According to a study by (Redempta & Elizabeth, 2012), in East
Africa, teachers require training on how to effectively incorporate technology into their teaching
methods. Consequently, educational institutions and systems should offer professional
development opportunities to equip teachers with the relevant skills and knowledge to integrate
technology into their teaching. This is a crucial aspect of career advancement for teachers and is
necessary for remaining up-to-date and valuable in the field of education.

There are several ways to pursue professional development as a teacher, including attending
workshops, conferences, training sessions, participating in online courses or webinars,
collaborating with other teachers or educators, and seeking mentorship or coaching.

II). Collaborative Learning.

Collaboration among teachers, schools, and education systems can facilitate the adoption of
technology in education. According to a study by (Tondeur et al., 2015), collaboration among
teachers enhances their knowledge and skills in technology integration. Therefore, schools and
education systems should encourage collaboration among teachers through professional learning
communities, online forums, and other networking opportunities. Collaborative learning can be a
highly effective strategy to support teachers in coping with new developments in science and
technology. Rapid changes in these fields mean that teachers must continually learn and adapt
their teaching practices to stay current with the latest trends and discoveries. Collaborative
learning can help teachers to build the knowledge and skills needed to effectively teach new
scientific and technological concepts. Collaborative learning can take many forms.
 Team Teaching/co-teaching: Collaborative learning can also occur through team
teaching, where teachers work together to plan and deliver lessons. This approach allows
teachers to share their knowledge and expertise in the use of technology to teach, which
can result in more effective teaching practices.
 Online Communities of Practice: Collaborative learning can also occur through online
communities of practice, which allow teachers to connect with one another, share
resources, and discuss new developments in science and technology. These communities
can be highly effective for providing ongoing support to teachers and helping them to
stay up to date with the latest trends and discoveries. Professional learning communities
(PLCs) can also provide a platform for teachers to share their experiences and learn from
one another (Ocholla et al., 2016).

III). Access to Resources and Technology.

In order to enable teachers to effectively use technology in their classrooms, it is crucial to have
access to dependable and reasonably priced internet connectivity and power supply. According
to a report by UNESCO (2019), the lack of infrastructure is a significant barrier to the integration
of technology in education in Africa. Hence, governments and educational institutions must
allocate resources to construct infrastructure that can aid in the utilization of technology for
educational purposes. Teachers need access to resources and technology to effectively implement
new technologies and teaching strategies. Subjecting teachers to access books, e-books, journals,
online resources, and technological tools can supplement teachers' effort to incorporate new
technologies and strategies into their teaching and keep them up to date with the latest

IV). Mentoring and Coaching:

Mentoring and coaching is the best approach to supports teachers to cope with the teaching
process that requires new approaches. Teachers can benefit from mentoring and coaching
programs, where experienced educators provide support and guidance in using technology in
their teaching. Instructional coaches or experienced teachers work closely with teachers to
provide support, feedback, and guidance as they implement new teaching strategies.

Mentoring is conceptualized as a developmental activity in which mentors may adopt a range of

supportive roles to empower mentees and support their PLD and wellbeing (HOBSON et al.,
2015). Coaching is an example of a mentoring role that involves assisting an individual in
developing specific skills or capabilities that are relevant to their job.

V). Providing Incentives

Providing incentives such as financial rewards, promotions, and recognition can motivate
teachers to adopt new technologies in their teaching practices. According to a study by (Tedla,
2012), incentives are a powerful tool in promoting the use of technology in education. Therefore,
schools and education systems should provide incentives to teachers who demonstrate effective
use of technology in their teaching practices.

Science and technology play a key role in education by improving teaching methods, and
assessment techniques and simplifies teacher professional development process and in turn
regulating the teaching and learning processes. It has made it simple for school administrators to
efficiently examine examination results and provide fast feedback to all educational stakeholders
in an institution. Several schools use innovative technology to track students' and teachers'
movements in and out of the buildings, which has shown to be extremely beneficial. Yet,
teachers still have obstacles when it comes to using technology. For example, while using Zoom
online, some users do not know how to unmute themselves, resulting in a lot of distractions;
therefore, greater training on the use of technology is essential.  


Brickner, D. L. (1995). The effects of first and second-order barriers to change on the degree and nature
of computer usage of mathematics teachers: A case study. Purdue University.

Costley, K. C. (2014). The Positive Effects of Technology on Teaching and Student Learning. Online

Ertmer, P. A. (1999). Addressing first-and second-order barriers to change: Strategies for technology
integration. Educational technology research and development, 47(4), 47-61.

Keser, H., Uzunboylu, H., & Ozdamli, F. (2011). The trends in technology supported collaborative learning
studies in 21st century. World Journal on Educational Technology, 3(2), 103-119.

Kurt, S. (2010). Technology use in elementary education in Turkey: A case study. New Horizons in
Education, 58(1), 65-76.

Long, C. (2006). An assessment of efforts to promote gender equality at the World Bank. Feminist
Economics and the World Bank: History, Theory and Policy, 3, 40.

Neil, M., Littlewood, B., & Fenton, N. (1996). Applying Bayesian belief networks to system dependability
assessment. Safety-Critical Systems: The Convergence of High Tech and Human Factors:
Proceedings of the Fourth Safety-critical Systems Symposium,

Ocholla, L., Mutsvunguma, G., & Hadebe, Z. (2016). The impact of new information services on teaching,
learning and research at the University of Zululand Library. South African Journal of libraries and
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Poverty, A. (2001). World Development Report 2000/2001. Ravi Kanbur and Nora Lustig, Eds.

Redempta, K., & Elizabeth, M. (2012). An e-learning approach to secondary school education: E-
readiness implications in Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice [Online], 3(16).

Tedla, B. A. (2012). Understanding the importance, impacts and barriers of ICT on teaching and learning
in East African countries. International Journal for e-Learning Security (IJeLS), 2(3/4), 199-207.

Tinio, V. L. (2002). Survey of information & communication technology utilization in Philippine public
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Tondeur, J., Krug, D., Bill, M., Smulders, M., & Zhu, C. (2015). Integrating ICT in Kenyan secondary
schools: an exploratory case study of a professional development programme. Technology,
Pedagogy and Education, 24(5), 565-584.

Westwood, P. S. (2008). What teachers need to know about teaching methods. Aust Council for Ed

UNESCO. (2019). Education in Africa: Sustainable Development Goal 4. Retrieved from

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