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1. Tell Me About Yourself.

I have always been a person who likes to help people, and who enjoys the little
things in life. I am interested in art and culture and I enjoy very much doing
different activities not only in the personal sphere, but also in the professional one.
Since I was a child I wanted to be a teacher and teach others, when I became one
I realized many problems that children face not only learning difficulties, but also
difficulties in their mobility or speech. So I decided to find another approach that
would allow me to address them better. So I decided to look for another approach
that would allow me to address them better. In this way I came to think of
dedicating myself to physical therapy, with the help of which I could not only
address the children in the educational area, but also help them physically. So far
everything is going well but I can't stop thinking that there are still many things that
I would like to learn and continue accumulating for a better approach.
2. Why Do You Want This Job?
Physical therapy is a tool that allows people to prevent, habilitate and rehabilitate
functions, it makes people's lives change radically in a positive way and I want to
be part of a team that generates changes in people.
I have always admired the multidisciplinary work and the way it is applied, having
so many different perspectives and thoughts, always taking a stand and
cooperating trying to find the greatest good for the patients.
This company offers me that opportunity, and I find that the teamwork allows
everyone to learn from each other, so beyond just enriching the process of the
patients it also applies to the professionals in charge.
3. Why Should We Hire You?
One of the points in my favor that you should consider in my hiring is that I have a
previous career that is closely related to physical therapy, I have been exposed to
working with children with special educational needs with and without disabilities
for over 7 years, so I know the difficulties they present and how they can be
effectively addressed. I have experience being a speech therapist, I have
knowledge of Mexican Sign Language so it is easy for me to communicate with
deaf people, and I can write and read Braille. I am also very sociable which allows
me to generate empathy with many people and facilitates the physiotherapeutic
approach with more security in patients.

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