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Brayan: hello my name is Brayan Morales Galvez, and yours?

Gerardo: hello my name is Gerardo, how are you?

Brayan: Good, you?

Gerardo: Fine, thanks for asking.

Brayam: Jorge, can you tell me something?

Gerardo: Sure, what would you like me to tell you about?

Brayan: Tell me about a typical week in the lives of two members of your family.

Gerardo: Okay, my aunt whose name is Maria during her week, what she does frequently every
morning from Monday to Friday, she has to drop her daughter off at school and then every
afternoon she has to pick her up, after picking her up Her daughter's other activity is taking her
dog named Luna for a walk. She usually takes her out every afternoon at the same time, that is,
at four o'clock.

Another family member who is my uncle Juan, every afternoon he has to go visit his mother,
and in the morning he teaches math classes.

Now Brayan tell me about you.

Brayan: How interesting, of course I'll tell you I also have relatives who do very frequent
activities, my aunt Anabel, every morning, likes to prepare her assorted juice and then go to
work and whenever she returns she usually makes lunch.

She always goes out for a run every night and then takes a shower and rests.

Then my uncle Jhair goes out at night to play soccer or do some sport and then go to his
house and start working, he usually works every night.

Gerardo: thank you very much friend for sharing that information with me.

Brayan: In the same way, thank you, what you told me about your family was very interesting.

Gerardo: Well friend I have to go, bye take care

Brayan: Anyway, bye

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