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(202418) Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (1)

Course Description:
This course aims at providing prospective teachers with a theoretical background to
the methodology of English teaching and learning through the study of the major
approaches to FLT. The course presents basic assumptions dealing with the nature of
language and language learning and teaching. It provides practical information for
teaching the linguistic elements of the language, namely, pronunciation, vocabulary,
and grammar. It also discusses the major principles and techniques used in the
classroom such as management, planning, motivation, and attitudes of teachers to
students and to the teaching process in general.

Course objectives:
1. Providing students with a theoretical background of the methodology of teaching and
learning English as a foreign language.
2. Equipping students with basic assumptions about the nature of language, and learning
and teaching.
3. Providing students with the major principles and techniques employed in the FL
Learning Outcomes:
1. Knowledge
1. to recognize the main FL teaching approaches.
2. to define Language and Linguistics correctly.
3. to recognize the main Grammar Theories.
2. Skills
1. to point out the main features of each approach.
2. to demonstrate the main counter-arguments of each grammatical theory.
3. to grasp the main principles and techniques used in the classroom setting.
3. Competence
1. Discussing the importance of each FLT approach.
2. Achieving appropriate knowledge about the basic principles of language and
language teaching and learning.
3. Being able to teach basic English language skills as well as pronunciation,
vocabulary, and grammar.
2. (202428) Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (2)
Course Description:
This course aims at familiarizing students of English with key aspects of
methodology. It exposes them to theories of accuracy and fluency which enables them
to select learning activities and methods of teaching at basic and secondary levels. It
also provides them with practical information for teaching various language skills:
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Besides, the course is concerned with lesson
planning, practical teaching, delivery observation, analysis as well as evaluation and
discussion of micro-teaching.

Course objectives:
1. Familiarizing students with key aspects of methodology.
2. Enabling students to select learning activities and methods of teaching at basic and
secondary levels.
3. How to Practice micro-teaching lessons.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Knowledge
1. to identify the main theories of accuracy and fluency.
2. to achieve appropriate information about teaching various language skills.
3. to write an acceptable lesson plan.
2. Skills
1. to choose the appropriate teaching methodology for a certain grade.
2. to select learning activities and methods suitable for basic and secondary levels.
3. to discuss the main procedures and steps of a lesson.
3. Competence
1. Discussing the key aspects of English language methodology.
2. Being able to select appropriate learning activities and methods of teaching for basic
and secondary students.
3. Discussing and evaluating micro-teaching lessons.

3. (202427) Western Thought and Culture
Course Description:
The aim of this course is to introduce the students to some salient features of
Western thought and culture. The term Western culture refers to a heritage of social
norms, ethical values, traditional customs, religious beliefs, political systems, specific
artifacts, and technologies.
The cornerstones of the course are:
1. deductive reasoning and scientific thinking;
2. democracy and associated values;
3. rule of law;
4. Music, art, and architecture.
An important feature of Western culture is its focus on science and technology. The
course should briefly familiarize students with the West’s advocacy of individual rights,
a free press, a widening suffrage qualification, and the protection of women and
children from exploitation.
At the end of the course, students should be able to provide a rational answer to the
question: “are western ideals and values necessarily the unquestionable good they are
often believed to be?".

Course objectives:
1. Familiarizing FL students with salient features of Western thought and culture.
2. Equipping students with adequate knowledge about the West’s individual rights,
freedom, and free press.
3. Giving students answers to questions about the West’s science and technology, and
their ideals and values.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Knowledge
1. to get an idea about the West’s social norms, ethical values, etc.
2. to define some terms such as Secularism, Atheism, Hedonism, etc.
3. to recognize some of the West’s individual rights, women and children, values, and
2. Skills
1. to discuss some of the main features of the West’s thought and culture.
2. to choose some features that comply with our norms and values.
3. to answer some basic questions about Western culture.

3. Competence
1. Discussing the main components of Western culture.
2. Talking about the West’s science and technology, religious beliefs, and democracy.
3. Being able to compare and contrast the West’s culture and ours.

4. (202328) English Language Learning Theories

Course Description:
This course aims at introducing students to the globalized theories adopted in
learning English as a foreign language, such as Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and
Constructivism as well as informal and post-modern theories. The emphasis during the
course is placed on their applications to enhance the role of the teachers inside
Course objectives:
1. Introducing students to three different globalized Learning Theories-Behaviorism,
Cognitivism, and Constructivism.
2. Familiarizing students with the main features of each theory.
3. Enabling students to make use of these theories inside classrooms.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Knowledge
1. to recognize the main features of each Learning Theory.
2. to point out the main differences between these theories.
3. to define correctly some learning terms such as Theory, Learning, Model, etc.
2. Skills
1. to talk about the main features of each theory.
2. to answer some relevant questions concerning each theory.
3. to choose the best features that could be applied to our classrooms.
3. Competence
1. Comparing and contrasting these three theories.
2. Discussing the main features of the theories.
3. Choosing the appropriate features of the theories to be applied in our classrooms.
5. (202114) Study Skills in English
Course Description:
This course aims at providing students with useful study strategies that would help
them to become efficient at doing research, using the library, computer facilities,
dictionaries, and writing outlines. It also enriches students’ vocabulary, improves their
reading and note-taking skills, and trains them on how to prepare for and pass their
Course objectives:
1. Providing students with relevant and useful study strategies.
2. Enriching students’ vocabulary.
3. Training students on how to prepare for their examinations.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Knowledge
1. to get an idea about using the library, dictionaries, and writing outlines.
2. to improve students’ vocabulary.
3. to acquire note-taking skills, preparing well for their exams, and doing research.
2. Skills
1. to use the library well.
2. to look up English words from English language dictionaries.
3. to prepare well for their exams.
3. Competence
1. Using different study strategies correctly.
2. Being able to use the library, looking up words from a dictionary, and writing
3. Employing appropriate study skills efficiently whenever needed.

6. (202327) English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

Course Description:
This course aims at familiarizing students with the development characteristics and
pedagogical applications of ESP. The nature of ESP as a new trend, the criteria for
selecting ESP vocabulary, the structural points which are mostly used in this particular
kind of language, and the characteristics of ESP are also presented in this course.

Course objectives:
1. Familiarizing students with the characteristics and pedagogical applications of ESP.
2. Equipping students with sufficient knowledge about the nature of ESP as a new
3. Providing students with adequate information about selecting ESP vocabulary, and
the structural points used in this kind of language.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Knowledge
1. to recognize the main characteristics and pedagogical applications of ESP.
2. to select ESP vocabulary, and the structural points used in this particular kind of
3. to give examples on ESP courses that can be designed for different types of learners.
2. Skills
1. to discuss the main characteristics and applications of ESP.
2. to use the appropriate vocabulary and structures used in ESP courses.
3. to explain the nature of ESP as a new trend in teaching English as a FL.
3. Competence
1. Talking about the development characteristics and pedagogical applications of ESP
2. Selecting ESP vocabulary and the structural points that are mostly used in this kind
of language.
3. Discussing the nature of ESP as a new trend TEFL.

7. (202409) Research Skills

Course Description:
This course teaches students and trains them to write research papers on linguistic,
literary, educational, and other types of topics by using the available techniques and
technology for gathering data. It also tackles the main libraries’ classification systems to
get used to references, sources, and books which are necessary for writing research
papers. This aim is supposed to be achieved by applying a series of steps starting with
identifying the 'problem’, and ending with a 'research'.

Course objectives:
1. Providing students with sufficient knowledge about the procedures, techniques, and
technology used for gathering data for research.
2. Equipping students with appropriate knowledge about the main libraries’
classification systems to get used to references, sources, and books that are necessary
for writing research papers.
3. Training students on how to write a well-organized research paper.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Knowledge
1. to recognize the main steps and procedures of wring a research paper.
2. to get an idea about the main libraries’ classification systems.
3. to write a well-organized research paper.
2. Skills
1. to use the appropriate steps and procedures in writing a research paper.
2. to use the main libraries’ classification systems to get used to references, sources, and
3. to organize the research paper as it should be.
3. Competence
1. Using available techniques and technology for gathering data.
2. Discussing the main libraries’ classification systems to get used to references,
sources, and books which are necessary for writing research papers.

3. Writing a well-organized research paper.

8. (202110) Foreign Language

Course Description:
This course aims at qualifying students to make simple conversations, presenting
themselves, and expressing their feelings and interests. The method includes texts with
helpful and sufficient vocabulary and expressions. Graduate students should be able to
construct meaningful sentences, as well as read simple external texts. This course is
supposed to cover as many nouns and adjectives as possible. Introducing all kinds of
regular verbs, numbers, days of the week, years, months, and as many nouns as possible
is one more aim of this course.

Course objectives:
1. Qualifying students to make simple conversations, presenting themselves, and
expressing their feelings and interests.
2. Constructing meaningful sentences, as well as reading simple external texts.
3. Introducing all kinds of regular verbs, numbers, days of the week, years, months, and
as many nouns as possible.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Knowledge
1. to make simple conversations to express their feelings and interests.
2. to construct simple meaningful sentences.
3. to recognize verbs, numbers, days of the week, months, years, and different parts of
2. Skills
1. to practice simple role plays properly.
2. to read simple texts correctly.
3. to recognize the main structural points of the EL.
3. Competence
1. Expressing themselves properly.
2. Using the main structures of the FL correctly.

3. Reading simple texts correctly.

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