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Tree Plantation

The life of every animal on earth including humans is directly or

indirectly related to trees. Trees have made this land habitable,
providing essential food for animals and above all maintaining the
earth’s ecological and climatic balance. And so there is no alternative to
planting trees to preserve the natural balance. It is desirable for any
country to have at least 25 percent forest cover on its mainland. But
compared to that, the amount of forest land in Bangladesh is only 16
percent of the total area. Even in such a situation, we are often killing
trees indiscriminately from all around for no reason. In this we are
moving towards an inevitable end. The environment of Bangladesh has
become a victim of pollution today. As a result, there is excessive rain or
no rain. Every year Bangladesh is devastated by flash floods, landslides
and cyclones. The climate of this country is gradually moving towards
extremes. Maybe in the future Bangladesh will turn into a desert. And in
the absence of trees, it is not possible to stop the greenhouse effect.
Ozone layer depletion and global warming may lead to submergence of
Bangladesh’s coastal areas if sea level rises. Plantation or development
of tree resources is therefore linked to our existence. For effective
implementation of the goals and objectives of forest expansion and
forest conservation, public and private efforts are required. However,
some of the duties to be performed in this regard are – prevention of
free and arbitrary clearing of forests, planting of new saplings and their
necessary maintenance, enforcement of laws to prevent the cutting of
immature trees, establishment of social forestry in new areas,
organization of tree fairs, etc. Only if the tree plantation campaign can
be carried out with the concerted efforts of all these, our land including
Bangladesh will become habitable again

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