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Donna Alexis Insigne



1. Whang-od is a famous tattoo artist from Kalinga.

In my own interpretation, Apo Whang-od is a Tattoo Art Living Legend. She is a well-known artist
in Philippine culture and history, perpetuating the Kalinga batok or hand-tapping culture. Despite
her preference for traditional clothes, her body is adorned with tattoos of various styles and
meanings. It is a sign of strength and courage for them. She also tattooed the skin of tribal women,
which is considered a symbol of beauty and grace. Whang-od embodies the tribe's batok (hand-
tapping) culture. Tattoos with various meanings and styles cover her body.

2. T’nalak is a traditional cloth made by T’boli in Lake Sebu, South Cotobato.

As for my interpretation, T'nalak's color palette is distinctive: white for the pattern, red for relief
features, and black (or deep brown) for the backdrop. The t'nalak is made from abaca fibers
obtained from the stalk of an abaca, often known as a banana plant. These fibers are extremely thin
and must be meticulously removed off the stalk before being sundried. They are woven on a
backstrap loom and can take up to a month to complete while the weaver thinks of the fabric's
3. Paoay Church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

What distinguishes Paoay Church from other well-known churches in the nation, in my opinion, is its
remarkable pyramid-like construction, which is regarded a main example of the earthquake baroque
style of architecture, with strong walls composed of coral stones and bricks. The 24 hefty buttresses
placed on the church's sides and rear provide a robust foundation against natural calamities such as
earthquakes. That is why the Paoay Church has survived for almost three centuries. And, based on
what I observe, its front is reminiscent of Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino influences, with gothic,
baroque, and oriental design elements.
1. What is the difference between interpretation and simply providing information?

The difference between interpretation and simply providing information is that the simply
providing information is based on facts, research that has been proven and tested by experts, or it is
also based on what is truly the truth and there is no mixed opinion or, to put it another way, it is
objective, whereas the interpretation is based on facts but is mixed with how you see something or
what your perspective is on certain things or topics that are being discussed. To put it simply, it's
becoming more subjective.

2. If one of your audience, ask about a sensitive topic, beside from giving all sides of the story as
mentioned in the context, how will you give approach to him or to her?

For me, the following step is to recognize him or her if I know he or she cares or listens to me.
And then I will listen to his thoughts on what I said, where he is allowed to say whatever he wants as
long as it is relevant to the matter at hand. And vice versa once again.

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