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ACCESS BARS® is part of the Access Consciousness tools and processes.

The method originated in the United States in 1990 and has since helped thousands of
people around the world to change important aspects of their lives.
What if now was the time for something completely different, much gentler, kinder, and
easier for us?
BARs is 32 points in the head area, something like a computer bank of all the thoughts,
feelings, emotions, attitudes and beliefs that we create during our lives and which remain
stored in us. During therapy, their energy is energized by a gentle touch of a certain
combination of points. Then the negatively charged information disappears, as if you press
the delete button on the computer. The unnecessary is deleted and space is vacated. Your
current way of looking at life will change. In a short time, you perceive that changes are
taking place, and you also become different. Your whole life can change.
ACCESS BARS® founder Gary Douglas says: "Your choice is what shapes your future. We
often have strange beliefs that things and situations happen to us, that they have been
chosen for us, that it is destiny, etc.
The fact is that every choice we have ever made has created what we live in today.
"If we change our choice, we can change our future as well"

ACCESS BARS® will help you make changes in all areas of your life. The individual points
are related to areas of life, such as relationships, money, work, health, stress, creativity, etc.
First, a gentle touch starts a process in which basic thoughts, feelings and emotions are
released and purified. Gradually, our restrictions and programs, which we subconsciously
create in our lives and which prevent us from living a happy life, are being lifted. Everything
that is already ready to leave our lives is leaving. Everything that no longer serves us.

The overall condition of the body and soul is harmonized according to the client's internal

Effects of ACCESS BARS®

• Elimination of pain in various parts of the body

• Elimination of diseases such as migraines, allergies, asthma, eczema

• Starting self-healing processes in the body, accelerating healing and rehabilitation

after medical procedures or injuries

• Relieve stress and tension

• Assistance in difficult life situations

• Breaking down fatigue and exhaustion, increasing life energy

• Elimination of mental problems such as depression, anxiety, fear, phobias

• Reduction of hyperactivity in children

• Leads to the overall development of personality on a mental and physical level

• Suitable for autistic people and people with Alzheimer's disease

Now is the time to allow ourselves to accept, to remove limits, and to open up to all the
possibilities we can imagine in our lives. We know that with BARs, each of you is able to
shake off problems and stress and start having more fun, laughing more and enjoying life to
the fullest. The best and simplest way to find out is to try ACCESS BARS® therapy in

You can select from 3 types of therapy:


How does it work?

The therapy takes place lying down, in a feeling of total release and relaxation. During
ACCESS BARS® therapy, the therapist gradually touches 32 specific points, so-called
"BARs", on the client's head. These targeted touches of specific points activate the
electromagnetic component of thoughts, feelings and emotions.

The gentle touch starts the process and slows down the brainwaves, giving you access to
the patterns of behavior and belief systems and attitudes we have used since childhood or
from other lives. We begin to be more present in our lives and the past is not projected into
the future in the same way.

Bars can be used to facilitate change in any area of your life, such as relationships, money,
work, health, stress, creativity, etc.

Bars literally change the probabilities of future possibilities. The overall state of body and soul
is harmonized according to the client's internal priorities.
There will be deep relaxation, sometimes sleep. Some people have visions, others have
feelings like buzzing, tingling, warmth, twitching or shaking. Nothing is right or wrong.

The client feels relaxed, satisfied and carefree after the therapy. Sometimes it happens that
he is not able to express his feelings immediately after therapy, he only perceives that he
feels DIFFERENT (in the positive sense of the word).

Positive changes occur in his life, somehow by themselves. Things happen with minimal
effort, exactly according to the Access Bars affirmation:


It is difficult to express in words not only the wonderful feeling after the ACCESS BARS®
treatment, but also the new feelings of peace and well-being that the client begins to
experience in his life after Bars.
Our body is a reflection of our lives. It preserves all the accumulated emotions, traumas and
our overall approach to life.
What would it be like if you could rewrite the body's information down to the cell structure?
We know a total of 50 types of bodily processes that can change cell settings, eliminate
chronic and acute pain, release everything that does not correspond to our essence and to
be in harmony with our body. All these processes have in common that they are energetic.
They work with the energy of bodies.

We do not choose bodily processes based on "what we think is appropriate for the body" (the
logical mind is usually not a good mentor in this case), but we communicate, asking the body
what would be appropriate for it at this time.

Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, says, "The body itself will show you what it

Your body communicates with you. You and your body are actually aware of everything.
Physical processes increase the way your body can show what it is aware of - the
consciousness of every cell and molecule in the world. All that is required for bodily
processes is a willingness to be present, to touch bodies, and to receive feedback from the
body you are working on.

Biomimetic and Biomimetric Mimicry

In our lives we try to imitate and understand others, it is the natural ability of our body to
strive to fit into this world. In order to be able to understand others intellectually and
energetically, we encode similarities in our bodies - biomimetics. Biomimetrics is the ability of
your body to merge with the space of another, when, for example, in a relationship you have
a tendency for I and You to be suddenly one. The BBM process relaxes these bodily WHAT?
and allows you to be yourself again.

TSS - Trifold Sequencing Systems

TSS is a system that appears when you literally get stuck in an event in the past and feel like
it is always alive, like yesterday.
This bodily process is good to combine with running Bars in Access Bars therapy. It helps
clean up long-term deposits as a result of taking medications, hormonal contraceptives,
vaccinations, antidepressants and sleeping pills, etc. It cleans all traumatic experiences that
cause that traumas return to us repeatedly and we relive them. In this bodily process, we use
supporting cleansing affirmations that cleanse the deep-seated triggers of this behavior on a
conscious level.

Cellular Memory

If you have trauma stored in your body, for example after an injury, or we have a sore area
on your body or you have undergone surgery, we can go to that area and start creating
cellular memory and repair that area at the cellular level. This gives the body a chance to
decide and recover. This bodily process can be used not only on humans but also on

De-MM De-Molecular Manifestation and MDe-M Molecular De-Manifestation

De-MM is a process in which molecules turn into something other than what they are now.
MDe-M is used to remove what we do not want in the body - a health problem, an illness.

MTVSS - Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing System

This process involves about a thousand things. We activate the energies of all topics within
the body. If you undergo multiple treatments in 10 weeks, the whole structure of your body
will change and that way you can ensure a total restart in the body.

This process can be performed in several options:

1. MTVSS of the whole body

2. Strengthening of the immune system and supporting the proper function of glands and
organs (hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal gland, thymus, thyroid, adrenal glands, liver, spleen,

Access Consciousness Facelift is a gentle but dynamic body process that helps you look
younger and allows your body to feel better without surgery, injections, creams or pills. It's a
great way to rejuvenate your face and reverse the signs of aging on your face and body. It
deepens and accelerates the body's natural healing abilities and allows the cells of your face
to regain their natural radiance, youth and beauty.


This process is for anyone who is interested in looking and feeling more energetic and
younger. Access Facelift can also contribute to overall healing, well-being and relaxation in
the body.

Each 60-90 minute session of the Access Facelift gives the body a chance to move and
transform many limiting energies and evaluations that are reflected in the face, head, chest
and body – that way effectively erasing cellular memory.

A gentle soothing touch acting on your face and neck, works with your body's cells, renews,
revitalizes and rejuvenates.

Access Energy Facelift is suitable for women and men of all ages and works in accordance
with other procedures. The results are completely risk-free and increase with each
subsequent session.

Access Energetic Facelift demonstrably improves:

• Light & brightening of the face

• Skin elasticity

• Clarity in the eyes

• Glow in the hair

• Improves energy

• Increases relaxation
However, the benefits are not just deep on the skin. As an energetic practice, Access Facelift
also works on the subliminal causes of evaluation and aging, helping you look different, act
different, feel different, and create more lightness and joy for your body and your life.

Your face shows your whole life. The energy facelift contains many processes that will lead
you to this transformation. It can be one of the most important experiences for your own self-
confidence and mental health.

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