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Gender inequality - still a problem?

Women have been fighting for their rights for last few centuries. Of course,
their devotion had results and they have gained the rights to vote, to get
education, to work etc. However, as the Global Gender Gap Report 2022 said
"gender parity isn't recovering, and it will take another 132 years to close the
global gender gap." After understanding about this fact, yes, there is still a huge
gap between males and females. If we consider this problem only in terms of jobs,
we can say that in most occupations, women are still unequal to men in three
areas: salary, power, and status.
First, men are more likely to receive higher salaries and raises than women
in the same positions. For example, in marketing and sales management men's
salary is $500 higher than women. Moreover, there is a huge gender pay gap in
sport too. Female athletes in most sport earn less. Experienced male basketball
player (for NBA) earns approximately $9.000.000 a year. As for the women (for
WNBA) they only earn about $100.000 on average.
In addition to the payment, the next issue is related to women's power.
When it comes to their occupations, they are less likely to get promoted
compared to men. The study about gender promotion gap shows that women are
13% less likely to be promoted. And the reason for it is that managers
underestimate their potential. "I’ve asked many times what I can do to get
promoted, and I don’t get a good answer. I am thinking of leaving. And it will be
my company’s loss since they did not offer me the opportunity to advance. I hit a
ceiling that did not need to be there." says South Asian woman, employed as a
senior manager.
Finally, as for the women's status, ladies are often on dish duty and tend to
do more household chores. People, including men, expect women to do domestic
work. They do not have enough status to control their own lives in terms of
choosing career over marriage. There are countries where women do not have
social status. For instance, in Afghanistan, women do not have right to get
education and even worse, this country is among the highest for gender-based
violence. 35 out of 100 is a victim of violence.
In conclusion, there is still a problem connected to the gender inequality
which manifests not only in payment but also in power and status at work.
However, in 132 years, women's potential will be valued, and they will become
more powerful and even more valued than men.

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