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Santos-Burgos 1

Cristobal Santos-Burgos

Professor Janus


13 June 2023

Interpersonal Writing

As I enrolled myself into this class for the third time, anxiety convulsed throughout my entire

body. Looking at the third time charge go just over a thousand made me uneasy. Going through

different professors who gave minimal feedback and small understanding of how I could

improve my writing made me feel as if I was heartbroken in the rain with no sunshine in sight.

Feeling suffocated by the idea that I’m retaking English for the third time, the support and

feedback from Professor Janus has not only paved the way to success, it has helped me develop

into a better writer.

Starting this term one of the biggest issues I’ve had was my creative mental block. Not being

used to coming up with my entirely own original ideas from off the top of my head left me in the

road like a deer in headlights. One of the biggest things that helped me develop a more thought-

out and creative mindset was interacting in discussion posts. Not only would I have to come up

with my own thoughts and opinions on a subject and figure out how to piece fully articulate my

words. I would have to respond to other students as well on whether I agree but with differences,

disagree but with reasons, or simultaneously agree/disagree. Originally, when going about

discussion posts I would have figured out how to agree or disagree with a student without using

the words, “I agree or I disagree.” With not much input or real analysis my prompts and posts

seemed dry, with not much to add to the conversation.

Santos-Burgos 2

Since I enrolled in this class Professor Janus has taught me how to really add to the

conversation through his weekly videos that gave a detailed insight into what should truly be

done. With not much to add to conversation, for me, quoting from sources would just look like a

pop in the essay or writing. Not having a good transition or lead in would make it seem as if it

awkwardly fit in. Looking back to the beginning of this term this example is pointed out in my

Essay #1 Rough Draft where I talked about how I personally go about staying resilient through

stress within education, “... comparing myself to others. Which Burwell mentioned in her article,

“Because people tend to heavily curate what they present...” (Santos-Burgos 2). As you can see it

definitely fits into the conversation but doesn’t add much context as to who I am talking about or

what her essay might entail. Without much context and little-to-none analysis/input it would just

stand there awkwardly like that one socially anxious cousin at the family cookout.

Due to the fact that Professor Janus puts in his own feedback and support, it helped me

get a clearer understanding of what should be said. Taking consideration into what Professor

Janus had to say about my lead-ins and using it as constructive criticism, I was able to take

advantage of it and improve on it. Going back to the most recent assignment, the Educational

Solution Reseach Paper, he gave me kuddos for my strong lead-in, “As the field strives to

address the complexities of these issues Tesiah Coleman goes into what, Camara Jones, Stanford

University Alumni who graduated as an American physician who addresses the impacts of

racism on health. Jones stands out as she contest her insightful perspective into how institutions

can go about such, “She distinguishes social determinants of health...” (Santos-Burgos 1). Going

into quoting my source, I gave a small introduction as to who Camara Jones is and what

significance she has to do with my paper. Not only am I telling who she is, I acknowledged her

credibility in regards to my topic. Who is Camara Jones? Why should I trust what she has to say?
Santos-Burgos 3

What does she have to add to the conversation? I address all of these underlying questions to

give my research paper credibility, acknowledgement of what others said, and a clearer

understanding of what I have to say.

Looking back to the beginning of this term, I was stressed due to the clear obstacle that

this class was for me. It wasn’t till after the first writing assignment where I saw Professor Janus’

feedback for my prompt that I became excited and hopeful for this class. Being able to have

someone critique my writing skills and even give me insight onto how I could improve from it or

expand on it has made me a better writer as it is. Not only will I be grateful and have high praise

for Professor Janus, I will even go as far as to recommend him to upcoming students who have to

take this course.

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