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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Binalonan, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2022-2023

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write on the space provided before each

____1. Baroque period is derived from a Portuguese word _______ that means “pearl of irregular shape”.
A. Bariolla B. Barogga C. Barroca D. Barroco
____2. It is a multi-movement work for solo instrument of the Classical period.
A. Concerto B. Concerto Grosso C. Sonata D. Symphony
____3. Name the composer who bridged the Classical Period to Romantic Period.
A. Franz Joseph Haydn B. Ludwig Beethoven C. Nicollo Paganini D. Wolfgang Mozart
____4. What do you call the method of painting that uses water-based pigment on freshly applied plaster
usually on a wall surface?
A. Encaustic B. Fresco C. Kerch Style D. Mosaic
____5. He is known for his work using a bass-relief technique.
A. Donatello B. Leonardo Da Vinci C. Michaelangelo D. Raphael
____6. He is known for his paintings that are usually nudes, portraits, and mythological themes.
A. Antonio Canova B. Bertel Thorvaldsen C. Jacques David D. Jean-Auguste- Ingres
____7. The ability of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and blood to work efficiently and to supply the body with
oxygen is called______.
A. Body Composition B. Cardiovascular Endurance C. Flexibility D. Muscular Strength
____8. It is a weight-to height ratio, calculated by dividing one’s weight in kilograms by the square of one’s
height in meters and used as an indicator of obesity and underweight.
A. Body Composition B. Body Mass Index C. Cardiovascular endurance D. Height and weight
____9. Activities done during free time are called recreational activities. What is the primary reason why one
engages in recreational activity?
A. Enjoyment B. Fitness C. Fun D. Fundamentals
____10. The art and science of maintaining, protecting, and improving the health of all the members of the
A. Community B. Community Health C. Environmental D. Health
____11. It is a classification of drugs which relieve pain and induce sleepiness.
A. Depressant B. Inhalants C. Narcotics D. Stimulant
____12. A self-inflicted injury in which a person does not intend to die.
A. Intentional injury B. Parasuicide C. Suicide D. Unintentional injury
____13. Baroque period is known for its grandiose and elaborate ornamentation. Which of the following
Baroque Music forms was developed through imitative counterpoint?
A. Concerto B. Concerto Grosso C. Fugue D. Oratorio
____14. Which of the following composition is an extended musical setting of sacred music?
A. Chorale B. Fugue C. Mass D. Oratorio
____15. A concerto is considered as a multi-movement work designed for an instrumental soloist and
orchestra. Which of the following is the right order of its movement?
A. Slow, Fast, Fast B. Fast, Slow, Fast C. Slow, Moderate, Fast D. Fast, Slow, Moderate
____16. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT about Baroque Period?
A. Baroque painting depicted real-life figures.
B. Baroque sculpture is typically larger than life size.
C. Baroque architecture was designed to create spectacle and illusion.
D. Baroque was a period of artistic styles in exaggerated motion, drama, tension, and grandeur.
____17. Which statement perfectly describes Neoclassic period or Neoclassicism?
A. Neoclassical period has dramatic composition.
B. It expresses emotional extremes and heightened sensation.
C. Neoclassicism is a western movement in decorative and visual arts.
D. Landscape painting became popular during the Neoclassical period.
____18. An innovation of the stage of classical plays and opera that surrounded the stage opening; arches
frame and divide the stage from the audience.
A. Backdrops B. Commedia dell’arte C. Comedy of the Profession D. Proscenium
____19. What does R.I.C.E method stands for?
A. Rest, Inject, Cold, Elevate
B. Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
C. Rest, Ice, Compress, Evaluate
D. Rest, Inject, Compress, Elevate
_____20. This movement is simply described by having both feet lose contact with the ground.
A. Jump B. Step C. Run D. Walk
_____21. After a hike, everyone should bring his/her own waste home. This is a manifestation of the _______.
A. Clean Mother Earth Policy
B. Garbage Management Policy
C. Environmental Awareness Policy
D. Leave No Trace Policy
_____22. When do we use primary survey on the victim?
A. After the victim has regained his consciousness.
B. During the survey of the scene.
A. When the victim is conscious.
C. When the victim is unconscious.
_____23. Which best describes a good first aider applying appropriate bandaging technique?
A. A good first aider is calm and resourceful.
B. A good first aider equips himself with proper knowledge and skills in order to give proper first aid during
emergency situations.
C. A good first aider thinks first before acting in an emergency situation.
D. All of the above.
_____24. Intentional injury is divided into two. What are the two types of intentional injury?
A. Assault and Murder
B. Domestic Violence and Rape
C. Self-inflicted and Assault
D. Suicide and Parasuicide

_____25. Teacher Lisa asks her students to make an improvised harp. Which of the following material can be
used by her students?
A. Coconut husk B. Coconut shell c. Rain stick d. Rubber/Yarn
_____26. Jennie was given a lead role in their opera play for their final performance task in MAPEH. Why do
you think Jennie was chosen to be the protagonist?
A. She is a soprano.
B. She can sing and interpret music.
C. She knows how to maximize the stage.
D. All the above.
_____27. In dancing, when a boy asks a girl, “May I have this dance?”, it implies ___________.
A. A boy forcing a girl to dance.
B. A boy with no one to dance with pleading.
C. A boy who treats a girl with respect even in dancing.
D. A boy who wishes to dance with somebody with respect.
_____28. Which of the following statements is a myth regarding drug addiction?
A. As time passes, you may need larger doses of drug to get high.
B. The risk of addiction and how fast you become addicted varies by drug.
C. As your drug use increase, you may find that its increasingly difficult to go out without drug.
D. None of the above
_____29. Identify the instrumental music of Classical period by analyzing the movements below.
1st movement: Fast-sonata allegro form
2nd movement: Slow- gentle, lyrical
3rd movement: Moderately Fast (Minuet)
4th movement: Fast- Rondo form
A. Concerto B. Concerto Grosso C. Sonata D. Symphony
____30. Your MAPEH teacher announces that you will be having a mini theater play as your final practicum.
You are assigned to form a production team. What will you consider in choosing your production team?
A. Musically inclined.
B. Creative and imaginative.
C. Good in making choreography.
D. All of the above.
____31. The following are the characteristics of Ancient Egypt Painting EXCEPT one.
A. It depicts real-life figures.
B. The purpose of Egyptian paintings is to make the dead afterlife place pleasant.
C. It highlights the importance of life after death and the preservation of the knowledge of the past.
D. Most paintings were highly stylized, symbolic, and illustrated profile view of an animal or a person.
____32. Analyze the following statements below about Juan Luna’s Spoliarium. Which of the following
describes Spoliarium?
I. It portrays Christian female slaves being mocked by a group of boorish Roman male onlookers.
II. Allegory of Imperial Rome corresponding to Imperial Spain
III. The image of Romans dragging the dead gladiators symbolizes the colonial oppression of indigenous
A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II, III
_____33. Which statement is NOT TRUE about qualities of an officiating officials?
A. Officiating official has an ability to work well with others.
B. Officiating official is focused and pay attention to detail.
C. Officiating official shows aggressiveness in making decisions.
D. Officiating official has an ability to remain calm in stressful situations.

____34. Why is it important to Filipinos to annually celebrate their festivals?

A. Because Filipinos wants to showcase their products in their city.
B. Because Filipinos wants a memorable gathering at least once a year.
C. Because Filipinos wants other country to feel that we are rich in natural resources.
D. Because Filipinos wants to preserve their culture so that the younger generations can cherish and
recognize their cultural identity.
____35. How can we make our environment healthy?
A. By killing all animals in the forest
B. By causing more and more pollution
C. By relying on the government to do all the jobs
D. By creating public awareness among people about the importance of the environment
____36. Self-defense is one of the best ways to prevent intentional injuries. Which of the following best
describes it?
A. Emotional preparedness and having self-confidence.
B. Mental preparedness, in order to be alert for the possibilities of danger.
C. Physical strategies, such as learning self-defense skills
D. All of the above
____37. The following should be present in the criteria for judging for the opera play EXCEPT one.
A. Content and story line.
B. Materials used in making an improvised musical instrument.
C. Relevance of the music choices and effects to the opera play.
D. The quality of the sounds and voices of the opera actors and actresses.
____38. Theatrical performance forces you to develop life management skills. What trait compels you to choose
between fulfilling obligations and doing what you would rather do?
A. Self-confidence B. Self-discipline C. Self-esteem D. Oral communication skills
_____39. 10. Daryl weighs 28 kilograms and his height is 1.4 meters, what would be his computed body mass
A. 14.02 kg/m2 B. 14.29 kg/m2 C. 15.20 kg/m2 D. 15.33 kg/m 2
_____40. Which is the correct sequence in giving first aid to severe bleeding?
I. Apply direct pressure over the wound with fingers over a sterile dressing
II. Use gloves if available. Remove or cut cloth to expose the wound
III. Raise and support the injured part above the casualty’s heart
IV. Secure dressing with bandage

“It is better to get an honest ZERO, than cheated 100”

“The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy”- Proverbs 12:12

God bless, Grade 9! 😊

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