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Integrands: Jimmy Cabezas, Ismael Torres.

Date: Tuesday, June 13th of 2023

Subject: British Literature Teacher: Mg. TEFL. Joyce Tenelema.

Questions for William Shakespeare interview:

1. What inspired you to become a playwright?

I think it was my love for words and the power they hold to move hearts and minds of
men. From a young age, I was fascinated by stories and the way they could be used to teach,
to entertain, and to inspire. By putting pen to paper and bringing my own stories to life on the
stage, I hoped to make my mark upon the world and to leave a legacy that would be
remembered for generations to come.

2. How do you come up with your characters and their stories?

My characters and their stories are born of the world around me, of the people I see, and
the words they speak. I draw from a deep well of experience and imagination, crafting rich
and vibrant characters that are as flawed and complex as any of us. Through them, I am
able to explore the depths of the human soul and bring light to the darkness and joy to
the sorrow of this mortal coil.

3. What do you think makes your plays resonate with audiences centuries after they were

I think this is a mystery to me, honestly. Maybe it is the universality of the themes I deal with,
or maybe it is the way they speak about the human condition across time and space.

Maybe it is the pure beauty of the language, the way our words dance across the page and
give voice to the passions that burn inside all of us.

Whatever the reason, I am humbled and grateful that my works continue to touch the hearts
and minds of men even this day.

4. How did you balance your commercial success with your artistic aspirations?

As in all things in life, balance is the key. I did not set out to be commercially successful but
to honor my muse and create works of art that would stand the test of time.

But I knew full well that without the sponsorship of the powerful and the support of the
masses, my vision could never become a reality.

So, I did what I had to do, trying to create works that were true to my artistic ideals and at
the same time pleasing to popular taste.
5. Which of your plays do you consider your greatest work, and why?

Ah, a question on my greatest work! It is difficult to choose just one of my plays, as each one
holds a special place in my heart.

However, if I had to choose, I would say Hamlet is my greatest work. The tragedy of Prince
Hamlet is a timeless tale of revenge, betrayal, and the human condition. The play is a
masterful exploration of the human psyche, delving into themes of grief, madness, and the
struggle for meaning in life. It represents the pinnacle of my art, showcasing my ability to
craft complex characters, weave intricate plots, and deliver powerful messages through

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