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Name: Jimmy Cabezas O.

Date: 20/08/2022

Read about TEAL_UDL, then choose the most significant part for you.
Finally, write about it. Max. 120 words.
The strategy that each teacher uses is a special key that will give him or her the opportunity to
connect or not connect with each of their students. when we use games, moving activities,
riddles, music, role plays, cooperative learning, hands-on activities, field trips, guest speakers,
Web-based communications, etc. we are giving our students the opportunity to learn in a
broader context, in which they feel more comfortable with their educational process and
consequently we have a healthy environment of understanding and comprehension in our

It's very important that the material we use would be attractive, colorful, fun, easy to use and
understandable, but over all that attracts the attention of each of our students regardless of the
platform we use.

One last thing that I cannot fail to mention is the reaffirmation of support that we must provide
to our students; This will be one of the most important things in their learning processes this will
motivate each of our students to continue growing in their studies.

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