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Tenses adalah perubahan bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu
terjadinya suatu peristiwa
2. Simple present tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi
masa sekarang
3. Susunan kalimat: subject + predicate (+ complement)
4. Kalimat bisa berbentuk *kalimat verbal (prediketnya kata kerja)*, bisa berbentuk *kalimat
nominal (prediketnya to be atau auxiliary verb/kata kerja bantu)*

Two types of Auxiliary Verbs

1. Primary Auxiliary Verbs

Be verb : am, are, is, was, were, been, being
Have verb : have, has, had, having
Do verb : do, does, did
2. Modal Auxiliary Verbs
Can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must, dare, need, used to, ought to

1. I am working 22. When shall we meet again?

2. You are writing 23. Shall I take the pen?
3. He is sleeping 24. We should obey our parents
4. I was feeling tired 25. My parents will come to visit us
5. They were studying 26. Peter would read ten hours a day
27. May I come in?
6. I have a meeting at 2 p.m 28. May god bless you
7. You have to submit the report 29. The concert might be cancelled
8. They have been studying for hours 30. We must obey the laws
9. My sister has a lot of experience in marketing 31. Who dares to enter the office?
10. They had never been to Europe before their trip last summer
11. We had planned to go to the beach, but it was too crowded

12. Do not waste the time 32. How dare he argue with you?
13. He does not like spicy food 33. Alisa need not worry
14. Did he come to school yesterday? 34. Rendi is used to living alone
15. The team has done an excellent job this season 35. We ought to obey our parents

16. Birds can fly
17. Yes, you can
18. Can you swim?
19. You could do the work
20. I tried as best I could
21. Could you lend me your pen?

Kalimat Nominal Simple Present Tense

1. kalimat POSITIF

I am teacher (dia guru)

You are smart (kamu pintar) She is smart (dia pintar)
They are at home (mereka di rumah) He is at home (dia di rumah)
We are student (kami murid) It is pen (itu pena)
Hasan and Husein are pilot (Hasan dan Husein pilot) Hasan is pilot (Hasan pilot)

2. kalimat NEGATIF/TIDAK

I am not teacher (dia bukan guru)

You are not smart (kamu tidak pintar)
They are not at home (mereka tidak di rumah)
We are not student (kami bukan murid)
Hasan and Husein are not pilot (Hasan dan Husein bukan pilot)

She is not smart (dia tidak pintar)

He is not at home (dia tidak di rumah)
It is not pen (itu bukan pena)
Hasan is not pilot (Hasan bukan pilot)

3. kalimat TANYA

Are you at home? (apakah kamu di rumah?)

Are they at home? (apakah mereka di rumah?)
Are Hasan and Husein at home? (apakah Hasan dan Husein di rumah?)

Is she at home? (apakah dia di rumah?)

Is he at home? (apakah dia di rumah?)
Is it pen? (apakah itu pena?)
Is Hasan pilot? (apakah Hasan pilot?)

Kalimat Verbal Simple Present Tense

I buy a pen

He buys a pen

He goes to school

I don’t buy a pen

He doesn’t buy a pen

Penanda waktu : Always, seldom, sometimes, every,

I wake up at six o’clock every day

Menyatakan fakta/kebenaran yang diakui semua orang

Fire is hot

Water boils at 100 degrees celcius

Untuk kalimat perintah/larangan (imperative)

Be careful!

Open the window!

Membicarakan rencana atau jadwal di masa depan namun memiliki jangka waktu dekat dengan sekarang

The party starts soon

The second train arrives this night at seven o’clock

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