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Rubric for the Assessment of the Argumentative Essay

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 Well-developed introductory  Introductory paragraph contains  Introduction does not adequately  Problem is vague or unclear.
paragraph contains detailed some background information explain the background of the Background details are a seemingly
background, a clear explanation and states the problem but does problem. The problem is stated but random collection of information,
or definition of the problem, not explain using details. lacks detail. unclear, or not related to the topic.
 States the thesis of the essay
and opposing viewpoint.  States the thesis of the essay but  Thesis statement is unclear.  Thesis statement is missing or
doesn’t acknowledge opposing irrelevant.
 Plan of development is made up viewpoint.
of two proclaims.  Plan of development made up of  Plan of development lacks a point or
two points but unclear. is irrelevant.  Missing a plan of development
 Two main points are well  Two main points are present but  Two main points, with poor  Less than two main points, with
developed with supporting may lack detail and development development of ideas. poor development of ideas.
details. in one or two.  Refutation is missing or vague.
Main Points  Refutation paragraph  Refutation paragraph  Refutation is poor or
acknowledges opposing acknowledges opposing viewpoint irrelevant.
viewpoint and proves reason(s) and proves reason(s) weak or
weak or wrong, with well- wrong but lack supporting details.
supporting details.

 Logical, compelling progression of  Overall, the paper is logically  Progression of ideas in essay is  Arrangement of essay is unclear and
ideas in essay; clear structure developed. Progression of awkward, yet moves the reader through illogical. The writing lacks a clear sense
which enhances and showcases ideas in essay makes sense the text without too much confusion. of direction.
the central idea or theme and and moves the reader easily The writer sometimes lunges ahead too  Ideas, details or events seem strung
Organization moves the reader through the through the text. quickly or spends too much time on together in a loose or random
text.  Strong transitions exist details that do not matter. fashion; there is no identifiable
 Organization flows so smoothly throughout and add to the  Transitions appear sporadically, but internal structure and readers have
& Mechanics the reader hardly thinks about it. essay’s coherence not equally throughout the essay. trouble
 Work contains structural following the writer’s line of
 Effective, mature, graceful  Sentence structure is
weaknesses and grammatical thought.
transitions exist throughout the generally correct. Some
errors.  Few, forced transitions in the essay
essay. awkward sentences do
 There are three or four errors in
 Sentence structure is correct. appear. or no transitions are present.
 punctuation and/or
Punctuation and capitalization  There are one or two errors in  Work contains multiple incorrect
are correct. punctuation and/or capitalization. sentence structures.
capitalization.  There are four or more errors in
punctuation and/or capitalization.
 Conclusion summarizes the main  Conclusion summarizes main topics.  Conclusion summarizes main topics but  Conclusion does not adequately
topics without repeating previous Some suggestions for change are is repetitive. No suggestions for change summarize the main points. No
Conclusion sentences; writer's opinions and evident. and/or opinions are included. suggestions for change or opinions are
suggestions for change are logical included.
and well thought out.

 Source material is smoothly  Source material is used.  Source material is used, but integration  Lacks sources and/or sources are not
integrated into the text. All sources  All sources are accurately may be awkward. accurately documented.
are accurately documented in the documented, but a few are not in the  All sources are accurately documented,  Format is incorrect for all sources.
Citation & desired format both in the text and desired format. Some sources lack but many are not in the desired format
on the Works Cited page. credibility. or lack credibility.
 Essay observes and fulfills all MLA  Essay fulfills almost all MLA format  Essay fulfills just a few MLA format  Lacks proper MLA formatting
MLA Format format requirements requirements, but overlooks requirements and ignores the rest
negligible details such as half inch
rather than one inch on all sides or
title a full sentence rather than a

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